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Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
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advanced on Pollard; was in several fights of minor importance, and finally surrendered at Gainesville. Col. Charles P. Ball was frequently in command of a cavalry brigade, and the regiment was led at times by Lieut.-Col. Lemuel D. Hatch and Maj. W. T. Poe. The regiment lost many gallant officers. Maj. R. H. Redwood and Capt. C. E. England were killed at Lafayette; Capt. G. S. Perrin was killed at Pine Barren creek; Capt. W. H. Lawrence was killed at Rome. At the battle of Lafayette, Ga., Fi May 21, 1864. (646) June 10th, under General Pillow. (791) Commanded by Lieut.-Col. L. D. Hatch, Armistead's brigade, district of Central and Northern Alabama, August 21st. (812) Present for duty 334, Talladega, Ala., September 1st, under Maj. W. T. Poe; Colonel Ball commanding cavalry force. Nos. 93, 94-In Armistead's brigade, district of Central Alabama, to December, 1864. No. 103—(281) Mentioned in report of Major-General Steele, April 12, 1865. (1047) Col. Charles P. Ball com