Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Cambridgeport (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Cambridgeport (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Cambridge, the original shire town of Middlesex County, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is situated in 42° 22′ north latitude, and 71° 6′ west longitude from Greenwich. The City Hall, at the corner of Main and Pleasant streets, in Cambridgeport, stands exactly upon the longitudinal line, and about a hundred yards south of the parallel of latitude indicated. It is bounded on the east by Charles River, which separates it from Boston; on the south by Charles River, which separates it f it from Charlestown. Though now small in territorial extent, embracing not more than about four and a half square miles, it is divided into four principal districts, each having a post-office, namely: Cambridge (often called Old Cambridge), Cambridgeport, East Cambridge, and North Cambridge. Like most ancient townships, Cambridge has had great enlargement and diminution in its boundary lines. At first, it seems to have been designed merely as a fortified place, very small in extent, and a<
Chapter 12: civil History. Land-holders in Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. Royal Makepeace. improvements after the construction o those who were actively engaged in promoting the settlement of Cambridgeport, the name of Royal Makepeace is very conspicuous. Born March 2ess in Boston at the South End. They soon afterwards removed to Cambridgeport, where, as heretofore stated, they erected the first store aftet, Pliny Cutler, and their associates, were incorporated as the Cambridgeport manufactory, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and sea-sanufactory. While the measures adopted for the improvement of Cambridgeport were in the full tide of successful experiment, a similar enterreciation in the value of real estate followed, particularly in Cambridgeport; Lands, which had been worth in the market more than, twentyred its full proportion in the general stagnation of business. Cambridgeport did not recover from the blight which had fallen upon it; and t
ilt for the advantage of the West Boston Bridge Proprietors and the owners of real estate in Cambridgeport. Jonathan L. Austin and others were incorporated March 2, 1808, for the purpose of buildingre made at the expense of their stockholders and others interested in West Boston Bridge and Cambridgeport lands; and Webster Avenue, by the parties specially interested, and at their own expense. associates, the owners of Canal Bridge, almost the whole of East Cambridge, and a portion of Cambridgeport. In connection with William Winthrop and the heirs of Francis Foxcroft, they opened and gra The owners were Henry Hill, Rufus Davenport, and Royal Makepeace, all largely interested in Cambridgeport lands. After other ineffectual efforts to have the road completed and established as a publie office of the City Clerk. They commence by alleging that the inhabitants of Cambridge and Cambridgeport are deeply afflicted by the incessant machinations and intrigues of Mr. Andrew Craigie, in r
1818, when a new Almshouse was erected in Cambridgeport. By deed dated April 2, 1818, Jonathan L.ible situation, for a new burial-ground in Cambridgeport. The Committee reported, August 5, that teautiful Common, indirectly transferred to Cambridgeport the public meetings of the town and the ofpart of the almshouse lot in the parish of Cambridgeport, as more central to the population of the after the erection of West Boston Bridge, Cambridgeport was an isolated village, separated from Olhat, within a few years, Old Cambridge and Cambridgeport became one continuous village, and the oriy no means agreeable to the inhabitants of Cambridgeport, whose access to the Court was easier befod be removed from its time-honored seat to Cambridgeport; but this was approved by East Cambridge, e town being nearest to Boston, and called Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, the town in fact consion of the territory of said City be called Cambridgeport, or such other name as may seem fit. This[6 more...]
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
ss. He resigned his pastorship of this church in June, 1791, and was installed pastor of the church in Cambridge, Jan. 25, 1792. His ministry was long and eventful. His parish was much enlarged by the establishment and growth of villages at Cambridgeport and East Cambridge, and it was subsequently diminished by their incorporation as a separate parish, The Cambridgeport Parish, which included both Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. and the organization of churches in both villages. A new cCambridgeport and East Cambridge. and the organization of churches in both villages. A new church was organized, Nov. 6, 1814, under the auspices of the College, which withdrew many of the officers and students from his congregation. These changes were effected peacefully, and with the cooperation of Dr. Holmes. He preached at the dedication of the meeting-house of the Cambridgeport Parish, and at the ordination of their first minister. He also assisted in the organization of the College Church. But another change occurred, which occasioned much grief and sadness, and which he r
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
he First Baptist Church was organized at the house of Mr. Samuel Hancock in Cambridgeport, Dec. 17, 1817, seventeen males and twenty-nine females then subscribing thmeeting-house which now stands at the junction of Main and Front streets in Cambridgeport. The corner-stone was laid with masonic ceremonies by Amicable Lodge, Juneational Church, formed in that part of the city of Cambridge usually called Cambridgeport, was gathered Sept. 20, 1827. It consisted originally of forty-five member had lost some of its members, by removal from the town, was established in Cambridgeport, and by new accessions consisted of seven members, under the leadership of a large number of the society and congregation had worshipped with them in Cambridgeport. Their first meeting-house was a wooden structure, which was erected on th was dedicated March 8, 1868. The congregation is larger than any other in Cambridgeport. St. John's Memorial Chapel.—On the twenty-second day of January, 1867,
or erecting a School-house. allowance to Mr. Dunster and his heirs. schools of lower grade. schools established in Cambridgeport and East Cambridge. Schoolhouses in 1845, 1850, and 1876. School Committee. School districts. graded schools. Hoeparate towns, another schoolhouse was erected in 1802, at the northwesterly corner of Windsor and School streets, in Cambridgeport, on a lot of land given to the town by Andrew Bordman; it cost about six hundred dollars, of which sum about one halfas contributed by individuals, and the remainder was paid by the town. Seven years later, in 1809, the population of Cambridgeport having rapidly increased, yet another school-house was erected on the southerly side of Franklin Street, about midwayll later into five districts: (1.) Old Cambridge, south of the Railroad; (2.) The section north of the Railroad; (3.) Cambridgeport, west of Columbia Street; (4.) East of Columbia Street; (5.) East Cambridge. It was ordered, March 1, 1802, that in
rved by force of arms. Among those who foresaw the peril and did not shrink from it was James P. Richardson, Esq., Great-grandson of Moses Richardson, who was slain on the day of the Lexington Battle, April 19, 1775. an attorney at law in Cambridgeport. In anticipation of the impending struggle, he issued the following notice:— The undersigned proposes to organize a company of volunteers, to tender their services to our common country, and to do what they can to maintain the integrity and glory of our flag and Union. Any citizen of good moral character and sound in body, who wishes to join the corps, will please call at my office, Main Street, Cambridgeport. J. P. Richardson. Cambridge Chronicle, Jan. 5, 1861. On the 13th of April, 1861, it was announced that sixty persons had enlisted, and that the company had been accepted by the Governor. Two days afterwards, April 15th, the President of the United States issued a proclamation, calling for 75,000 volunteers, to s
dred acres in the northeasterly section of Cambridgeport. This tract embraced, substantially, besi04; Samuel Locke, bap. 23 Nov. 1806, d. in Cambridgeport 20 June 1871; Eliza Ann, bap. 9 Ap. 1809; , b.——, res. here. Samuel the f. res. in Cambridgeport, and d. 19 Jan. 1857, a. 74; his w. Susannt for many years cultivated a few acres in Cambridgeport. His w. Isabella d. 24 Nov. 1821, a. 52,Cambridge and the northeasterly portion of Cambridgeport, 15 Aug. 1706, and soon afterwards removed1732. 5. Edward, established himself in Cambridgeport, soon after West Boston Bridge was erectedd between Pleasant and Magazine streets in Cambridgeport, and the estate between Harvard, Plympton,e. He also owned a large tract of land in Cambridgeport, which he is said to have received as a coate; he also owned large tracts of land in Cambridgeport and elsewhere. He was Deacon of the Churc 19 June 1814, a machinist and inventor in Cambridgeport; James Russell, bap. 15 Mar. 1818; Charles[4 more...]<
son of Woburn. He inherited the homestead and, after his mother's death, the whole estate, including more than a hundred acres in the northeasterly section of Cambridgeport. This tract embraced, substantially, besides a large quantity of marsh, all the upland bounded northerly by Lincoln Street, easterly by the marsh, southerly bAliphal B. Wheeler 18 Jan. 1813, and had John; James, d. 20 Dec. 1865, a. 49; Charles; Joseph H., d. 3 Mar. 1857, a. 25. John the f. was a painter, resided in Cambridgeport, and d. 21 Nov. 1834, a. 45; his w. Aliphal B. d. 8 Oct. 1843, a. 48. 15. Andrew, s. of William (12), m. Adeline Hiscock 26 Oct. 1816; she was bur. 29 Aug. 1834, and he m. Anne Emery 21 June 1835. He resided in Cambridgeport, had children by both wives, and d. 7 Sept. 1868, a. 76. Borland, John, of Boston, m. Anne, or Anna, dau. of Leonard Vassall, 20 Feb. 1749. In 1765, he purchased of Rev. East Apthorp's agent, and of the Wigglesworth heirs, the estate bounded by Harvard, Bow,
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