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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 202 0 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 132 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 56 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 44 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 34 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 20 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 18 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 16 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 14 0 Browse Search
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P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 12 (search)
ere vast, and ruthless was its quest of war. 'T is said that Juno, of all lands she loved, most cherished this,—not Samos' self so dear. Here were her arms, her chariot; even then a throne of power o'er nations near and far, if Fate opposed not, 't was her darling hope to 'stablish here; but anxiously she heard that of the Trojan blood there was a breed then rising, which upon the destined day should utterly o'erwhelm her Tyrian towers, a people of wide sway and conquest proud should compass Libya's doom;—such was the web the Fatal Sisters spun. Such was the fear of Saturn's daughter, who remembered well what long and unavailing strife she waged for her loved Greeks at Troy. Nor did she fail to meditate th' occasions of her rage, and cherish deep within her bosom proud its griefs and wrongs: the choice by Paris made; her scorned and slighted beauty; a whole race rebellious to her godhead; and Jove's smile that beamed on eagle-ravished Ganymede. With all these thoughts infuriate, her p
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 157 (search)
Aeneas' wave-worn crew now landward made, and took the nearest passage, whither lay the coast of Libya. A haven there walled in by bold sides of a rocky isle, offers a spacious and secure retreat, where every billow from the distant main breaks, and in many a rippling curve retires. Huge crags and two confronted promontories frown heaven-high, beneath whose brows outspread the silent, sheltered waters; on the heights the bright and glimmering foliage seems to show a woodland amphitheatre; and yet higher rises a straight-stemmed grove of dense, dark shade. Fronting on these a grotto may be seen, o'erhung by steep cliffs; from its inmost wall clear springs gush out; and shelving seats it has of unhewn stone, a place the wood-nymphs love. In such a port, a weary ship rides free of weight of firm-fluked anchor or strong chain.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 223 (search)
After these things were past, exalted Jove, from his ethereal sky surveying clear the seas all winged with sails, lands widely spread, and nations populous from shore to shore, paused on the peak of heaven, and fixed his gaze on Libya. But while he anxious mused, near him, her radiant eyes all dim with tears, nor smiling any more, Venus approached, and thus complained: “O thou who dost control things human and divine by changeless laws, enthroned in awful thunder! What huge wrong could my Aeneas and his Trojans few achieve against thy power? For they have borne unnumbered deaths, and, failing Italy, the gates of all the world against them close. Hast thou not given us thy covenant that hence the Romans when the rolling years have come full cycle, shall arise to power from Troy's regenerate seed, and rule supreme the unresisted lords of land and sea? O Sire, what swerves thy will? How oft have I in Troy's most lamentable wreck and woe consoled my heart with this, and balanced oft our d
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 561 (search)
Bid care begone! It was necessity, and my young kingdom's weakness, which compelled the policy of force, and made me keep such vigilant sentry my wide co'ast along. Aeneas and his people, that fair town of Troy—who knows them not? The whole world knows those valorous chiefs and huge, far-flaming wars. Our Punic hearts are not of substance all insensible and dull: the god of day drives not his fire-breathing steeds so far from this our Tyrian town. If ye would go to great Hesperia, where Saturn reigned, or if voluptuous Eryx and the throne of good Acestes be your journey's end, I send you safe; I speed you on your way. But if in these my realms ye will abide, associates of my power, behold, I build this city for your own! Choose haven here for your good ships. Beneath my royal sway Trojan and Tyrian equal grace will find. But O, that this same storm had brought your King. Aeneas, hither! I will bid explore our Libya's utmost bound, where haply he in wilderness or hamlet wanders lost.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 4, line 31 (search)
“O dearer to thy sister than her life,” Anna replied, “wouldst thou in sorrow's weed waste thy long youth alone, nor ever know sweet babes at thine own breast, nor gifts of love? Will dust and ashes, or a buried ghost reck what we do? 'T is true thy grieving heart was cold to earlier wooers, Libya's now, and long ago in Tyre. Iarbas knew thy scorn, and many a prince and captain bred in Afric's land of glory. Why resist a love that makes thee glad? Hast thou no care what alien lands are these where thou dost reign? Here are Gaetulia's cities and her tribes unconquered ever; on thy borders rove Numidia's uncurbed cavalry; here too lies Syrtis' cruel shore, and regions wide of thirsty desert, menaced everywhere by the wild hordes of Barca. Shall I tell of Tyre's hostilities, the threats and rage of our own brother? Friendly gods, I bow, wafted the Teucrian ships, with Juno's aid, to these our shores. O sister, what a throne, and what imperial city shall be thine, if thus espoused! With T<
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 4, line 238 (search)
ers, and ensheathed in stiffening ice glitters his great grim beard. Here first was stayed the speed of Mercury's well-poising wing; here making pause, from hence he headlong flung his body to the sea; in motion like some sea-bird's, which along the levelled shore or round tall crags where rove the swarming fish, flies Iow along the waves: o'er-hovering so between the earth and skies, Cyllene's god flew downward from his mother's mountain-sire, parted the winds and skimmed the sandy merge of Libya. When first his winged feet came nigh the clay-built Punic huts, he saw Aeneas building at a citadel, and founding walls and towers; at his side was girt a blade with yellow jaspers starred, his mantle with the stain of Tyrian shell flowed purple from his shoulder, broidered fair by opulent Dido with fine threads of gold, her gift of love; straightway the god began: “Dost thou for lofty Carthage toil, to build foundations strong? Dost thou, a wife's weak thrall, build her proud city? Hast th
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 6, line 801 (search)
t shall ascend The laurelled Capitolian steep; he rides In glory o'er Achaea's hosts laid low, And Corinth overthrown. There, too, is he Who shall uproot proud Argos and the towers Of Agamemnon; vanquishing the heir Even of Aeacus, the warrior seed Of Peleus' son; such vengeance shall be wrought For Troy's slain sires, and violated shrines! “Or who could fail great Cato's name to tell? Or, Cossus, thine? or in oblivion leave The sons of Gracchus? or the Scipios, Twin thunderbolts of war, and Libya's bane? Or, more than kingly in his mean abode, Fabricius? or Serranus at the plough? Ye Fabii, how far would ye prolong My weary praise? But see! 'T is Maximus, Who by wise waiting saves his native land. “Let others melt and mould the breathing bronze To forms more fair,—aye! out of marble bring Features that live; let them plead causes well; Or trace with pointed wand the cycled heaven, And hail the constellations as they rise; But thou, 0 Roman, learn with sovereign sway To rule the natio<
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 11, line 243 (search)
y walls we bore, nor of dead warriors sunk in Simois' wave) have paid the penalty in many a land with chastisement accurst and changeful woe, till Priam's self might pity. Let the star of Pallas tell its tale of fatal storm, off grim Caphereus and Eubcea's crags. Driven asunder from one field of war, Atrides unto farthest Egypt strayed, and wise Ulysses saw from Aetna's caves the Cyclops gathering. Why name the throne of Pyrrhus, or the violated hearth whence fled Idomeneus? Or Locri cast on Libya's distant shore? For even he, Lord of Mycenae by the Greeks obeyed, fell murdered on his threshold by the hand of that polluted wife, whose paramour trapped Asia's conqueror. The envious gods withheld me also from returning home to see once more the hearth-stone of my sires, the wife I yearn for, and my Calydon, the beauteous land. For wonders horrible pursue me still. My vanished followers through upper air take wing, or haunt and rove in forms of birds the island waters o'er: ah me, what m