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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
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P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 250 (search)
The Goddesse Pallas all this while did keepe continually Hir brother Persey companie, till now that she did stie From Seriph in a hollow cloud, and leaving on the right The Iles of Scyre and Gyaros, she made from thence hir flight Directly over that same Sea as neare as eye could ame To Thebe and Mount Helicon, and when she thither came, She stayde hir selfe, and thus bespake the learned sisters nine: A rumor of an uncouth spring did pierce these eares of mine The which the winged stede shouldmake by stamping with his hoofe. This is the cause of my repaire: I would for certaine proofe Be glad to see the wondrous thing. For present there I stoode And saw the selfesame Pegasus spring of his mothers blood. Dame Uranie did entertaine and aunswere Pallas thus: What cause so ever moves your grace to come and visit us, Most heartely you welcome are: and certaine is the fame Of this our Spring, that Pegasus was causer of the same. And with that worde she led hir forth to see the sa