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is friends at West point. Albert Sidney Johnston was born on the 2d of February, 1803, in the village of Washington, Mason County, Kentucky. He was the youngest son of Dr. John Johnston, a physician, and one of the early settlers of that town. Dtechism. Edward Harris had been a Revolutionary soldier, and was appointed military storekeeper and postmaster at Washington, Kentucky, by President Washington. A letter to the Postmaster-General is still extant in which he resigns the latter officoy in the world, yet he was one whom the bullies left undisturbed. Colonel C. A. Marshall told me of one fellow about Washington who was proud of playing the bully, but who, to the amusement of the town, always skipped Albert Johnston and Black Dan-ideal of a manly, handsome boy. He went to school for several years to James Grant, about one mile and a half west of Washington. Hie was active and energetic in the athletic games of the period, and fond of hunting on Saturdays, and always stood
s. Johnston's death. Mrs. Hancock's account of Albert Sidney Johnston's character. he retires to farm, near St. Louis. various plans of life. brief visit to Washington. Determines to embark in the Texan Revolution. As soon as it was manifest that Black Hawk and the British band were utterly crushed, General Atkinson disbants bearings, but space permits only a few extracts, which, as indications of the writer's character, as well as for their general value, may prove interesting: Washington, January 12, 1838. My dear brother: I received your letter with great pleasure, since it renews a correspondence that had been, on your part, for a considerait. In April he made a journey to Washington City to obtain the consent of the Government to his enterprise in the Sioux country. He spent two or three days in Washington; but, as has been stated, his request was refused. In a letter to his brother-in-law, William Preston, he says: I had the good fortune on Monday to hear
e slaves. Their following was small and odious to the native white population of the State; but they were supported by the unlimited means of the Government at Washington, and, under its secret authority, Blair wielded the prerogatives of a dictator. To this powerful and compact organization was opposed a vast majority of then attempt at coercion and subjugation, and then resistance. The Legislature refused to call a convention, and recommended the abortive Peace conference held at Washington, and also a National Convention. But it directed the Governor to reply to certain resolutions from Northern Legislatures: That when those States should sms for either belligerent party; but arm herself for the preservation of peace within her borders. It also passed laws for arming. Garrett Davis visited Washington, and engaged Mr. Lincoln to respect this neutrality. He not only avouched the fact of Lincoln's promise, but his own belief that it would be faithfully kept.
sources, and afterward had parted so widely, moved thereafter with a common purpose to a common end. Their friendship was founded upon mutual esteem. When General Polk came from Europe, he brought with him a beautiful onyx cameo — the head of Washington — which he gave to General Johnston on his return, saying: I could find nothing so appropriate as a present for you; for I have never known any one whose character so closely resembled Washington's in all respects as your own. A very dear frieWashington's in all respects as your own. A very dear friend confirms this view of General Johnston thus: Did you ever see Jefferson's estimate of the character of Washington? It is better than the best for General Johnston. When General Polk took command in West Tennessee, his department extended from the mouth of the Arkansas River, on both sides of the Mississippi, to the northern limits of Confederate authority, and east as far as the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. For the following account of his services, previous to General Johnston's arrival, I
pt for yourself, and the officers and men under your command, my sincere thanks for the glorious contribution you have just made to our common cause. Our countrymen must long remember gratefully the activity and skill, courage and devotion, of the army at Belmont. J. Davis. General Johnston, in General Order No. 5, after thanks and congratulations to Generals Polk and Pillow, and to the men engaged, concludes: This was no ordinary shock of arms, it was a long and trying contest, in which our troops fought by detachments, and always against superior numbers. The 7th of November will fill a bright page in our military annals, and be remembered with gratitude by the sons and daughters of the South. At Belmont the gallant Major Edward Butler fell mortally wounded. He was a man of splendid presence and chivalric nature, the grandson of one of Washington's four colonels. He said to his brother, Take my sword to my father, and tell him I died like a gentleman and a Butler.