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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 382 (search)
Deserveth not so cruelly my skin from me to stripe. For all his crying ore his eares quight pulled was his skin. Nought else he was than one whole wounde. The griesly bloud did spin From every part, the sinewes lay discovered to the eye, The quivering veynes without a skin lay beating nakedly. The panting bowels in his bulke ye might have numbred well, And in his brest the shere small strings a man might easly tell. The Countrie Faunes, the Gods of Woods, the Satyrs of his kin, The Mount Olympus whose renowne did ere that time begin, And all the Nymphes, and all that in those mountaines kept their sheepe, Or grazed cattell thereabouts, did for this Satyr weepe. The fruitfull earth waxt moyst therewith, and moysted did receyve Their teares, and in hir bowels deepe did of the same conceyve. And when that she had turned them to water, by and by She sent them forth againe aloft to see the open Skie. The River that doth rise thereof beginning there his race, In verie deepe and s