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the rear; but Forrest was detained by swollen streams, and unable to overtake the infantry until the night of the 18th, at Columbia. Even after his defeat, Hood at first had hoped to remain in Tennessee, on the line of the Duck river, but at Columbia he became convinced that the condition of his army made it necessary to re-cross the Tennessee river without delay. Hood's Report. But just here the pursuit was interrupted for three days. On the 18th, the national cavalry arrived at Rutherford's creek, three miles north of Columbia; but the rains were falling heavily, and the stream was swollen; the bridges were destroyed, and the pontoons had been sent by mistake on the Murfreesboroa road. The whole country was inundated, and the roads were almost impassable; nevertheless, the army crossed the Harpeth, and Wood's corps closed up with the cavalry. It was not, however, till the 20th, that a floating bridge could be constructed out of the wreck of the old railroad bridge. Hatc
Hanover junction as a strategic point, II., 217. Hardee, General Wm. J., in command at Macon, III., 287; at Augusta, 288; at Savannah, 305; evacuates Savannah, 306; abandons Columbia, 422; defeat and retreat from Averysboro, 448. Harrison, Fort, captured by Ord, III., 71. Hatch, General, at Franklin, III., 212; at Rutherford creek, 260. Hatcher's run, battle of, 116-128; declared a defeat by Northern democrats, III., 169. Hawe's shop, battle of, II., 269. Hayes, General Rutherford B., service in West Virginia, III., 101-103. Hazen, General, Wm. B., at Brown's ferry, i., 446; at Fort McAllister, III., 295, 296. Helena, Miss., Washburne's movement from, i., 131, 132; Yazoo pass expedition, 168. Henry, Fort, position of, i, 23, 28; expedition against, 28-30; capture of, 32. Herron, General F. J., arrival of, at Vicksburg, i., 352; operations during siege, 353. Hill, General A. P., at battle of Wilderness, II., 11, 95, 101, 109; death and burial of, I