Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Surry or search for Surry in all documents.

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Wight Co., Va., Nov. 3d, 1860. Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of the weather, there was a large attendance of the sovereigns at the great Breckinridge mass meeting at the Court-House, on the 30th ult. Unfortunately, however, the distinguished speakers who had been announced were deterred by adverse providence from being present--ex-Gov. Wise by an accident on the railroad, and Mr. Leake, we learn, by illness in his family. The only address on the occasion was by Dr. Rives, of Surry. The Eastern Virginia "Christian" Conference is now in session in the adjoining county of Nansemond. This Conference is composed of churches embraced in the limits of this Congressional district, and represents about 2,500 communicants. Though but little known in many sections, this denomination is one of the most numerous in this and adjoining counties, and has increased rapidly within a few years past. The organ of the Southern branch of the denomination is published at Suffolk, an