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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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hundred of his dead and wounded. My command, with the reenforcements sent me, rest on their arms in the fields occupied by the enemy. E. B. Tyler. complete list of killed and wounded of the Seventh regiment, O. V.I. Co. A--Charles Stern, killed; Corporal Ed. Kelley, Corporal Wm. Saddler, Fred. Hoffman, Daniel Clancey, Leander Campbell, Joseph Miller, Hampton Gardner, Arthur Lappin, Thomas Fresher, wounded; Wm. Kehl, missing. Co. B--Jas. Carroll, Jas. Creiglow, Allen C. Lamb, Stephen W. Rice, killed; Duncan Reid; Jos. Smith, Albert E. Withers, Charles Fagan, badly wounded; Sergeant A. H. Fitch, Corporal Wm. E. Smith, and five others slightly wounded. Co. C--Ord. Sergeant A. C. Danforth, E. G. Sackett, killed; O. H. Worcester, W. Coleman, Stephen Kellogg, Jno. Gardner, F. M. Palmer, F. A. Warner, Daniel Kingsberry, Richard Winsor, wounded. Co. D--Corp. A. C. Griswold, Reuben Burnham, Louis Carver, killed. Co. E--Corp. Geo. Blandin, John Milliman, John Atwater, Geo.