Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) or search for Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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en by the enemy's cavalry that swarms around us. . . . If I could be sure of finding provisions and ammunition at Augusta, or Columbus, Georgia, I can march to Milledgeville, and compel Hood to give up Augusta or Macon, and then turn on the other. The country will afford forage and many supplies, but not enough, in any one place, Alabama line, leaving open to me the road to Macon, as also to Augusta. If I was sure that Savannah would be in our possession, I would be tempted to make for Milledgeville and Augusta, but I must secure what I have. Forrest, however, was now rapidly advancing towards the railroad between Nashville and Chattanooga, two hundred miom which he will threaten Kingston, Bridgeport, and Decatur, Alabama. I propose that we break up the railroad from Chattanooga, and strike out with wagons for Milledgeville, Millen, and Savannah. Until we can repopulate Georgia it is useless to occupy it; but the utter destruction of its roads, houses, and people will cripple the
character of march foraging alarm of enemy rebel movements in Sherman's front arrival at Milledgeville Second stage of march movements of cavalry increased consternation of rebels futile effo lines, designed not only to threaten Macon and Augusta, but to prevent a concentration upon Milledgeville, which lies between, and was the point that Sherman desired first to strike. Milledgeville Milledgeville is the capital of the state, and distant from Atlanta about a hundred miles. The time allowed for each column to reach it was seven days. The army habitually moved by four roads as nearly parallelad no intention of attacking either Macon or Augusta. On the 22nd of November, he rode into Milledgeville, where the Twentieth corps had already arrived; and during that day the entire left wing was off. The governor and other officers of the state, including the legislature, had fled from Milledgeville, but the inhabitants remained. The arsenal was destroyed, with such other public buildings
06. Meridian, Sherman's expedition against, i., 552-560. Merritt, General, Wesley, in Valley of Virginia, III., 95, 98, 412; at battle of Dinwiddie, 468-472; at battle of Five Forks, 495; pursuit to Appomattox, 524, 547, 552, 560; at battle of Sailor's creek, 573-575; moves on Appomattox court-house, 592. Middle Military Division created, II., 502. miles, General Nelson A., at battle of Ream's station, II., 527; at White Oak road, III., 505; at Sutherland station, 523-525. Milledgeville abandoned by rebels, III., 288. Millen captured by Sherman, III., 223, 289. Milliken's bend, concentration of Grant's forces at, i., 186. Missionary ridge, situation of, i., 427; seized by Bragg, 435; Thomas's assaults on, 488, 507-512; Sherman's assaults on, 495, 504-507. Missouri, Grant's first service in, i., 10, 11; Rosecrans in command in, II. 30. Mississippi, proposal to bring, into Union, i., 416. Mississippi river military importance of, i., 123; rebel fortific