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Browsing named entities in Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Orange, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Orange, Ma. (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
and shall look at things. For the remainder of this letter, which was continued March 9, see post, p. 77. To Dr. Francis Lieber. travellers' Club, March 5, 1839. my dear Lieber,—Here goes a sheet after your own heart,—mammoth, and capable of holding an evening's chat. First, let me acknowledge and answer your letters, which are now open before me. Under date of Dec. 23, 1838,—that good, teeming year, so brimful of happiness and instruction for me,—you ask for a Life of William of Orange. The day I received your letter, I asked Hallam, whom I often see, if he knew of any Life of this great man. He did not; and, as his studies have turned his attention to the whole subject of modern literature,—you know his great work, now in press, on the History of Literature,—I think his answer quite decisive as to the non-existence of any such work; though not entirely so. He remarked that the Dutch were very unfortunate in having a language which is neglected by all the world; so t