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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 10 0 Browse Search
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Leonard C. Smithers) 4 0 Browse Search
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Sir Richard Francis Burton) 2 0 Browse Search
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C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Sir Richard Francis Burton), Marriage of Peleus and Thetis (search)
s slantingly fretted— Rising Aurora the while 'neath Sol the wanderer's threshold— Tardy at first they flow by the clement breathing of breezes Urged, and echo the shores with soft-toned ripples of laughter, But as the winds wax high so waves wax higher and higher, Flashing and floating afar to outswim morn's purpurine splendours,— So did the crowd fare forth, the royal vestibule leaving, And to their house each wight with vaguing paces departed. After their wending, the first, foremost from Pelion's summit, Chiron came to the front with woodland presents surcharged: Whatso of blooms and flowers bring forth Thessalian uplands Mighty with mountain crests, whate'er of riverine lea flowers Reareth Favonius' air, bud-breeding, tepidly breathing, All in his hands brought he, unseparate in woven garlands, Whereat laughed the house as soothed by pleasure of perfume. Presently Péneus appears, deserting verdurous Tempe— Tempe girt by her belts of greenwood ever impending, Left for the Mamonid
C. Valerius Catullus, Carmina (ed. Leonard C. Smithers), Poem 64 (search)
Pines once sprung from Pelion's peak floated, it is said, through liquid billows of Neptune to the flowing Phasis and the Aeetaean territory, when the picked youth, the vigour of Argive manhood seeking to carry away the Golden Fleece from Colchis, dared to skim over salt seas in a swift-sailing ship, sweeping the blue-green ocean with paddles shaped from fir-wood. That goddess who guards the the purple light as they float away,—so quitting the royal vestibule the folk left, each to his home with steps wandering hither and thither. After their departure, Chiron came, chief from the summit of Pelion, the bearer of sylvan spoil: for whatever the fields bear, what the Thessalian land on its high hills breeds, and what flowers the fecund air of warm Favonius begets near the running streams,
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 7, line 159 (search)
necks, from skies descending bring my chariot down.” A chariot, sent from heaven, came to her— and soon as she had stroked the dragons' necks, and shaken in her hands the guiding reins— as soon as she had mounted, she was borne quickly above, through unresisting air. And, sailing over Thessaly, she saw the vale of Tempe, where the level soil is widely covered with a crumbling chalk— she turned her dragons towards new regions there: and she observed the herbs by Ossa born, the weeds on lofty Pelion, Othrys, Pindus and vast Olympus—and from here she plucked the needed roots, or there, the blossoms clipped all with a moon-curved sickle made of brass— many the wild weeds by Apidanus, as well as blue Amphrysus' banks, she chose, and not escaped Enipeus from her search; Peneian stretches and Spercheian banks all yielded what she chose:—and Boebe's shore where sway the rushes; and she plucked up grass, a secret grass, from fair Euboean fields life-giving virtues in their waving blades
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 7, line 350 (search)
Only because her winged dragons sailed swiftly with her up to the lofty sky, escaped Medea punishment for this unheard of crime. Her chariot sailed above embowered Pelion — long the lofty home of Chiron—over Othrys, and the vale made famous where Cerambus met his fate. Cerambus, by the aid of nymphs, from there was wafted through the air on wings, when earth was covered by the overwhelming sea— and so escaped Deucalion's flood, uncrowned. She passed by Pittane upon the left, with its huge serpent-image of hard stone, and also passed the grove called Ida's, where the stolen bull was changed by Bacchus' power into a hunted stag—in that same vale Paris lies buried in the sand; and over fields where Mera warning harked, Medea flew; over the city of Eurypylus upon the Isle of Cos, whose women wore the horns of cattle when from there had gone the herd of Hercules; and over Rhodes beloved of Phoebus, where Telchinian tribes dwelt, whose bad eyes corrupting power shot forth;— Jove, utter
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 64 (search)
aders' force was strong Protesilaus, by the spear of valiant Hector, whose unthought-of power at that time was discovered by the Greeks to their great cost. The Phyrgians also learned, at no small cost of blood, what warlike strength came from the Grecian land. The Sigean shores grew red with death-blood: Cygnus, Neptune's son, there slew a thousand men: for which, in wrath, Achilles pressed his rapid chariot straight through the Trojan army; making a lane with his great spear, shaped from a Pelion tree. And as he sought through the fierce battle's press, either for Cygnus or for Hector, he met Cygnus and engaged at once with him (Fate had preserved great Hector from such foe till ten years from that day). Cheering his steeds, their white necks pressed upon the straining yoke, he steered the chariot towards his foe, and, brandishing the spear with his strong arm, he cried, “Whoever you may be, you have the consolation of a glorious death you die by me, Haemonian Achilles!” His heavy sp
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 12, line 429 (search)
, sought Juno for his mighty mate; imagine it, while we are conquered by an enemy, who is but half a man! Wake up! and let us heap tree-trunks and stones and mountains on him! Crush his stubborn life! Let forests smother him to death! Their weight will be as deadly as a hundred wounds!’ “While he was raving, by some chance he found a tree thrown down there by the boisterous wind: example to the rest, he threw that tree against the powerful foe; and in short time Othrys was bare of trees, and Pelion had no shade. Buried under that mountainous forest heap, Caeneus heaved up against the weight of oaks upon his brawny shoulders piled. But, as the load increased above his face and head, he could not draw a breath. Gasping for life, he strove to lift his head into the air, and sometimes he convulsed the towering mass, as if great Ida, now before our eyes, should tremble with some heaving of the earth. “What happened to him could not well be known. Some thought his body was borne down by weig<
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More), Book 13, line 98 (search)
gained by theft— all done by night and all with Diomed. If you must give these arms for deeds so mean, then give the greater share to Diomed. “Why give arms to Ulysses, who by stealth and quite unarmed, has always done his work, deceiving his unwary enemy by stratagems? This brilliant helmet, rich with sparkling gold, will certainly betray his plans, and will discover him when hid. His soft Dulichian head beneath the helm of great Achilles will not bear the weight; Achilles' heavy spear from Pelion must be burdensome for his unwarlike hands: nor will the shield, graven with the vasty world beseem a dastard left hand, smooth for theft. “Why caitiff, will you beg them for a gift, which will but weaken you? If by mistake, the Grecian people should award you this, it would not fright the foe but offer spoils and that swift flight (in which alone you have excelled all others, dastard wretch!) would soon grow laggard, dragging such a weight. And that good shield of yours, which has but rarel<