Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for George Stoneman or search for George Stoneman in all documents.

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ennessee, driving them back as far as Knoxville, with a national loss of about two hundred, in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Thomas at once gave directions to Stoneman, at Louisville, and to Steedman at Chattanooga, to reinforce Knoxville. On the 16th, he telegraphed: Ammen reported that he had sent reinforcements to General G Steedman this morning that he was preparing last night to reinforce Knoxville, in accordance with my directions. . He will be able to send two thousand men. . . Stoneman telegraphs me, from Louisville, that he can concentrate five mounted regiments in three days, to go to the relief of General Ammen. On the 18th, however, the rebels withdrew as rapidly as they had advanced. Nevertheless, Stoneman was ordered to concentrate as large a force as he could in East Tennessee, and either destroy Breckenridge, or drive him into Virginia. Thus, the enemy was able to make important diversions of national troops at this critical moment, both on the right and lef
l be badly crippled, if not destroyed. Grant was entirely right in his estimate of the relative numbers of the opposing armies. Sherman had left sufficient men behind for every emergency, and it was only Thomas's policy of scattering his forces and defending every assailable point, which had left so small an army for Schofield at Pulaski and Franklin, and made the first falling back inevitable. Steedman might have been recalled on the day that Hood advanced from the Tennessee, and even Stoneman would have been better occupied resisting, the principal rebel army at the West, than in following Breckenridge's three thousand men with double their number in East Tennessee. Thomas also very greatly over-estimated Hood's force, both in infantry and cavalry; but after Hood was defeated with a loss of six thousand men at Franklin, and Thomas was reinforced by ten thousand men under Smith, and five thousand under Steedman, as well as the black brigade from Chattanooga, while additions wer
lry expedition from East Tennessee, under General Stoneman, to penetrate South Carolina, well down tnow about starting from East Tennessee, under Stoneman, numbering about four or five thousand cavalrebruary, one month after he had first ordered Stoneman's advance, he said to Thomas: Stoneman being Stoneman being so late in making his start from East Tennessee, and Sherman having passed out of the state of Soutessee. It will be better, therefore, to keep Stoneman between our garrisons in East Tennessee and tdays. Both Sheridan's movement and that of Stoneman were designed to detain Lee in Richmond, and orth Carolina; I supposed all the time it was Stoneman. You may judge my surprise when I afterward learned that Stoneman was still in Louisville, Kentucky, and that the troops in North Carolina were ; but Sherman passed through the state before Stoneman started. He was then directed to move into his campaign, and arrived at White House, and Stoneman had not yet set out. On the 19th, Grant sa[19 more...]
he enemy, possibly. It is reported among the citizens here that Lynchburg was evacuated last night. I do not doubt but Stoneman is there. Sheridan arrived at Prince Edward at three o'clock, and finding Mackenzie already on the ground with his lie's army. Everything is being run out of Lynchburg towards Danville. Our troops are reported at Liberty. This must be Stoneman. When Crook received his orders to rejoin Sheridan, he was very unwilling to obey, and went in person to Grant to comted Meade to the same effect, and added: The enemy cannot go to Lynchburg, possibly. I think there is no doubt but that Stoneman entered that city this morning. I will move my Headquarters up with the troops in the morning, probably to Prospect station. Stoneman had indeed started, in the last days of March, from East Tennessee, in obedience to the orders of Grant, and was at this time moving against the railroad west of Lynchburg. He had not yet entered the town, but was completing the c
Johnston approved by Grant excitement of country-grant's friendship for Sherman movements of Stoneman operations of Canby evacuation of Mobile operations of cavalry surrender of all the rebel ao suspend the movements of any troops from the direction of Virginia. He also offered to order Stoneman, now in front of Johnston's army, to suspend any devastation or destruction contemplated by himombinations of the general-in-chief had proceeded to their designed development. The forces of Stoneman and Canby moved on the 20th, and those of Wilson on The 22nd of March. No formidable army oppgion which had been stripped bare on account of the exigencies in front of Johnston and Lee. Stoneman marched from East Tennessee, at first into North Carolina, but soon turned northward, and struce they had lost heart, that the lesser rebels yielded. Johnston was absolutely surrounded, for Stoneman and Thomas and Wilson were in his rear, while Sherman was in front, and Meade and Sheridan were
eral Grant an order to suspend the movements of any troops from the direction of Virginia. General Stoneman is under my command, and my order will suspend any devastation or destruction contemplated itary advantages. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. The orders of General Sherman to General Stoneman to withdraw from Salisbury and join him will probably open the way for Davis to escape to Mhad it surrounded, and in your absolute power. Mr. Stanton, in stating that my orders to General Stoneman were likely to result in the escape of Mr. Davis to Mexico or Europe, is in deep error. GeGeneral Stoneman was not at Salisbury, but had gone back to Statesville. Davis was between us, and therefore Stoneman was beyond him. By turning toward me he was approaching Davis, and, had he joined Stoneman was beyond him. By turning toward me he was approaching Davis, and, had he joined me as ordered, I would have had a mounted force greatly needed for Davis's capture, and for other purposes. Even now I don't know that Mr. Stanton wants Davis caught, and as my official papers, deeme
eld, 409; disapproves Sherman's action, 632; denounces Sherman in a published document, 635. State rights i., 2. Steadman, Fort, rebel attack on, III., 445 Steamboat men at Vicksburg, i., 190. Steamers manned with soldiers at Vicksburg, i., 190. Steedman, General James B., at Chattanooga, III., 191; at battle of Nashville, 251-269. Steele, General F., in command in Arkansas, i., 31, 58; in Red river campaign, 60, 64-74, 80-84, III., 388; at fall of Mobile, 637. Stoneman, General, George, captured by rebels near Atlanta, II., 543; at Louisville, III., 191; delay of, 411; cuts off Lee's retreat towards Lynchburg, 637. Stanley, General D. S., in Thomas's army, III., 185; at Pulaski, 186; at Spring hill, 208. Stuart, General J. E. B., at Spottsylvania, II., 145; opposes Sheridan's movement to James river, 238; death, 239. Sturgis, General S. D., defeated at Guntown, II., 401. Sumpter, Fort, attack on, i., 3; fall of, 9. Tallahatchie river, Grant's movem