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The Daily Dispatch: January 28, 1861., [Electronic resource] 3 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
n, J. B. Bostwick, A. A. Collins, J. J. Collins, Baylor Scarr, W. B. Davis, J. I. Fountain, William Faulk, J. G. Gates, M. M. Justice, J. L. Justice, D. Joiner, M. J. L. Kettles, J. W. Lord, G. J. Linsay, R. D. McCullough, J. C. Mason, W. H. Price, J. W. Payne, J. Shinholser, G. H. Smith, W. A. Skipper, D. C. Taylor, E. J. Williams, J. A. Williams, S. M. Barber, Wm. Bone, J. M. Dunnahoe, A. A. Edge, R. L. Hugan, Z. Kitchens, W. L. Luckey, J. O. Farroll, J. L. Rice, T. Rice, J. J. Simms, Private S. S. Brown, T. O. Brown, E. A. Furlon, F. M. Lester, O. Pitts, J. W. Richardson, H. C. Rice, B. F. Sammons, P. Black, W. H. Collin, Private A. C. Smith, W. H. Vincent, A. D. Wamberling, W. H. Elder, J. S. Greer, R D. Lanier, B. F. McRea, A. R. Maxey, W. A. Noel, David Stephens. [236] Sixty-fourth Georgia Regiment. Non-Commissioned Staff. Ordnance Sergeant W. K. Wright. Sergeant J. T. Bell, J. L. Griffin, Wm. Duckworth,
x county. Va., County-Court, on Monday last, decided to appropriate, from the "Glebe Fund," the sum of $5,000, to be expended in putting the county in a state of defence. The sum is to be borrowed of the Trustees of the Poor, who hold the Bank stock of the Glebe Fund. It will be appropriated as follows: To the Essex Light Dragoons, $1,800; to the Essex Sharp Shooters, $500; the balance to the militia, and for the purchase of ammunition. It is thought that a large amount, sufficient to thoroughly equip 500 men, will be raised by private subscription. Contributions to secession. The Baton Rouge (La.) Advocate, of the 17th Inst., is requested by Col. J. L. Rice, of Illinois, to tender to Gov. Moore, for the use of the State forces, two thousand bushels of corn, at thirty-three cents per bushel, payable to suit the convenience of the State, or not at all, if it would embarrass the State. Gentlemen of Columbia, S. C., has sent Gov. Pickens $500 to be used for the State.
les. Upland Middlings 12 ½c. Flour is firm — sales of 11,500 barrels. State $5.15@5.25; Ohio $5.70@5.80; Southern $5.65@6. Wheat is better — sales of 53,000 bushels. Red Western $1.34; white $1.45 @1.60. Corn is buoyant — sales of 64,000 bushels. Mixed 67@68; white Southern 73--Pork is steady, Lard dull at 10¼@10½c. Whiskey is firm at 18 Sugar is steady — Orleans 5¼@6½c.; Muscovado 5@5¼c. Coffee steady at 11½@12½c. Molasses quiet at 36@37 Spirits of Turpentine firm. Rosin firm at $1.27½. Rice steady. Financial.--Stocks are dull and heavy — Chicago and Rock Island, 57¼ Illinois Central Shares, 79. New York Centrals, 79¼ Reading, 46⅔ Va. 68, 76; Mo. 6's, 68½ Treasury, 12's. 102⅜. Sales in New York, Jan. 25, $2,000 Va 6's at 76½ $3,000 do. at 76. On the 26th inst., of $1,000 do. at 76. Baltimore,Jan. 26. --Flour market dull and heavy — Howard street and Ohio $5.50; City Mills $5.25, with no sales. Wheat is dull — red $1.25@1.30; whit