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Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 184 0 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2 92 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 88 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 81 1 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3 80 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 68 0 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 62 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 56 0 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 52 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 52 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) or search for Appomattox (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

Your search returned 40 results in 4 document sections:

south of the James, were for the most part open at the rear—a singular oversight. In all other respects the works of either army resembled those to which they were opposed. The lines of each, when seen from the advanced positions of the enemy, showed a parapet of strong profile, supported at intervals by batteries having a flanking fire to the right and left, while in front was a ditch with several rows of abatis. For months the two armies thus confronted each other on the banks of the Appomattox, like mailed champions armed to the teeth, while Richmond, the prize of the struggle, waited apart, till her fate should be decided. The map of the battle of Five Forks shows the fortifications around Petersburg, and that of the Appomattox campaign those around Richmond. On the 31st of October, 1864, there were one hundred and fifty-three pieces in position on the national lines, of which twenty were field artillery; and at the fall of Richmond, in April, 1865, one hundred and sevent
ngs of national command Sheridan arrives at Appomattox Intercepts Lee arrival of Ord and Griffin unded Lee offers to surrender interview at Appomattox terms granted to Lee rations sent to rebel army Second interview at Appomattox Gratitude of rebel officers-grant returns to Washington armyhe cavalry pushed, on the opposite side, for Appomattox, followed by the army of the James and the Frksville to Farmville, and from Farmville to Appomattox; for days they were almost in sight but nevete enough suggested that he should remain at Appomattox at least a day. But the expenses of the war the same footing as those who surrendered at Appomattox—that is to say, released on parole; but this the rebel command. Jetersville, instead of Appomattox, would have seen the termination of the war.the terrific haste that precedes despair, to Appomattox, for supplies. He need hardly have hastened-house. Every rebel who has written about Appomattox declares that only 8,000 of those who surren[10 more...]
end. He undertook to abide by the same terms and conditions as were allowed by Grant to Lee at Appomattox, and, furthermore, to obtain from Grant an order to suspend the movements of any troops from t therefore demand the surrender of your army on the same terms as were given to General Lee at Appomattox, April 9th instant, purely and simply. In another dispatch sent at the same time, he gave nounited country the longab-sent benefits of peace. He had the knowledge of Grant's clemency at Appomattox, and was aware of the charity which had animated Lincoln's great heart. Everything conspired aten player has only one move for each, and that to give it away. Nor was it only because of Appomattox, or because they had lost heart, that the lesser rebels yielded. Johnston was absolutely surr forces, as well as the incessant blows dealt by those armies, which made it impossible, after Appomattox, for any organized rebel force to make a move in any direction that did not entail upon itself
suit of Lee on the Appomattox, 580; march to Appomattox court-house, 592; battle of Appomattox, 597e at City Point, III., 135-149, 436, 437; at Appomattox, 602-613; summary of campaigns of, 641; mili of, 602-609; second interview with Grant at Appomattox, 611; parole of, 613; draws destitute ration in Richmond, 614; condition at Appomattox, 623; characteristics of, 651, 652; indictment for treaso72; at battle of Five Forks, 495; pursuit to Appomattox, 524, 547, 552, 560; at battle of Sailor's c on Petersburg, 501-516; parallel advance to Appomattox with Sheridan and Meade, 546, 556, 558, 578, 584; at Rice's station, 573; at Appomattox, 598; at surrender of Lee, 602. Ossabaw sound opened final assaults on Petersburg 507; flight to Appomattox, 545; at Jetersville, 551; at Appomattox, 6265; at battle of Sailor's creek, 566-577; at Appomattox, 591, 611. Sherman, General W. T., relatiattle of Sailor's creek, 574-576; pursuit to Appomattox, 591, 592. Wolcott, General, unsuccessful[4 more...]