Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) or search for Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) in all documents.

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lso sent messages of congratulation and encouragement. The President declared: You have made a magnificent beginning. A grand consummation is within your reach. He added: Do not let it slip. No further news from Tennessee arrived till the 17th, when a long despatch from Thomas was received, dated: Six miles from Nashville, and giving full details of the victory. This day the good news came in fast, for despatches were also brought from Sherman. He had reached the coast, carried Fort McAllister, opened Ossabaw Sound, communicated with the fleet, and invested Savannah. On the 18th, Grant congratulated both his generals. To Sherman he wrote: I have just received.. and read, I need not tell you with how much gratification, your letter to General Halleck. I congratulate you and the brave officers and men under your command, on the successful termination of your most brilliant campaign. I never had a doubt of the result. When apprehensions for your safety were expressed by t
owards Savannah character of country on Savannah river arrival in front of Savannah situation of city capture of Fort McAllister Sherman communicates with the fleet supplies awaiting him at Port Royal results of march delight of country disy windings, and, at one of these, on the western bank, the rebels had erected a strong field-work, which they called Fort McAllister. It completely commanded the Ogeechee river and all communication with the sea. The country around Savannah is marsrdered a division of infantry, under Brigadier-General Hazen, to march down the west bank of the Ogeechee, and carry Fort McAllister by storm. The fort was a strong, enclosed work, manned by two companies of artillery and three of infantry, and mouood, a crew of oarsmen from the army pulled him rapidly down the stream. Night had already set in, but six miles below McAllister he saw a light, and was hailed by a vessel at anchor. It was the advance ship of the squadron, awaiting the approach o
shop, battle of, II., 269. Hayes, General Rutherford B., service in West Virginia, III., 101-103. Hazen, General, Wm. B., at Brown's ferry, i., 446; at Fort McAllister, III., 295, 296. Helena, Miss., Washburne's movement from, i., 131, 132; Yazoo pass expedition, 168. Henry, Fort, position of, i, 23, 28; expedition aga Macon, surrender of, III., 638. Marietta taken by Sherman, II., 538. Martindale, General John H., at Cold Harbor, II., 293; before Petersburg, 358. McAllister, Fort, capture of, by Hazen, III., 295. McArthur, General, John, at battle of Nashville, III., 254. McCausland, General, burns Chambersburg, Pa., II., 493; pursnessee, 50-59, 151, 152; relations with Thomas, 153, 155; return to Atlanta, 164-166, 173, 174; march to the sea, 282-300; invests Savannah, 295, 305; carries Fort McAllister, 296; thirty-one days march, 297; public appreciation of, 299-301; Grant's congratulations to, 301-304; evacuation of Savannah, 306; proposal of a lieutenant-