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e intercepted at Plum Creek by other militia, under Felix Huston and Burleson, and routed with heavy loss. In the raid they lost about eighty warriors and most of their booty. In October severe retaliation was meted out to the Comanches by Colonel Moore, with a force of ninety Texans and twelve Lipans. He fell upon their village on the Red Fork of the Colorado, 300 miles above Austin, and killed 130 Indians and captured thirty-four, together with about 500 horses. This was the end of Comanche incursions for a long time. Finding war with the Texans so unprofitable, they turned their arms against their late allies of Mexico, and thus became to all intents the unpaid auxiliaries of Texas. Judge Love, writing June 4, 1840, says, The situation of the frontier proves the correctness of the Indian policy. This was the general sentiment, which was strengthened by the Plum Creek victory and Moore's reprisal. Though all the combats with the Comanches herein narrated took place after Ge
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
horses, 34; at Vera Cruz, 36; battle of Cerro Gordo, 38; his gallantry, 42; brevetted, 42; letters, 44, 45; Lee's comrades, 47, 48; returns to Virginia, 49; Superintendent United States Military Academy, 51; becomes Lieutenant Colonel, SecondCavalry, 54; his qualifications, 56; court-martial duty, 57; in Texas, 59; at Ringgold Barracks, 61; Christmas at Fort Brown, 63, 64; letters to Mrs. Lee, 66 ; president of a courtmartial, 69; returns to Virginia, 70; in command of regiment, 70; visits Comanche chief, 73; appointed executor, 74; leave of absence, 74; John Brown raid, 74- 76; return to Texas, 77; summoned to Washington, 77; notice of Lee, 78-87; resigns his commission, 88; farewell to Arlington, 89; appointed major-general, 89; addresses Virginia Convention, 92; assumes command, 93; preparations for war, 99; working incessantly, 108; goes to Western Virgina, 116; commands the armies, 117; unsuccessful operations, 120, 121; campaign closed, 125; proceeds to South Carolina, 128; impr
t constantly on the move in the winter's storms, were complaining bitterly of their sufferings. In view of this state of things they intimated, through their Comanche-Apache friends at Fort Cobb, that they would like to make terms. On receiving their messages I entered into negotiations with Little Robe, chief of the Cheyennest them. While these negotiations were in progress I came to the conclusion that a permanent military post ought to be established well down on the Kiowa and Comanche reservation, in order to keep an eye on these tribes in the future, Fort Cobb, being an unsuitable location, because too far to the north to protect the Texas frFort Sill-in honor of my classmate, General Sill, killed at Stone River; and to make sure of the surrendered Indians, I required them all, Kiowas, Comanches, and Comanche-Apaches, to accompany us to the new post, so they could be kept under military control till they were settled. During the march to the new camp the weather w
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indians, American (search)
Indians, American Believing the earth to be a globe, Columbus expected to find India or Eastern Asia by sailing westward from Spain. The first land discovered by him—one of the Bahama A modern Comanche. Islands—he supposed to be a part of India, and he called the inhabitants Indians. This name was afterwards applied to all the nations of the adjacent islands and the continent. Origin. There is no positive knowledge concerning the origin of the aborigines of America; their own traditions widely vary, and conjecture is unsatisfying. Recent investigations favor a theory that, if they be not indigenous, they came from two great Asiatic families: the more northern tribes of our continent from the lighter Mongolians, who crossed at Bering Strait, and the more southerly ones, in California, Central and South America, from the darker Malays, who first peopled Polynesia, in Indian War-clubs. the southern Pacific Ocean and finally made their way to our continent, gradually
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oklahoma, Territory of (search)
itorial governor was appointed by the President in 1890. The name Oklahoma means Beautiful country. The Cherokee Strip or Outlet towards Kansas was acquired from the Cherokee nation, and on Sept. 16, 1893, it was opened to settlers. The scenes attending the opening resembled those in 1889 and 1891. Ninety thousand intending settlers registered, and 20,000, it was estimated, encamped on the site selected for the chief town. The Strip contains about 6,000,000 acres, part of which is good farming land. On May 23, 1896, another great section of territory, called the Kickapoo Strip, was thrown open to settlers, and again there was a wild rush of home-seekers, and in July 1901, the same scenes were enacted in the Kiowa and Comanche country. Population in 1890, 61,834; in 1900, 398,331. See United States, Oklahoma, in vol. IX. Territorial governors. George W. Steele1890-1891 Abraham J. SeayRepublican1891-1893 William C. RenfrowDemocrat1893-1897 C. M. Barnes Republican1897-1901
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Kansas, (search)
.....Sept. 27, 1719 [It is now supposed that Dutisne did not come into Kansas, but visited the Osages in Missouri and the Pawnees in the Indian Territory.] Spaniards from Santa Fe, seeking to found a colony on the Missouri, are destroyed by the Missouri Indians near the present site of Fort Leavenworth, only one settler, a Spanish priest, escaping and returning to Santa Fe......1720 M. de Bourgmont, commandant at Fort Orleans, Mo., undertakes a commercial expedition to the Paduca (Comanche) Indians in June, 1724, but, falling sick on the way, returns to the fort, on an island in the Missouri River, just above the mouth of the Osage. He resumed the journey in October, taking with him an escort of twelve Frenchmen, his son, a lad of ten, and twenty-seven Indians from the neighboring tribes. The expedition entered Kansas at the Kaw Indian village, then situated near the present site of Atchison, moved in a southwesterly direction across Kansas for about 230 miles to the neares
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 7: Cambridge in later life (search)
ight among the pine trees with the pretty lake in sight and mountains farther off .... Then close behind us are the children of Thayer, the New York artist, wild, very picturesque little creatures . ... There is a perpetual Pumpelly circus [children of Raphael Pumpelly]. .. . They keep seven ponies and are always riding about the country, bare-backed and astride, boys and girls alike. One boy, Raphael, ... is always galloping about with long curls over his shoulders, like a sort of angelic Comanche. . . . Rob is here, and enjoying it much, but the dogs suffer terribly from getting hedgehogs' quills into their mouths and noses; he has had only one moderate dose, but often their mouths are like pincushions and they have to be put under ether and each quill pulled out by forceps. July 31, 1890 Last night I got up an entertainment in the Town Hall for the Dublin Library. There were beautiful tableaux arranged by artists, in a full-sized frame — mostly simple figures, Venetian, Swis
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.23 (search)
Anecdotes of General Cleburne. [from the New Orleans Picayeune, July 2, 1893.] Comanche, Texas, June 12, 1893. Editor of The Picayune.: I send you a few incidents of the life of General Pat. Cleburne, which I have never seen in print, and which may be of interest to your many readers and the members of his old division. General Cleburne was a gallant soldier, a hard fighter, always kind and courteous to his men, who almost worshipped him, and who believed old Pat could whip all creation. In the fall of 1864, Cleburne's division was thrown with a portion of the army across the Coosa river, above Rome, Ga., and started across the mountains of North Georgia to the railroad leading to Atlanta. We were cut off from our supply trains, and had to live off the country through which we passed. Apples, chestnuts, and persimmons were plenty, so we did pretty well. Strict orders had been issued that we must not depredate upon private property. One morning on leaving camp, Ge
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
L. D. Patterson. He was elected from private by unanimous vote of the company, and commanded it until April, 1862, when he was elected lieutenant-colonel of the regiment and immediately resigned his commission and returned to Alabama. He was a teacher of fine reputation. He died on the 20th December, 1885. Captain William L. Meroney. He was promoted to succeed Captain Patterson, and resigned one year later and returned to Alabama and resumed his practice as a physician. He died in Comanche, Tex., in 1904. Captain Philip A. Brandon, of Chattanooga, Tenn., a very intelligent and faithful member of this company, has written an excellent pamphlet called the Muster Roll of Company E, 12th Alabama Regiment, and it is a souvenir of great interest and value, and should be in the hands, not only of every member of Company E, but of the 12th Alabama. Captain C. M. Thomason. He succeeded Captain Meroney, but resigned his commission and joined the Seventh Alabama cavalry. He was a t
Battle with Indians. --A letter to the St. Louis Republican states that Col. Crittenden, son of the distinguished United States Senator, on the 27th of December marched from Fort Union at the head of eighty-eight men and officers of the mounted rifles, in pursuit of a large war party of Comanche and Kiowas, who were reported to be depredating on the Cimmeroncita. After following their trail rapidly, sometimes by night, he found and surprised them on the morning of the 2d of January, in camp near Cold Spring, and, after a severe fight, completely routed them, destroying their camp and property, and capturing a great many horses. There were one hundred and seventy-five lodges in the camp, (one of them containing exclusively ammunition,) all of which were destroyed. Ten warriors were left dead; number of wounded unknown. Corporal Bourke, of the rifles, and three privates were wounded, none mortally. The officers with Colonel Crittenden, were Captain Lindsay and Lieutenants McRa
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