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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 80 0 Browse Search
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n, Mr. Lane, of Indiana, Mr. Lane, of Kansas, Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, and Mr. Latham, of California.n, of Massachusetts, Mr. Grimes, of Iowa, and Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, conferees. In the House, on the Military Committee. On the nineteenth, Mr. Rice reported back the bill with an amendment to st would endanger the passage of the bill, and Mr. Rice declared he should vote against it, if it werhe Senate, on the thirtieth of January, 1862, Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, introduced a joint resolution, to do, I would do, and it ought to be done. Mr. Rice, of Minnesota, thought the nation must speediana, Latham, Morrill, Nesmith, Pomeroy, Powell, Rice, Saulsbury, Sherman, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Thomson, chaplain in a brigade; but it was rejected. Mr. Rice moved to add as a new section : That hereaftet to the amendment was opposed by Mr. Grimes, Mr. Rice, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Howe, and rejected. Mr. was supported by Mr. Fessenden, Mr. Trumbull, Mr. Rice, and Mr. Carlisle, and opposed by Mr. King, M[21 more...]
rth Carolina regiment for reenforcement) to the right and front of Marye's house, the three left companies being on the left of the house, the Fifteenth South Carolina (Colonel DeSaussure) in reserve at the cemetery; the Third battalion (Lieutenant-Colonel Rice) was posted at Howison's mill to resist any attack that might have been made up Hazel Run. The Eighth and Seventh regiments arrived in time to assist in repelling a heavy assault made on the left at quarter to three P. M. The Third and nth, Lieutenant-Colonel Bland, came into position on the hill at Marye's house, with Colonel De Saussure's Fifteenth regiment South Carolina volunteers in reserve and under cover of the cemetery. James's Third South Carolina battalion, (Lieutenant-Colonel Rice commanding,) I left in position at Howison's Mill, to protect our right from any advance of the enemy up Hazel Run. While the Third and Seventh regiments were getting into position, another fierce attack was sustained, and those regimen
passed in driving them back on Saturday and Sunday, gave an earnest of the telling effect produced upon them in both days' fight. Besides arming itself with Enfield rifles, a detail from my command, under supervision of my ordnance officer, James E. Rice, gathered upon the field and conveyed to the ordnance train about two thousand efficient guns. The pieces captured by Colonel Tyler, and those in which Colonel Jones participated in the capture, were taken to the rear and turned over to propevening, continued in the field until the close of the fight), Lieutenants Blanchard and Bate, I am indebted for their hearty co-operation and prompt execution of my orders, notwithstanding each was unhorsed by shots from the enemy. Also, to James E. Rice, Brigade Ordnance Officer, I am indebted for the prompt discharge of his duties; but to none are my thanks more signally due, or more cordially awarded, than to my gallant young Adjutant, Captain W. C. Yancey, who while cheering and encouragi
Lieutenant Wallace informs me that he saw the enemy roll off the guns by hand, in a few minutes after they were taken possession of. The two Napoleon guns of Captain Rice were both disabled, having their axles broken, and the cheek of one shivered; one was dragged off before the approach of the enemy. The other was recovered the next morning. All the ammunition in the limbers of the pieces was expended by Captain Rice, his caissons being kept in rear. He, estimates the time during which he was engaged, at one hour; his casualties were eight men wounded, and ten horses disabled. The five rifle pieces, which preceded Captain Rice in the action, were Captain Rice in the action, were engaged probably an hour and a quarter. Lieutenant Wallace's three guns fired two hundred and four rounds. His casualties were two Lieutenants wounded, and two men killed and thirteen wounded; Lieutenant Crenshaw's section fired only twenty-five rounds; his casualties were one man killed and sixteen wounded. The total of casua
y Colonel Dibrell's command. The officers and men of my command conducted themselves handsomely from the commencement of the march to the rout of the enemy at Philadelphia, but credit is especially due to Colonel Hart, of the Sixth Georgia, Colonel Rice, of the Third Confederate, and Colonel Harper, of the First Georgia cavalry, who lost a leg while leading his men in a gallant charge. Colonels Rice and Hart occupied the left, and nobly did each do his duty. From an intrepid charge on the eColonels Rice and Hart occupied the left, and nobly did each do his duty. From an intrepid charge on the enemy's rear, his artillery, wagons, and stores, with most of the prisoners, fell into their hands. Lieutenant George Yoe, Captain Davidson Lamar, and Adjutant John W. Tench, acting on my staff, have my thanks for their assistance, efficiency, and gallantry on the field. Although the victory was complete, the fruits of it fell short, far, of what they would have reached if I had had the prompt co-operation of the forces in front. The casualties in my command are fourteen killed, eighty-tw