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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 16 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, for Quintius, Sextus Roscius, Quintus Roscius, against Quintus Caecilius, and against Verres (ed. C. D. Yonge) 14 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1 (search)
o First, in this prayer of mine, I give the place of highest honor among the gods to the first prophet, Earth; and after her to Themis, for she was the second to take this oracular seat of her mother, as legend tells. And in the third allotment, with Themis' consent and not by force,another Titan, child of Earth, Phoebe, took her seat here. She gave it as a birthday gift to Phoebus, who has his name from Phoebe. Leaving the lakeA circular lake in the island of Apollo's birth.and ridge of Delos, he landed on Pallas' ship-frequented shores,and came to this region and the dwelling places on Parnassus. The children of Hephaistos,The Athenians, because Erichthonius, who was identified with Erechtheus, was the son of Hephaestus, who first fashioned axes.road-builders taming the wildness of the untamed land, escorted him with mighty reverence. And at his arrival, the peopleand Delphus, helmsman and lord of this land, made a great celebration for him. Zeus inspired his heart with propheti
Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 848 (search)
y friends,and about your head row with your hands' rapid stroke in conveyance of the dead,As the souls of the brothers are now being conveyed across Acheron in Charon's boat, the Chorus in imagination aid their passage by the ritual of mourning. Their song of lamentation stands for the wind, the beating of their heads by their hands are the strokes of the oars. Contrasted with the grim vessel that transports all spirits to the sunless land of Hades, is the ship that goes to the festival at Delos, the “clearly-seen” island, the land of Apollo, god of light and health. that stroke which always causes the sacred slack-sailed, black-clothed ship to pass over Acheron to the unseen land where Apollo does not walk,the sunless land that receives all men. But here come Antigone and Ismene to do their bitter duty, the dirge over their brothers both. With all sincerity, I think, will theypour forth their fitting grief from their lovely, deep-bosomed breasts. But it is right for us, before th
Andocides, On the Peace, section 38 (search)
Persuasion we used in arranging that Hellenotamiae should be appointed at Athens to control the joint funds,According to Thucydides (Thuc. 1.96) the Hellenotamiae were Athenian officials from the very start. But the evidence of the Quota-lists rather indicates that the office first became purely Athenian in 454, after the transference of the treasury of the League from Delos to Athens. that the allied fleet should assemble in our own harbor, and that such states as possessed no ships should be supplied with them by us: stealth in building our walls unknown to the PeloponnesiansApparently a reference to the famous trick of Themistocles when rebuilding the walls of Athens in the winter of 479 (Thuc. 1.90). Thucydides, however, does not suggest that there was any danger of war from Sparta in consequence.: bribery in purchasing Sparta's acquiescence: and force in crushing our enemies; thus it was that we built up an empire over the whole nation. All these successes were achieved i
Andocides, Against Alcibiades, section 11 (search)
To begin with, he persuaded you to revise the assessment of the tribute of the subject-states made with the utmost fairness by Aristeides.In 478 B.C., at the formation of the Confederacy of Delos. According to Thucydides (Thuc. 1.96), the tribute as assessed by Aristeides amounted to 460 talents. It is difficult to accept this statement, as the existing quota-lists show that even between 450 B.C. and 436 B.C., when the Confederacy was far larger and contributions of money had almost entirely superseded those of ships, the total sum collected never exceeded 455 talents. The original assessment of Aristeides cannot have produced much more than 250 talents. Chosen with nine others to perform the task,Nothing is known of this reassessment. In 425 B.C. the existing tribute had been practically doubled, probably at the instigation of Cleon (I.G. i1. 63); and the speaker may conceivably be making a mistaken reference to this, although Alcibiades would have been only about twenty-five at
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
er Asteria, but afterwards it was named Delos.Compare Callimachus, Hymn to Delos 36f over the whole earth, till she came to Delos and brought forth first Artemis, by the birth both to Artemis and to Apollo in Delos, which formerly had been called Asterin to Apollo distinguishes Ortygia from Delos, and says that, while Apollo was born in Delos, Artemis was born in Ortygia. Thus distinguished from Delos, the island of OrtygiaDelos, the island of Ortygia is probably to be identified, as Strabo thought, with Rhenia, an uninhabited island a litt dead body might be buried or burnt in Delos (Strab. 10.5.5). Not only so, but it not even lawful either to be born or to die in Delos; expectant mothers and dying folk were ferriedv.106. And Artemis slew Orion in Delos.See Hom. Od. 5.121-124; Hor. Carm. 3.4.70ff. T and carried him off and brought him to Delos; for Aphrodite caused Dawn to be perpet[2 more...]<
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
f. The Lemnian traditions have been interpreted as evidence of a former custom of gynocracy, or the rule of men by women, in the island. See J. J. Bachofen, Das Mutterrecht (Stuttgart, 1861), pp. 84ff. Every year the island of Lemnos was purified from the guilt of the massacre and sacrifices were offered to the dead. The ceremonies lasted nine days, during which all fires were extinguished in the island, and a new fire was brought by ship from Delos. If the vessel arrived before the sacrifices to the dead had been offered, it might not put in to shore or anchor, but had to cruise in the offing till they were completed. See Philostratus, Her. xx.24. At that time it chanced that Lemnos was bereft of men and ruled over by a queen, Hypsipyle, daughter of Thoas, the reason of which was as follows. The Lemnian women did not honor Aphrodite, and she visited them with a noisome smell; therefore their spouses
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
in Egyptian papyri. See TGF (Nauck 2nd ed.), pp. 594ff.; A. S. Hunt, Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta Papyracea nuper reperta (Oxford, no date, no pagination). In one of these fragments (col. iv.27ff.) it is said that Lycurgus was chosen from all Asopia to be the warder (*klhdou=xos) of the local Zeus. There were officials bearing the same title (kleidou=xoi) at Olympia (Dittenberger, Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum 1021, vol. ii. p. 168) in Delos (Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae, vol. i. p. 252, No. 170), and in the worship of Aesculapius at Athens (E. S. Roberts and E. A. Gardner, Introduction to Greek Epigraphy, Part ii. p. 410, No. 157). The duty from which they took their title was to keep the keys of the temple. A fine relief in the Palazzo Spada at Rome represents the serpent coiled round the dead body of the child Opheltes and atta
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
rs of Anius were naturally much sought after. Their father, a son of Apollo, was king of Delos and at the same time priest of his father Apollo (Verg. A. 3.80), and when Aenea650ff.) It is said by Tzetzes that when the Greeks sailed for Troy and landed in Delos, the king, who had received the gift of prophecy from his divine sire (Diod. 5.62.2), foes. And that, says Servius, is why down to this day it is deemed a sin to harm a dove in Delos. From Tzetzes we learn that the story of these prolific damsels was told by Pherecydes a Pherecydes may have borrowed it. Stesichorus related how Menelaus and Ulysses went to Delos to fetch the daughters of Anius (Scholiast on Hom. Od. vi.164). If we may judge from It may have been in order to ensure these supplies that Menelaus and Ulysses repaired to Delos for the purpose of securing the persons of the women. The armament mustered
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
ay, the brine forming a scurf on his skin (Paus. 10.31.1). According to the Scholiast on Hom. Il. xiii.66 Ajax was cast up on the shore of Delos, where Thetis found and buried him. But as it was unlawful to be buried or even to die in Delos (Thuc. 3.104), the statement of ApollodoruDelos (Thuc. 3.104), the statement of Apollodorus that Ajax was buried in Myconus, a small island to the east of Delos, is more probable. It is said that on hearing of his death the Locrians mourned for him and wore black for a year, and every year they laded a vessel with splendid offerings, hoisted a black sail on it, and, setting the ship on fiDelos, is more probable. It is said that on hearing of his death the Locrians mourned for him and wore black for a year, and every year they laded a vessel with splendid offerings, hoisted a black sail on it, and, setting the ship on fire, let it drift out to sea, there to burn down to the water's edge as a sacrifice to the drowned hero. See Tzetzes, Scholiast on Lycophron 365. Sophocles wrote a tragedy, The Locrian Ajax, on the crime and punishment of the hero. See The Fragments of Sophocles, ed. A. C. Pearson, vol. i.
Aristophanes, Birds (ed. Eugene O'Neill, Jr.), line 859 (search)
er. Enough! but, by Heracles! what is this? Great gods! I have seen many prodigious things, but I never saw a muzzled raven.The Priest arrives.Priest! it's high time! Sacrifice to the new gods. Priest I begin, but where is the man with the basket? Pray to the Hestia of the birds, to the kite, who presides over the hearth, and to all the god and goddess-birds who dwell in Olympus . . . Pisthetaerus Oh! Hawk, the sacred guardian of Sunium, oh, god of the storks! Priest . . . to the swan of Delos, to Leto the mother of the quails, and to Artemis, the goldfinch . . . Pisthetaerus It's no longer Artemis Colaenis, but Artemis the goldfinch. Priest . . . to Bacchus, the finch and Cybele, the ostrich and mother of the godsand mankind. . . Pisthetaerus Oh! sovereign ostrich Cybele, mother of Cleocritus! Priest . . . to grant health and safety to the Nephelococcygians as well as to the dwellers in Chios . . . Pisthetaerus The dwellers in Chios! Ah! I am delighted they should be th
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