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Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for P. Sprague or search for P. Sprague in all documents.

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on391.40 61 BrigBocca TigrisSprague & James'sSprague & JamesJoseph LeeBoston180 621817ShipFalcon orge FullerHenry HoveyBoston205 93 ShipIsraelSprague & James'sSprague & JamesIsrael ThorndikeBostordBoston301 110 BrigVirginiaSprague & James'sSprague & JamesParker & StevensBoston166 111 BrigGridardBoston242 128 ShipMarthaSprague & James'sSprague & JamesE. E. BradshawCharlestown294 129 BrigherdBoston299 135 ShipLondonSprague & James'sSprague & JamesAugustus NealSalem368 136 BrigSappho orbesBoston330 156 ShipHomerSprague & James'sSprague & JamesHartshorn & HomerBoston243 157 ShipCasE. E. BradshawCharlestown360 164 ShipMarengoSprague & James'sSprague & JamesS. GloverBoston440 1orBramhall & HoweBoston400 333 Sch.Jane HowesSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorG. BowleyProvincetownilliam A. ReaBoston273 335 Sch.Emily HilliardSprague & James'sFoster & TaylorJohn DunlapProvincetoMinot & HooperBoston680 413 ShipClara WheelerSprague & James'sJ. TaylorBramhall & HoweBoston999 4[177
e men. At the grave, the coffin was opened, to allow the last look. On the return to the house, a repast was served; and there were eating and drinking on the largest scale. In a town near Medford, the funeral of a clergyman took place in 1774; and the record of charges runs thus: For twelve gold rings, £ 8; Lisbon wine, Malaga wine, West India rum, £ 5. 16s. 8d.; lemons, sugar, pipes, and tobacco, £ 3. 8s. 6d.; gloves, £ 40. 1s. 6d.; death's-head and cross-bones, 15s. The funeral of Captain Sprague (1703) cost £ 147. 16s. The Grand American Continental Congress, assembled at Philadelphia, 1774, agreed with regard to funerals thus: On the death of any relation or friend, none of us, or any of our families, will go into any further mourning-dress than a black crape or ribbon on the arm or hat, for gentlemen; and black ribbon and necklace, for ladies; and we will discountenance the giving of gloves and scarfs at funerals. This resolve suddenly changed the New-England customs; an
d, 1753; Mansfield, 1759; May, 1759; MacCarthy, 1747; MacClinton, 1750; Mead, 1757; Melendy, 1732; Morrill, 1732. Newell, 1767; Newhall, 1751; Nutting, 1729. Oakes, 1721-75. Page, 1747; Pain, 1767; Parker, 1754; Penhallow, 1767; Polly, 1748; Poole, 1732; Powers, 1797; Pratt, 1791. Rand, 1789; Reed, 1755; Richardson, 1796; Robbins, 1765; Rouse, 1770; Rumril, 1750; Rushby, 1735; Russul, 1733. Sables, 1758; Sargent, 1716; Scolly, 1733; Semer, 1719; Simonds, 1773; Souther, 1747; Sprague, 1763; Stocker, 1763; Storer, 1748. Tebodo, 1757; Teel, 1760; Tidd, 1746; Tilton, 1764; Tompson, 1718; Trowbridge, 1787; Turner, 1729; Tuttle, 1729; Tyzick, 1785. Wait, 1725; Waite, 1785; Wakefield, 1751; Walker, 1779; Ward, 1718; Waters, 1721; Watson, 1729; White, 1749; Whitney, 1768; William, 1762; Williston, 1769; Winship, 1772; Witherston, 1798; Wright, 1795. As to the strangers who are mentioned on our records, I find that Adrian Lubert Andriesse, of Batavia, was born in Bosto
6, 41, 42, 43, 44. Sagamore John, 14, 32, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78. Samson. 539. Sargent, 36. Savage, 38, 570. Savel, 539. Schoolhouses, 345. Seccomb family, 539. Seccomb, 39, 49, 51, 106, 110, 332,486. Senators, 168. Settlement, First, 29, 33, 96. Sewall, 8, 207, 213, 436. Shadwell, 44. Shed, 540. Shephard, 3, 36, 42, 541. Ship-building, 357, 366. Simonds, 36. Slaves, 434. Smith, 4, 12, 36, 54, 75, 295. Societies, 476. Soldiers, 165. Sprague, 8, 32, 107. Squa Sachem, 43, 73. Stearns, 306. Stilman, 37. Storms and Freshets, 446. Stower, 9. Swan family, 541. Swan, 36, 307. Symmes family, 542. Symmes, 2, 4, 37, 42, 74, 353. Tainter, 543. Taverns, 422. Taxes, 408. Thompson, 19, 543. Touro, 493. Town incorporated, 119. Town-clerks, 127. Town Hall, 346. Tornado, 444. Trade, 349. Tufts family, 543. Tufts, 37, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 144, 196, 297, 303, 306, 484, 495, 570. Tu