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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 6 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 5 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 3: The Decisive Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 2 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 4 2 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 3 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 3 3 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 2 2 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 2 2 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 2 2 Browse Search
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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
gade, Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer. Third Brigade, Brig. Gen. J. J. Bartlett. Second Division, Brig.-Gen. John C. Robinson. First Brigade, Col. Samuel H. Leonard. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry Baxter. Third Brigade, Col. Andrew W. Denison. Third Division, Brig.-Gen. Samuel W. Crawford. First Brigade, Col. Wm. McCandless. Third Brigade, Col. Joseph W. Fisher. Fourth Division, Brig.-Gen. James S. Wadsworth. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Lysander Cutler. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James C. Rice. Third Brigade, Col. Roy Stone. Artillery Brigade, Col. C. S. Wainwright. Maj.-Gen. John Sedgwick, commanding Sixth Army Corps. First Division, Brig.-Gen. H. G. Wright. First Brigade, Col. Henry W. Brown. Second Brigade, Col. Emory Upton. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. D. A. Russell. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alexander Shaler. Second Division, Brig.-Gen. George W. Getty. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Frank Wheaton. Second Brigade, Col. Lewis A. Grant. Third Brigade, B
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Battle of Spottsylvania-Hancock's position-assault of Warren's and Wright's corps-upton promoted on the field-good news from Butler and Sheridan (search)
ommand of it. About four o'clock in the afternoon the assault was ordered, Warren's and Wright's corps, with Mott's division of Hancock's corps, to move simultaneously. The movement was prompt, and in a few minutes the fiercest of struggles began. The battle-field was so densely covered with forest that but little could be seen, by any one person, as to the progress made. Meade and I occupied the best position we could get, in rear of Warren. Warren was repulsed with heavy loss, General J. C. Rice being among the killed. He was not followed, however, by the enemy, and was thereby enabled to reorganize his command as soon as covered from the guns of the enemy. To the left our success was decided, but the advantage was lost by the feeble action of Mott. Upton with his assaulting party pushed forward and crossed the enemy's intrenchments. Turning to the right and left he captured several guns and some hundreds of prisoners. Mott was ordered to his assistance but failed utterly
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter28: Gettysburg-Third day. (search)
Brigade, Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer; 9th Mass., Col. Patrick R. Guiney; 32d Mass., Col. G. L. Prescott; 4th Mich., Col. Harrison H. Jeffords, Lieut.-Col. George W. Lumbard; 62d Pa., Lieut.-Col. James C. Hull. Third Brigade, Col. Strong Vincent, Col. James C. Rice ; 20th Me., Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain; 16th Mich., Col. Norval E. Welch; 44th N. Y., Col. James C. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Freeman Conner; 83d Pa., Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres :--First Brigade, Col.Col. James C. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Freeman Conner; 83d Pa., Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres :--First Brigade, Col. Hannibal Day; 3d U. S. (6 cos.), Capt. Henry W. Freedley, Capt. Richard G. Lay; 4th U. S. (4 cos.), Capt. Julius W. Adams, Jr.; 6th U. S. (5 cos.), Capt. Levi C. Bootes; 12th U. S. (8 cos.), Capt. Thomas S. Dunn; 14th U. S. (8 cos.), Maj. Grotius R. Giddings. Second Brigade, Col. Sidney Burbank; 2d U. S. (6 cos.), Maj. Arthur T. Lee, Capt. Samuel A. McKee; 7th U. S. (4 cos.), Capt. David P. Hancock; 10th U. S. (3 cos.), Capt. William Clinton ; 11th U. S. (6 cos.), Maj. De Lancey Floyd-Jones; 17
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
w), Lieut.-Col. Patrick R. Guiney; 4th Mich., Col. Dwight A. Woodbury (k), Lieut.-Col. Jonathan W. Childs (w), Capt. John M. Randolph; 14th N. Y., Col. James McQuade; 62d Pa., Col. Samuel W. Black (k), Lieut.-Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer (w and c), Capt. James C. Hull. Brigade loss: k, 182; w, 772; in, 199 == 1153. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Daniel Butterfield: 12th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Robert M. Richardson; 17th N. Y. (detached with Stoneman's command), Col. Henry S. Lansing; 44th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. James C. Rice; 16th Mich., Col. T. B. W. Stockton (c), Lieut.-Col. John V. Ruehle; 83d Pa., Col. John W. McLane (k), Capt. Hugh S. Campbell (w); Brady's Co. Mich. Sharp-shooters, Capt. Kin S. Dygert. Brigade loss: k, 166; w, 546; im, 269==981. Artillery, Capt. William B. Weeden: 3d Mass., Capt. Augustus P. Martin; 5th Mass., Lieut. John B. Hyde; C, 1st R. I., Lieut. Richard Waterman; D, 5th U. S., Lieut. Henry W. Kingsbury. Artillery loss: k, 9; w, 38; im, 9 == 56. Sharpshooters: 1st U. S., Co
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at the Second Bull Run. August 16th-September 2d, 1862. (search)
James McQuade; 62d Pa., Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer; 4th Mich., Col. Jonathan W. Childs. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Daniel Butterfield (commanded First and Third Brigades in battle of August 30th), Col. Henry S. Lansing, Col. Henry A. Weeks (w), Col. James C. Rice: 12th N. Y., Col. Henry A. Weeks, Capt. Augustus I. Root (w), Capt. William Hiuson, Capt. Ira Wood; 17th N. Y., Col. Henry S. Lansing, Maj. W. T. C. Grower (w), Capt. John Vickers; 44th N. Y., Col. James C. Rice, Maj. Freeman Conner; 83d PaCol. James C. Rice, Maj. Freeman Conner; 83d Pa., Lieut.-Col. Hugh S. Campbell (w), Maj. William H. Lament (w), Capt. John Graham (w), Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward; 16th Mich., Capt. Thomas J. Barry (w), Capt. Henry H. Sibley. Brigade loss: k, 70; w, 357; m, 163 = 590. Sharp-shooters: 1st U. S., Col. Hiram Berdan. Loss: k, 5; w, 41; in, 15=61. Artillery: 3d Mass. (not in action), Capt. Augustus P. Martin; C, 1st R. 1., Capt. Richard Waterman; D, 5th U. S., Lieut. Charles E. Hazlett. Artillery loss: w, 5; in, 1 = 6. Second division, Brig.-
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces in the Chancellorsville campaign. (search)
Patrick R. Guiney; 32d Mass., Lieut.-Col. Luther Stephenson; 4th Mich., Col. Harrison H. Jeffords; 14th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Thomas M. Davies; 62d Pa., Col. Jacob B. Sweitzer, Lieut.-Col. James C. Hull. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 46; m, 7 = 62. Third Brigade, Col. Thomas B. W. Stockton: 20th Me., Lieut.-Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain; Brady's Co. Mich. Sharp-shooters; 16th Mich., Lieut.-Col. Norval E. Welch; 12th N. Y., Capt. William Huson; 17th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Nelson B. Bartram; 44th N. Y., Col. James C. Rice; 83d Pa., Col. Strong Vincent. Brigade loss: k, 2; w, 18 = 20. Artillery, Capt. Augustus P. Martin: 3d Mass., Capt. Augustus P. Martin; 5th Mass., Capt. Charles A. Phillips; C, 1st R. I., Capt. Richard Waterman; D. 5th U. S., Lieut. Charles E. Hazlett. Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 4; m, 2 = 8. Second division, Maj.-Gen. George Sykes. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres: 3d U. S. (6 co's), Capt. John D. Wilkins; 4th U. S. (4 co's), Capt. Hiram Dryer; 12th U. S. (5 co's 1st Batta
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
k R. Guiney; 32d Mass., Col. G. L. Prescott; 4th Mich., Col. Harrison H. Jeffords (k), Lieut.-Col. George W. Lumbard; 62d Pa., Lieut.-Col. James C. Hull. Brigade loss: k, 67; w, 239; m, 121 = 427. Third Brigade, Col. Strong Vincent (in w), Col. James C. Rice: 20th Me., Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain; 16th Mich., Lieut.-Col. Norval E. Welch; 44th N. Y. Col. James C. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Freeman Conner; 83d Pa., Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward. Brigade loss: k, 88; w, 253; in, 11 = 352. Second division, BCol. James C. Rice, Lieut.-Col. Freeman Conner; 83d Pa., Capt. Orpheus S. Woodward. Brigade loss: k, 88; w, 253; in, 11 = 352. Second division, Brig.-Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres. First Brigade, Col. Hannibal Day: 3d U. S. (6 co's), Capt. Henry W. Freedley (w), Capt. Richard G. Lay; 4th U. S. (4 co's), Capt. Julius W. Adams; 6th U. S. (5 co's), Capt. Levi C. Bootes; 12th U. S. (8 co's), Capt. Thomas S. Dunn; 14th U. S. (8 co's), Maj. Grotius R. Giddings. Brigade loss: k, 46; w, 318; m, 18 =382. Second Brigade, Col. Sidney Burbank: 2d U. S. (6 co's), Maj. Arthur T. Lee (w), Capt. Samuel A. McKee; 7th U. S. (4 co's), Capt. David P. Hancock; 10th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Through the Wilderness. (search)
n full uniform. Warren had made reconnoissances in force, with division front, twice. He knew his ground, as he always did.--A. S. W. The assaulting column was composed of Crawford's division, Cutler's division (formerly Wadsworths), and Webb's and Carroll's brigades of the Second Corps. The official diary of Longstreet's corps says that 6 some of the enemy succeeded in gaining the works, but were killed in them. We were driven back, however, with heavy loss, including Brigadier-General James C. Rice, of Cutler's division, killed. General Hancock returned to us at half-past 5, and we were ordered to make another attack at 7 P. M. with Birney's and Gibbon's divisions and part Brigadier-General John M. Jones, C. S. A. of the Fifth Corps. We made the assault, but we were driven back a second time. Our men were demoralized by fruitless work. Over on our left, in the Sixth Corps, General Wright had found what he deemed to be a vulnerable place in the Confederate line. I
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The opposing forces at the beginning of Grant's campaign against Richmond. (search)
Dare; 8th Pa., Col. Silas M. Baily; 10th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Ira Ayer, Jr.; 12th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Richard Gustin. Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. James S. Wadsworth. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Lysander Cutler: 7th Ind., Col. Ira G. Grover; 19th Ind., Col. Samuel J. Williams; 24th Mich., Col. Henry A. Morrow; 1st N. Y. Battalion Sharp-shooters, Capt. Volney J. Shipman; 2d Wis., Lieut.-Col. John Mansfield; 6th Wis., Col. Edward S. Bragg; 7th Wis., Col. William W. Robinson. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James C. Rice: 76th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. John E. Cook: 84th N. Y. (14th Militia), Col. Edward B. Fowler; 95th N. Y., Col. Edward Pye; 147th N. Y., Col. Francis C. Miller; 56th Pa., Col. J. Wm. Hofmann. Third Brigade, Col. Roy Stone: 121st Pa., Capt. Samuel T. Lloyd; 142d Pa., Maj. Horatio N. Warren; 143d Pa., Col. Edmund L. Dana; 149th Pa., Lieut.-Col. John Irvin; 150th Pa., Capt. George W. Jones. artillery Brigade, Col. Charles S. Wainwright: 3d Mass., Capt. Augustus P. Martin; 5th Mass., Capt. C
ua W. Sill Killed at Stone's River. Brigadier-General Edward P. Chapin Killed at Port Hudson. Brigadier-General Stephen W. Weed Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Elon J. Farnsworth Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General Strong Vincent Killed at Gettysburg. Brigadier-General William H. Lytle Killed at Chickamauga. Brigadier-General William P. Sanders Killed at Knoxville. Brigadier-General Samuel A. Rice Mortally wounded. Killed at Jenkins' Ferry. Brigadier-General James C. Rice Killed at Spotsylvania. Brigadier-General Charles G. Harker Killed at Kenesaw Mountain. Brigadier-General Daniel McCook Mortally wounded. Killed at Kenesaw Mountain. Brigadier-General Hiram Burnham Killed at Fort Harrison. Brigadier-General Daniel D. Bidwell Killed at Cedar Creek. Brigadier-General Charles R. Lowell Mortally wounded. Killed at Cedar Creek. Brevet Brigadier-General Arthur H. Dutton Mortally wounded. Killed at Bermuda Hundred. Brevet
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