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Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 0 Browse Search
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Pausanias, Description of Greece, Achaia, chapter 26 (search)
ntress, where they say the goat crouched. The territory of Aegeira is bounded by that of Pellene, which is the last city of Achaia in the direction of Sicyon and the Argolid. The city got its name, according to the account of the Pellenians, from Pallas, who was, they say, one of the Titans, but the Argives think it was from Pellen, an Argive. And they say that he was the son of Phorbas, the son of Triopas. Between Aegeira and Pellene once stood a town, subject to the Sicyonians and called Donussa, which was laid waste by the Sicyonians;it is mentioned, they say, in a verse of Homer that occurs in the list of those who accompanied Agamemnon:—And the men of Hyperesia and those of steep Donoessa.Hom. Il. 2.573They go on to say that when Peisistratus collected the poems of Homer, which were scattered and handed down by tradition, some in one place and some in another, then either he or one of his colleagues perverted the name through ignorance. The port of Pellene is Aristonautae. Its d