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services to raise all sorts of companies. The South is truly roused. In the same paper we find the following paragraph: We are requested by Thomas P. Walker late Deputy United States Marshal, to state that the attendance of the jurors summoned for the session of the Federal Court, to have been held in this city on next Monday, will not be required. Charleston, Nov. 20, 1860.--United States Marshal Hamilton to day mailed his resignation. The opinion prevails that ex-Senator Rhett will head the ticket from the Charleston district to the Convention. The brig James Gray, Capt. Plummer, of Newburyport, sails to-morrow with cotton for Havre, and will leave the port with the Palmetto colors flying. This vessel is owned by Cushing Brothers. The cavalry companies of Charleston were to-day reviewed, and presented arms to the Southern Confederacy flag. The money stringency is now so great that relief from the Banks is absolutely essential. They will
The Georgia Legislature. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 22 --Gov. Brown sent in a special message yesterday, in which, in view of the election of Lincoln, and in order to unite and promote the sentiment of the State, he recommends that the Legislature (the people having failed to do so) choose Presidential Electors on Saturday next. The recommendation was adopted. R. B. Rhett, Gen. Pillow of Tenn, and E. Ruffin of Va., were invited to the floor of the Senate. Ex-Gov. McDonald is at Marietta, Ga., and too feeble to go to Milledgeville and cast a vote as Breckinridge Elector, even if the Legislature were to choose him. It is probable the Legislature will take a recess after the 1st prox.--some think adjourn some to a fixed time, and some say until called again by the Governor. There was a killing frost here this morning.