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P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 2, line 250 (search)
The skies rolled on; and o'er the ocean fell the veil of night, till utmost earth and heaven and all their Myrmidonian stratagems were mantled darkly o'er. In silent sleep the Trojan city lay; dull slumber chained its weary life. But now the Greek array of ordered ships moved on from Tenedos, their only light the silent, favoring moon, on to the well-known strand. The King displayed torch from his own ship, and Sinon then, whom wrathful Heaven defended in that hour, let the imprisoned band of Greeks go free from that huge womb of wood; the open horse restored them to the light; and joyfully emerging from the darkness, one by one, princely Thessander, Sthenelus, and dire Ulysses glided down the swinging cord. Closely upon them Neoptolemus, the son of Peleus, came, and Acamas, King Menelaus, Thoas and Machaon, and last, Epeus, who the fabric wrought. Upon the town they fell, for deep in sleep and drowsed with wine it lay; the sentinels they slaughtered, and through gates now opened wide
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 452 (search)
t dwelles among the hilles and stonie rockes, I am no sheepehearde with a Curre, attending on the flockes: I am no Carle nor countrie Clowne, nor neathearde taking charge Of cattle grazing here and there within this Forrest large. Thou doest not know, poore simple soule, God wote thou dost not knowe, From whome thou fleest. For if thou knew, thou wouldste not flee me so. In Delphos is my chiefe abode, my Temples also stande At Glaros and at Patara within the Lycian lande. And in the Ile of Tenedos the people honour mee. The king of Gods himselfe is knowne my father for to bee. By me is knowne that was, that is, and that that shall ensue, By mee men learne to sundrie tunes to frame sweete ditties true. In shooting have I stedfast hand, but surer hand had hee That made this wound within my heart that heretofore was free. Of Phisicke and of surgerie I found the Artes for neede, The powre of everie herbe and plant doth of my gift proceede. Nowe wo is me that nere an herbe can
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 13, line 98 (search)
yd I: O thou Goddesse sonne, why shouldst thou bee afrayd To raze great Troy, whoose overthrowe for thee is onely stayd? And laying hand uppon him I did send him (as you see) To valeant dooings meete for such a valeant man as hee. And therfore all the deedes of him are my deedes. I did wound King Teleph with his speare, and when he lay uppon the ground, I was intreated with the speare to heale him safe and sound. That Thebe lyeth overthrowne, is my deede. You must think I made the folk of Tenedos and Lesbos for to shrink. Both Chryse and Cillas, Phebus townes, and Scyros I did take. And my ryght hand Lyrnessus walles to ground did levell make. I gave you him that should confound (besydes a number mo) The valeant Hector. Hector, that our most renowmed fo, Is slayne by mee. This armour heere I sue agein to have This armour by the which I found Achilles. I it gave Achilles whyle he was alive: and now that he is gone I clayme it as myne owne agein. What tyme the greefe of one H
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