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lake, expedition, i., 166-173, 178. Raids.—Grierson's, i. 188 189; Sheridan's to Richmond, May, 1864, II., 237-241 to Trevellian station, 392-398, in February, 1865, III., 412-417; Wilson's, 403-412; Grant's opinions of, 412, 413. Ransom, General T. E. G., commands brigade before Vicksburg, i., 347. Rapidan river, strategical situation of, i., 4, 14, 94; crossing of, 98. Rawlins, General John A., relations with Grant, II., 191; opposes Sherman's march to sea, III., 156, 157. Raymond, battle of, i., 234, 236. Read, General, Theodore, fight with rebel cavalry near Farmville, III., 568; death of, 568. Ream's station, cavalry fight at, II., 409; battle of, July 25, 1864, II. 527-531. Rebel army, disaffection and desertion in, III., 352; surrender of every man in, 639; complete overthrow of, in every quarter of theatre of war, 648. Rebel losses.—At Belmont. i., 20; at Fort Donelson, 51; at Shiloh, 92; at Iuka, 115; at Corinth, 117; at Hatchie river, 118; at Ark