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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
ands in their country's blood. I hand him over to the avenging pen of History. This was when Lee had been just two months dead; but, three-quarters of a century after the protector's skull had been removed from over the roof of Westminster Hall, Pope wrote, in similar spirit— See Cromwell, damn'd to everlasting fame; and, sixteen years later,—four-fifths of a century after Cromwell's disentombment at Westminster and reburial at Tyburn,—period from the death of Lee equal to that which will s statue looms defiantly up in front of the Parliament House. When, therefore, an appeal is in such cases made to the avenging pen of History, it is well to bear this instance in mind, while recalling, perchance, that other line of a greater than Pope, or Gray, or Sumner— Thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges. Was then Robert E. Lee a traitor—was he also guilty of his country's blood? These questions I propose now to discuss. I am one of those who, in other days, was ar
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Treatment and exchange of prisoners. (search)
use any property belonging to citizens of the Confederacy which might be necessary or convenient for their several commands, without making any provision for compensation therefor. About the same time, and, doubtless, by the same authority, Generals Pope and Steinwehr issued their infamous orders, also referred to in our last report. All of these orders were so contrary to all the rules of civilized warfare, and especially to those adopted by the Federal authorities themselves, that on August 1st, 1862 (just ten days from the date of the cartel), the Confederate authorities were driven to the necessity of issuing an order declaring, among other things, that Pope and Steinwehr and the commissioned officers of their commands, had chosen for themselves (to use General Lee's words) the position of robbers and murderers, and not that of public enemies entitled, if captured, to be treated as prisoners of war. Later on, in the fall of that year, came the barbarous orders and conduct of G
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.12 (search)
ce in that direction. The Black Horse saw some very active service and gained information that proved most valuable to the army. They afterward helped to drive Pope across the Rappahannock, and now, being in that part of the State where most of them were raised, the troop was called upon to supply scouts to the different commanders, and in the enemy's future movements upon General Pope's forces, was of great service. Stonewall Jackson soon discovered of a hat good stuff the Black Horse was composed and detailed the company to act at his headquarters as couriers. Lieutenant A. D. Payne was sent back with half of the troopers to meet General Lee, who was following Jackson when marching against Pope's big army. It is said that the Black Horse looked like a company of holiday soldiers, so gay were they in demeanor, and so well groomed were their horses. At the second battle of Manassas they were engaged in carrying General Jackson's orders to and fro between the various co
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
s to the health of the troops. Thus ended the Seven Days battles, and thus Richmond was relieved from the presence of McClellan's army. This was a great feat to have accomplished—the driving of McClellan's army from within five miles of Richmond to the James river, at Westover, with great loss of life and military stores; but if General Lee's plans had been carried out that army would have been destroyed. Not as much was effected as was hoped for, but it is easy to be wise after the fact, and much, very much, was accomplished. Richmond breathed free, and the Army of Northern Virginia, after a little rest and recuperation, buckled on its armor to meet its old foe, reinforced by Pope's army, on the plains of Manassas. The garrulity of an old soldier is proverbial, and anniversaries bring reminiscences, especially of wartimes. If the younger people will read and study the civil war, which appears now to some to be ancient history, they will learn what war was forty years ago
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.24 (search)
eral Howell Cobb and General Wool, under which some exchanges were made, but the agreement was soon abandoned, and matters proceeded as before. Our surgeons were distinguished not only for knowledge and skill but also for humanity to the sick and wounded of the enemy; and they extended the greatest courtesy and aid to the Federal Medical Corps, as, for instance, after the second Manassas battle by Medical Director L. Guild of General Lee's army to Medical Director Thomas A. McParlin of General Pope's army; and by Medical Director Hunter McGuire of General Jackson's army to Brigade Surgeon J. Burd Peale and others of General Banks' army. Prior to the capture of Winchester in May, 1862, the medical officers were held as prisoners in like manner as other officers; but were often permitted to give their services to their suffering fellow-prisoners. Especial mention is made of the circumstance that when General Jackson defeated General Banks and entered Winchester on the morning of M