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lluded to, if it was observed, by any of them. When the movement proved abortive, neither General Grant nor General Sherman felt it necessary to call attention to that fact, nor to disclose their purpose in it. Yet a simple narrative of the events of the different expeditions made under these commanders will, in time, character, and relation, evince concert, as parts of a general plan. Grant's movement, beginning on November 3d, by an expedition from Cape Girardeau into Missouri, under Oglesby, and closing with the battle of Belmont, November 7th, will be related in the next chapter. Sherman's central army gave every evidence of preparation for an advance. On the Cumberland and Lower Green River the gunboats and cavalry showed unusual activity. On the 26th of October a gunboat expedition, under Major Phillips, was made against a Confederate recruiting-station, near Eddyville, Kentucky. Phillips, with three companies of the Ninth Illinois Regiment, surprised and broke up the
efore we met him, and a general engagement ensued. On the 3d of November Grant had sent Colonel Oglesby with four regiments (3,000 men) from Commerce, Missouri, toward Indian Ford, on the St. Frce, the detachment was, in these points of view, futile-as, indeed, was the entire expedition. Oglesby's position and strength might have supported Grant in case of successful lodgment, or have affod been crossing troops from Columbus to Belmont the day before, with the purpose of cutting off Oglesby. If such information was conveyed to General Grant, it is sufficient to say it was without frompt in preventing any further efforts of the rebels either to reinforce Price or to interrupt Oglesby. He still, however, had no intention of remaining at Belmont, which was on low ground, and couon that led him to expect an attack on Columbus. Learning, early on the morning of the 7th, of Oglesby's march, he believed the attack would be general, and this opinion was confirmed by the Federal
es. McClernand's first brigade, commanded by Colonel Oglesby, was formed of the Eighth, Eighteenth, Twenty-n, Appendix, p. 34. reports the infantry strength of Oglesby at 3,130, and of McArthur at 1,395. Colonel Wallaceted 3,400 effectives of all arms. Add to this, for Oglesby, cavalry and artillery, 500, and we have the streng the Eighth Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel Rhodes, of Oglesby's brigade, advancing in line of battle, encounteredather, and might have broken up the expedition. Oglesby's brigade was deployed and moved forward through th artillery opened from every hill along the front. Oglesby's brigade on the right, and W. H. L. Wallace's, nes whole division engaged this line as it advanced. Oglesby's brigade — the Eighth, Eighteenth, Twenty-ninth, Tt Illinois Artillery, and McAllister's battery — on Oglesby's left. According to the data of Appendix B to thiront, and Buckner on their left. By the retreat of Oglesby and McArthur, they had become the salient of the Fe