Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Rocky Springs (Mississippi, United States) or search for Rocky Springs (Mississippi, United States) in all documents.

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5, 322, 324-326; insubordination of, 351; issues offensive orders, 362; com-plaints of Sherman and McPherson, 362; relieved entirely from command, 363; mischievous behavior and career, 363, 364. McPHERSON, General James B., at Fort Donelson, i., 39; at Shiloh, 81; at Corinth, 115-117; in command of Seventeenth corps, 161; at Lake Providence 167; at Yazoo pass, 171; movement below Vicksburg 198; crosses the Mississippi, 206; battle of Port Gibson, 208; pursuit of enemy, 210; advance to Rocky Springs, 227; battle of Raymond, 236; advance towards Jackson, 240, 243; at battle of Jackson, 244, 216, 247; at battle of Champion's hill, 260, 268 269; in command of department of Tennessee, II., 18; with Sherman in Georgia, 533-540; death of, 541. Meade General George G., in command of army of Potomac, II., 6; magnanimity of, 15; in the Wilderness, 100-120; at Spottsylvania, 139; Grant's opinion of 186; at Cold Harbor, 296; crossing James river, 351; in command before Petersburg, 363, 365;