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The Daily Dispatch: August 17, 1861., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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at 47s. 6d. a 47s. 9d. Tallow closed quiet at 47s. 6d. Produce.--Ashes closed firm. Pots 30s.--Pearls 33s. Rosin quiet at 7s. a 7s 1d. for common. Spirits turpentine dull at 47s. a 47s. 6d. Sugar steady. Coffee dull and prices unchanged. Rice steady. Linseed oil quiet, and prices steady Cotton closed dull and prices unchanged. London Markets--Coffee closed inactive — Sugar firm Tea heavy and all kinds slightly lower — common Congon 10s. 6d. to 10s. 11d.--Rice is quiet. Spir.--Ashes closed firm. Pots 30s.--Pearls 33s. Rosin quiet at 7s. a 7s 1d. for common. Spirits turpentine dull at 47s. a 47s. 6d. Sugar steady. Coffee dull and prices unchanged. Rice steady. Linseed oil quiet, and prices steady Cotton closed dull and prices unchanged. London Markets--Coffee closed inactive — Sugar firm Tea heavy and all kinds slightly lower — common Congon 10s. 6d. to 10s. 11d.--Rice is quiet. Spirits turpentine heavy and slightly lower. Linseed cakes adva
A letter from the Vatican, dated July 13th, states that the Pope's health is now perfectly restored, and that he either drives out or takes a long walk almost every day. Hon. Edward Lloyd, sen., an eminent citizen of Talbott county, Maryland, died on Sunday last. A Republican member of the Iowa Legislature made $34,000 out of his contract to clothe the State volunteers. George Edward Rice, a Boston lawyer, shot himself on Sunday in the boarding-house of Mr. David Reed, Roxbury, Massachusetts. Lieut. Col. Tyler, of the Confederate service, who was arrested in Cincinnati a few days ago, is to be imprisoned in Fort Lafayette. It is stated that Adelina Patti is married to Mr. Rothschild, nephew of one of the great bankers. Ex-Mayor Walter R. Danforth, of Providence, R. I., died a few days ago. The Duke of Buckingham died recently in England.
pecution seems to be dead, and there is no buying for investment. There was no change in Government's yesterday; the two-year Treasury notes are taken up as fast as they come into market. State stocks were not so firm. Missouri's declined ¼ and Tennessee's Ȃ, Virginia's were steady. The money market continues very dull. The brokers are borrowing all they need at 4 per cent. Paper of high grades continues very scarce, and the prospect of large negotiations by Government tends to check the inquiry for mercantile notes. People are waiting to see what employment Mr. Chase will offer them for their funds. New York Market, Aug. 14.--Cotton is firm; sales of 900 bales. Flour has an upward tendency; sales of 22,000 bbls. at an advance of five cents. Wheat has an upward tendency; sales of 125,000 bushels, Chicago Spring at 95a 1 02. Corn buoyant; sales of 102,000 bushels at 42a49 cents for mixed. Whiskey is dull at 10 ½a15 ¾ cents. Rice has advanced cent; sales at 6a7 cts.