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The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: October 30, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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The Daily Dispatch: October 29, 1861., [Electronic resource], Vice President Stephens and the hospitals. (search)
Ranaway.--twenty dollars reward --For my negro woman Maria, who ranaway from me in April, and is supposed to be lurking about the city somewhere, as she is an excellent washer and ironer, and may be around some of the encampments washing for the soldiers. Had on when she left a blue Virginia cloth dress; apron somewhat similar, purple gingham handkerchief around her neck; and has a large mole on the neck. Said negro has a down cast loos; is 45 years old; a dark mulatto, and speaks grundy and mutteringly when spoken to. If found, or any information, address. R. I. Rice, Leigh, st, between 2d and 3d oc 29--2t*
Ranaway.--twenty dollars reward --For my negro woman Maria, who ranaway from me in April, and is supposed to be lurking about the city somewhere, as she is an excellent washer and ironer, and may be around some of the encampments washing for the soldiers. Had on when she left a blue Virginia cloth dress; apron somewhat similar; purple gingham handkerchief around her neck; and has a large mole on the neck. Said negro has a down east Icon; is 45 years old; a dark mulatto, and speaks gruffly and muttering when spoken to. If found, or any information, address R. I. Rice, Leigh st, between 2d and 3d oc 29--2t*