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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 26 0 Browse Search
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley) 8 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 64 (search)
through the fierce battle's press, either for Cygnus or for Hector, he met Cygnus and engaged at onCygnus and engaged at once with him (Fate had preserved great Hector from such foe till ten years from that day). Cheering huised, as with a blunted stroke, the breast of Cygnus! “By report we knew of you before this battle, it out, and hurled again a quivering spear at Cygnus, with great strength. The Trojan stood unwounded and unharmed. Nor did a third spear injure Cygnus, though he stood there with his body all expose, in haste he hurled his ashen spear, again at Cygnus. It went straight and struck unshunned. Resounwhen Achilles saw just where the spear struck, Cygnus there was stained with blood. He instantly rejred face and hollow-temples of his Trojan foe. Cygnus gave way; Achilles rushed on him, buffeting fid not recover from the shock. Fear seized upon Cygnus, and darkness swam before his eyes. Then, as heck and drew them tightly under his chin, till Cygnus' throat could take no breath of life. Achilles[1 more...]
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 146 (search)
eir own deeds and valor, all that thrilling night: and even the strength of enemies whom they had met and overcome. What else could they admit or think of, while the great Achilles spoke or listened to them? But especially the recent victory over Cygnus held them ardent. Wonderful it seemed to them that such a youth could be composed of flesh not penetrable by the sharpest spear; of flesh which blunted even hardened steel, and never could be wounded. All the Greeks, and even Achilles wondered at the thought. Then Nestor said to them: “During your time, Cygnus has been the only man you knew who could despise all weapons and whose flesh could not be pierced by thrust of sword or spear. But long ago I saw another man able to bear unharmed a thousand strokes, Caeneus of Thessaly, Caeneus who lived upon Mt. Othrys. He was famed in war yet, strange to say, by birth he was a woman!” Then all expressed the greatest wonderment, and begged to hear the story of his life. Achilles cried, “O eloque<
T. Maccius Plautus, Menaechmi, or The Twin Brothers (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 5, scene 2 (search)
got rid of her not so badly. Aloud. Now as for this most filthy, long-bearded, palsied Tithonus, who is said to have had Cygnus for his fatherCygnus for his father: Plautus designedly makes Menaechmus Sosicles be guilty of the mistake of styling TiCygnus for his father: Plautus designedly makes Menaechmus Sosicles be guilty of the mistake of styling Tithonus the son of Cygnus, as helping to promote the belief of his madness. Tithonus was the son of Laomedon, and the brother of Priam. He was beloved by Aurora, and the poets feigned that he was her husband. Having received the gift of immortality, hCygnus, as helping to promote the belief of his madness. Tithonus was the son of Laomedon, and the brother of Priam. He was beloved by Aurora, and the poets feigned that he was her husband. Having received the gift of immortality, he forgot to have perpetual youthfulness united with the gift; and at length, in his extreme old age, he was changed into a grasshopper. There were several persons of the name of Cygnus, or Cycnus; one was the son of Apollo and Hyrie, another of Mars Cygnus, or Cycnus; one was the son of Apollo and Hyrie, another of Mars and Pelopea, or Pyrene, another of Neptune and Cayx, and a fourth of Ocitus and Amophile., you bid me break in pieces his limbs, and bones, and members with that walking-stick which he himself is holding. OLD MAN Punishment shall be inflicted if you