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Polybius, Histories 32 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 20 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. John Dryden) 14 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 14 0 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 10 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 6 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 4 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams). You can also browse the collection for Eryx (Italy) or search for Eryx (Italy) in all documents.

Your search returned 10 results in 7 document sections:

P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 561 (search)
Bid care begone! It was necessity, and my young kingdom's weakness, which compelled the policy of force, and made me keep such vigilant sentry my wide co'ast along. Aeneas and his people, that fair town of Troy—who knows them not? The whole world knows those valorous chiefs and huge, far-flaming wars. Our Punic hearts are not of substance all insensible and dull: the god of day drives not his fire-breathing steeds so far from this our Tyrian town. If ye would go to great Hesperia, where Saturn reigned, or if voluptuous Eryx and the throne of good Acestes be your journey's end, I send you safe; I speed you on your way. But if in these my realms ye will abide, associates of my power, behold, I build this city for your own! Choose haven here for your good ships. Beneath my royal sway Trojan and Tyrian equal grace will find. But O, that this same storm had brought your King. Aeneas, hither! I will bid explore our Libya's utmost bound, where haply he in wilderness or hamlet wanders lost.
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 1 (search)
He, having said, bade reef and tighten, bend to stronger stroke, and slant sail to the wind; then spake again: “High-souled Aeneas, not if Jove the King gave happy omen, would I have good hope of making Italy through yonder sky. Athwart our course from clouded evening-star rebellious winds run shifting, and the air into a cloud-wrack rolls. Against such foes too weak our strife and strain! Since now the hand of Fortune triumphs, let us where she calls obedient go. For near us, I believe, lies Eryx' faithful and fraternal shore: here are Sicilian havens, if my mind of yon familiar stars have knowledge true.” then good Aeneas: “For a friendly wind long have I sued, and watched thee vainly strive. Shift sail! What happier land for me and mine, or for our storm-beat ships what safer shore, than where Dardanian Acestes reigns; the land whose faithful bosom cherishes Anchises' ashes?” Heedful of his word, they landward steer, while favoring zephyrs fill the spreading sail. On currents swift
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 387 (search)
in vain! Endurest thou to see yon reward won without a blow? Where, prithee, is that god who taught thee? Are thy tales of Eryx vain? Does all Sicilia praise thee? Is thy roof with trophies hung?” The other in reply: “My jealous honor and good name y gifts come forth.” So saying, he threw into the mid-arena a vast pair of ponderous gauntlets, which in former days fierce Eryx for his fights was wont to bind on hand and arm, with the stiff raw-hide thong. All marvelled; for a weight of seven bullsd what his gauntlets were! Would thou hadst seen the conflict terrible upon this self-same shore! These arms were borne by Eryx. Look; thy brother's!—spattered yet with blood, with dashed-out brains! In these he stood when he matched Hercules. I worebrows. But if these arms be of our Trojan Dares disapproved, if good Aeneas rules it so, and King Acestes wills it, let us offer fight on even terms. Let Eryx' bull's-hide go. Tremble no more! But strip those gauntlets off — fetched here fr
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 461 (search)
ees!” With such wise words he sundered the fell strife. But trusty friends bore Dares off: his spent limbs helpless trailed, his head he could not lift, and from his lips came blood and broken teeth. So to the ship they bore him, taking, at Aeneas' word, the helmet and the sword—but left behind Entellus' prize of victory, the bull. He, then, elate and glorying, spoke forth: “See, goddess-born, and all ye Teucrians, see, what strength was mine in youth, and from what death ye have clelivered Dares.” Saying so, he turned him full front to the bull, who stood for reward of the fight, and, drawing back his right hand, poising the dread gauntlet high, swung sheer between the horns and crushed the skull; a trembling, lifeless creature, to the ground the bull dropped forward dead. Above the fallen Entellus cried aloud, “This victim due I give thee, Eryx, more acceptable than Dares' death to thy benignant shade. For this last victory and joyful day, my gauntlets and my art I leave wi
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 623 (search)
“O ye ill-starred, that were not seized and slain by Grecian foes under your native walls! O tribe accursed, what death is Fate preparing? Since Troy fell the seventh summer flies, while still we rove o'er cruel rocks and seas, from star to star, from alien land to land, as evermore we chase, storm-tossed, that fleeting Italy across the waters wide. Behold this land of Eryx, of Acestes, friend and kin; what hinders them to raise a rampart here and build a town? O city of our sires! O venerated gods from haughty foes rescued in vain! Will nevermore a wall rise in the name of Troy? Shall I not see a Xanthus or a Simois, the streams to Hector dear? Come now! I lead the way. Let us go touch their baneful ships with fire! I saw Cassandra in a dream. Her shade, prophetic ever, gave me firebrands, and cried, ‘Find Ilium so! The home for thee is where thou art.’ Behold, the hour is ripe for our great act! No longer now delay to heed the heavenly omen. Yonder stand four altars unto Neptune. 'T<
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 5, line 762 (search)
due from all the folk. Now tranquil-breathing winds have levelled the great deep, while brisk and free, a favoring Auster bids them launch away. But sound of many a wailing voice is heard along the winding shore; for ere they go, in fond embraces for a night and day they linger still. The women—aye, and men! — who hated yesterday the ocean's face and loathed its name, now clamor to set sail and bear all want and woe to exiles known. But good Aeneas with benignant words their sorrow soothes, and, not without a tear, consigns them to Acestes' kindred care. Then bids he sacrifice to Eryx' shade three bulls, and to the wind-gods and the storm a lamb, then loose the ships in order due. He, with a garland of shorn olive, stood holding aloft the sacrificial bowl from his own vessel's prow, and scattered far the sacred entrails o'er the bitter wave, with gift of flowing wine. Swift at the stern a fair wind rose and thrust them; while the crews with rival strokes swept o'er the spreading s
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 12, line 697 (search)
But Sire Aeneas, hearing Turnus' name, down the steep rampart from the citadel unlingering tried, all lesser task laid by, with joy exultant and dread-thundering arms. Like Athos' crest he loomed, or soaring top of Eryx, when the nodding oaks resound, or sovereign Apennine that lifts in air his forehead of triumphant snow. All eyes of Troy, Rutulia, and Italy were fixed his way; and all who kept a guard on lofty rampart, or in siege below were battering the foundations, now laid by their implements and arms. Latinus too stood awestruck to behold such champions, born in lands far-sundered, met upon one field for one decisive stroke of sword with sword. Swift striding forth where spread the vacant plain, they hurled their spears from far; then in close fight the brazen shields rang. Beneath their tread Earth groaned aloud, as with redoubling blows their falchions fell; nor could a mortal eye 'twixt chance and courage the dread work divide. As o'er Taburnus' top, or spacious hills of Sil