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The Daily Dispatch: May 15, 1862., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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e fifteen in number, six officers, good looking, well-dressed men, and the remainder seamen, all from the steamer Sumter, stationed off Wilmington. They were, doubtless, reconnoitering, but say they were bound for Fort Pulaski, on a trip of pleasure. The capturing party consisted of only four. The following is a list of the prisoners, all of whom belong to the United States steamer Sumter: Officers.--Levi B. Crowell, Acting Master Chas. G. Stevens, Engineer; Warren Ewell, Engineer; R. F. Rusk, Master's Mate, Frank W. Turner, Master's Mate; A. W. Minor, Surgeon's Steward. Seamen.--John Miller, seaman; Henry Slotter, seaman; Cliver F. Stone, ordinary seaman; David Wooster, landsman; John E Ward, seaman; Wm. T. Sprague, cockswain, Wm. J. C. Mclatyrs, ordinary seaman; Thos. Fay, landsman; Jas. Durham, seaman. The flag of truce from Fort Pulaski. We get the following from the Savannah Republican: As there is much speculation and some very erroneous rumors with re