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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. 3 1 Browse Search
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Medford Church anniversaries. (search)
y years ago, while few of their children can remember with any distinctness the half-century observance. On Wednesday evening the announcement called for a Union Prayer Meeting of the Methodist Churches of Medford—Love Feast, in charge of Dr. C. F. Rice. The chapel was not overcrowded. Prayer was offered by the pastor, hymns sung. Dr. Rice, pastor of the Wellington church, preached a short and excellent sermon and brief remarks were made by local and visiting members. It was a profitableDr. Rice, pastor of the Wellington church, preached a short and excellent sermon and brief remarks were made by local and visiting members. It was a profitable and enjoyable occasion, but not on the old-time lines. Thursday evening's concert and readings marked the close of the anniversary program, making a way mark in the history of Medford Methodism in marked contrast to its beginning a century ago. This church now occupies its fourth house of worship. The first three were not widely separated in location. This, however, is near the northeastern border of the city, with no immediate neighboring church, and of late has styled itself A Communi