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rowth-and was commanded by the enemy's works. I therefore directed Davidson to make a reconnoissance in force around to the enemy's left, by way of Austin, and, if practicable, t( penetrate his lines and ascertain both his strength and position. Rice's division was ordered forward to make a diversion in Davidson's favor on the Bayou Metou. Rice drove in the enemy's pickets, shelled the woods on the south side of the bayou for several hours, and encamped for the night. In the mean time DaviRice drove in the enemy's pickets, shelled the woods on the south side of the bayou for several hours, and encamped for the night. In the mean time Davidson pushed his reconnoissance until the numerous roads on his flanks and rear rendered it dangerous for him to proceed any further. The great length to which it would increase our line of communication with our base, rendered it impracticable for us to attack the enemy on his left flank. This reconnoissance occupied two days. By this time I had collected information in regard to the road leading by Shallow Ford, and Ashley's Mills to the Arkansas, on the right of the enemy's works, which dete
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 9: the Red River expedition. (search)
n but little since they left Camden, and were exceedingly weary. A part of them had already crossed the river, when the foe struck the Thirty-third Iowa, Colonel Mackey, covering the rear, a very heavy blow. The Fiftieth Indiana pressed forward to its aid, when both were pushed back behind the Ninth Wisconsin and Twenty-ninth Iowa. These were then furiously assailed, when all the troops yet on the south side of the river were ordered up, and a most sanguinary battle ensued, in which General S. A. Rice was in immediate command of the Nationals. Three times the Confederates charged heavily, and were repulsed each time. Then they threatened the National right flank, when the Forty-third Illinois and a part of the Fortieth Iowa dashed across a swollen, miry stream, and drove the enemy back. The latter then made a desperate attempt to crush the left and center. They turned the extreme left, held by the Thirty-third Iowa, whose ammunition had given out, when four companies of the Fo
, which gave a great advantage to the defensive. It was sodden and trodden into deep mire, over which guns could not be moved unless on corduroy roads, and into which the combatants sank at every step. The thin brigades of Cols. Engelmann and S. A. Rice had to bear the brunt of the enemy's attack; the disparity in numbers being enormous. Part of our army was already across the river, and could with difficulty be brought back. The 33d Iowa, Col. Mackay, covering the rear, was first impetuou in, though the 50th Indiana had advanced to its support. These fell back behind the 9th Wisconsin and 29th Iowa, which were in turn fiercely assailed; and it became necessary to order up all our troops south of the river to their support. Brig.-Gen. Rice was in immediate command. Three several attacks, with different divisions in front, were made on our steadfast heroes, who repelled each with great slaughter. Our right flank being threatened, the 43d Illinois and part of the 40th Iowa wer
red; seeing which the men in Battery D, and those behind the breastworks and in the rifle-pits supporting it, sallied forth and, surrounding more than three times their number, brought them off prisoners. Not to be outdone by their comrades, the men who had been supporting Battery C . . . gallantly charged upon the enemy in Battery C, retaking it, and capturing as well a large number of prisoners This was about 10 o'clock. I immediately dispatched two aides to carry this information to Cols. S. A. Rice and Powell Clayton, who, with the remnants of two small brigades, were holding the enemy in check on the right flank, where the attack was only the less severe and successful than it had been in front. At 10:30 it became evident that the enemy was withdrawing his forces; but, unaware how severely he had been punished, and learning somewhat of the strength of his forces from prisoners, I could but believe it was for the purpose of massing and attacking my left flank, which I considered
J. C. Tappan, Lucius E. Polk and MajorGen-erals Hindman and P. R. Cleburne. The Federal army was getting ready, in July, to occupy the Arkansas valley and march upon Little Rock. On the 27th, by special orders of General Grant, Maj.-Gen. Frederick Steele was assigned to the command of the army, to take the field from Helena, and on August 11th he assumed command of all of Arkansas north of Arkansas river. His military force included the infantry divisions of Col. W. E. McLean and Gen. S. A. Rice, present for duty, 4,493; cavalry under Gen. J. W. Davidson and Colonel Clayton, present for duty, 4,652; and artillery, total present for duty, 9,433; aggregate present, 13, 207. The field artillery included 49 pieces. With this strong force the Federal movement began on August 11th, the infantry marching from Helena by easy stages, with complete supply trains. The estimate of Confederate troops present for duty in the district of Arkansas, exclusive of Steele's division, and not al
armaduke had gone to camp near Washington. General Price had marched his infantry division to position near Camden, on the lower Ouachita. The Federal general, Rice, with 2,000 infantry and two 6-gun batteries, moved out from Little Rock, October 18th, but returned soon. Gen. Kirby Smith sent to General Holmes the following fNinth Wisconsin) and Benton's Twenty-ninth Iowa which were ordered forward to protect the train moving down a road toward Camden. They were hurled back until General Rice, with the Fiftieth Indiana infantry and Voegel's battery, came up to their support. Monroe and Fayth, falling back to Wolf creek, were attacked by this whole ng) closed up his rear as he withdrew his column, and engaged him with artillery and cavalry charges until night, one of their shells wounding the Federal general, Rice, in the head. The rear-guard of Steele's army, protected by cavalry and artillery, disappeared from the prairie, under a fierce bombardment by the Confederate art
Burnside and staff, VIII., 61; IX., 69: Second, L, 348; Third, L, 360, 366; Il, 326; Fourth, I., 356, 358; Fifth, I., 356, 358; IX., 68, 71. Rhode Island,, U. S. S.: III., 342; VI., 105; officers on deck of, VI., 113. Rhodes, C. D.: IV., 46, 120, 132, 168, 186, 220, 322. Rhodes, J. F.: VII, 24, 50; opinion of, regarding the food and clothing of U. S. army, VIII., 56. Rice, A. V., X., 231. Rice. E. W. X., 205. Rice, J. C.: II, 253; III, 58; X., 139. Rice, S. A., X., 139. Rice, W., IX., 328, 329. Rich Mountain, Va.: I., 348; VII., 30. Richardson, A. D., VII., 146. Richardson, I. B.: I., 280, 325; II., 67, 72, 324, X., 131. Richardson, R. V., X., 297. Richardson, war correspondent, New York Tribune, General Sherman's reference to, VIII., 29. Richardson, Fort, Va. (see Fort Richardson near Savage Station, Va., and Fort Richardson, Arlington Heights, Va.). Richmond, Ky.: II., 322; losses at, X., 142
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
h to make—an order to hurry up, and with Scurry's and Randall's brigades to take a cross-road on the right which is sure to bring him out on the left flank of the enemy, while Waul's brigade is posted behind Parsons and Churchill. But the latter generals, whose soldiers fight as tamely as they did at Pleasant Hill, are driven back in disorder before Walker finishes his flank movement. Leaving several cannon in the hands of the enemy, they abandon the woods and fall back behind Waul. General S. A. Rice, to whom Steele had left the command on this side, profits by this to turn all his forces against Walker at the moment when he is beginning an attack with his two brigades. Waul advances in his turn to their support, and enters the woods on their left. Walker's division—the whole of it in action—is thus soon reunited, but is unable to dislodge the Federals, who, as we have said, have the advantage of position. At the end of an hour's fighting Waul is repulsed; Scurry and Randall, af<