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Plato, Republic 8 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 0 Browse Search
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Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 405d (search)
e's body up with winds and humors like a marsh and compel the ingenious sons of Aesculapius to invent for diseases such names as fluxes and flatulences—don't you think that disgraceful?Plato ridicules the unsavory metaphors required to describe the effects of auto-intoxication. There is a similar bit of somewhat heavier satire in Spencer's Social Statics, 1868, p. 32: “Carbuncled noses, cadaverous faces, foetid breaths, and plethoric bodies meet us at every turn; and our condolences are prepetually asked for headaches, flatulences, nightmare, heartburn, and endless other dyspeptic symptoms.”” “Those surely are,” he said, “new-fangled and
Plato, Republic, Book 3, section 406b (search)
without ever enjoying a day of health or pleasure, drags out its existence to a doting and debilitated old age.” That Macaulay here is consciously paraphrasing Plato is apparent from his unfair use of the Platonic passage in his essay on Bacon. Cf. further Euripides Supp. 1109-1113; Seneca on early medicine, Epistles xv. 3 (95) 14 ff., overdoes both Spencer and Macaulay. Cf. Rousseau, Emile, Book I.: “Je ne sais point apprendre a vivre a qui ne songe qu'a s'empecher de mourir;” La Rochefoucauld (Max. 282): “C'est une ennuyeuse maladie que de conserver sa sante par un trop grand regime.”” “A noble prizeThe pun GH/RAS and GE/RAS is hardly translatable. Cf. Pherecydes apudDi
Plato, Republic, Book 4, section 437c (search)
southern mule's “won't-power.” Cf. Epistle vii. 347 A, Demosthenes Epistle ii. 17. and not consenting nor yet desiring, shall we not put these under the soul's rejectionCf. Aristotle's A)NQE/LKEIN, De anima 433 b 8. “All willing is either pushing or pulling,” Jastrow, Fact and Fable in Psychology, p. 336. Cf. the argument in Spencer's First Principles 80, that the phrase “impelled by desires” is not a metaphor but a physical fact. Plato's generalization of the concepts “attraction” and “repulsion” brings about a curious coincidence with the language of a materialistic, physiological psychology (cf. Lange, History of Materialism, passim),
Plato, Republic, Book 6, section 497a (search)
e adapted to his nature. In such a state only will he himself rather attain his full statureFor AU)CH/SETAI Cf. Theaet. 163 CI(/NA KAI\ AU)CA/NH| and Newman, Aristot.Pol. i. p. 68 “As the Christian is said to be complete in Christ so the individual is said by Aristotle to be complete in the PO/LIS” Spencer, Data of Ethics, xv. “Hence it is manifest that we must consider the ideal man as existing in the ideal social state.” Cf. also 592 A-B, 520 A-C and Introd. Vol. I. p. xxvii. and together with his own preserve the common weal.“The causes and the injustice of the calumniation of philosophy, I think, have been fairly set forth, unless you have something to
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Appendix A. (search)
nstitution which provided for a provisional government, vesting all executive and legislative powers in a council of ten, the council to fill vacancies. The existing constitution and laws were declared to be in force except where inconsistent with the acts of that convention and of the legislative council. George W. Johnson, of Scott county, was elected governor; Robert McKee, of Louisville, secretary of state, and Orlando F. Payne, assistant secretary of state; Theodore L. Burnett, of Spencer county, treasurer, who resigned December 17th, and J. B. Burnham, of Warren county, was appointed in his place; Richard Hawes, of Bourbon county, auditor, who resigned, and Joshua Pillsbury was appointed in his place. A. Frank Brown, of Bourbon county, was chosen clerk of the council; John B. Thompson, Jr., of Mercer county, sergeant-at-arms, and Walter N. Haldeman, of Louisville, State printer. An ordinance of secession was adopted, and Henry C. Burnett, William E. Simms and William Preston