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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 88 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the Colonization of the United States, Vol. 1, 17th edition. 14 0 Browse Search
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he sentinels of Puritanism on the Bay of Massachusetts. Hubbard, 102. 106—108. Prince, 224. 229. 231. 235, 236 Cotton Mather, b. i. c. IV. s. 3. The design of a plantation was now ripening in the mind of White and his associates in the south-w hospitality of an Indian chief, and his wife the means of sustenance to the charity of a stranger. The half-wise Cotton Mather concedes, that many judicious persons confessed him to have had the root of the matter in him; and his nearer friends, ththe dispute infused its spirit into every thing; it interfered with the levy of troops for the Pequod war; Welde, 27. Mather, b. VII. c. III. s. 5. Hutch. Col 80. it influenced the respect shown to the magistrates; the distribution of town-lots Wheelwright's Sermon; and the statement of John Cotton himself, in his reply to Williams; also, Saml. Gorton, Hubbard, C. Mather, Neal, Hutchinson, Callender, Backus, Savage, and Knowles. The principles of Anne Hutchinson were a natural consequence
d. Rushworth, II. 409. Hazard, i. 122 It has been said that Hampden and Cromwell were on board this fleet. Bates and Dugdale, in Neal's Puritans, II. 349. C. Mather, b. i. c. v. s. 7. Neal's N. E. i. 168. Chalmers, 160, 161. Robertson, b. x. Hume, c. LIII Belknap, II. 229. Grahame's U. S. i. 299. Lord Nugent, in his Hamporton, in II. Mass. Hist Coll. VIII. 68—70. Morton, 202—206. Gorton, in Hutchinson., App. XX. Hubbard, 343, 344. 401—407. and 500—512. Hazard, i. 546—553. C. Mather, b. VII. c. II. s. 12. Callender, 35, 38. Hopkins, in II. Mass. Hist Coll. ix. 199—201. Hutchinson, i. 114—118. Hutchinson's Coll. 237—239. and 405. 415 the Puritan colonies, that a system of church government was established for the congregations. Result of a Synod, &c. See also Winthrop and Hubbard. Cotton Mather is diffuse on the subject The platform retained authority for more than, Chap. X.} a century, and has not yet lost its influence. It effectually exclud
distrusted every popular Danforth to Increase Mather; Hutch. Hist. i. 339. movement, and sought tond in town-meetings. New England, says Cotton Mather, being a country whose interests are remarkablhe possessed damsel obtained no relief, Cotton Mather, eager to learn the marvels of the world of spew; though he fell upon one inferior Indian C. Mather's Memorable Providences, p. 34, ed. 1689 lane Chap XIX.} sagacious. The vanity of Cotton Mather was further gratified; for the bewitched girl said, is as the sin of witchcraft; and Cotton Mather, in his Discourse, did but repeat the old taleas installed in office. The triumph of Cotton Mather 1692. was perfect. Immediately a court of oy, of Perkins and Bernard, of Baxter and Cotton Mather; and, on the 10th of June, protesting her innorlestown; and from them, by the hand of Cotton Mather, they receive gratitude for their sedulous end. Far different was the reasoning of Cotton Mather. He was met continually with all sorts of obj[30 more...]
customers. The little sheet satirized hypocrisy, and spoke of religious knaves as of all knaves the worst. This was described as tending to abuse the ministers of religion in a manner which was intolerable. I can well remember, writes Increase Mather, then more than fourscore years of age, when the civil government would have taken an effectual course to suppress such a cursed libel. In July, 1722, a 1722 resolve passed the council, appointing a censor for the press of James Franklin; but tserved for the English navy. The colonial legislatures hated the restriction, and parliament repeatedly interfered to extend and confirm the royal monopoly in the American forests. The ministers of Massachusetts, by the hand of Cot- 1725 ton Mather, desire a synod, to recover and establish the faith and order of the gospel. The council assents; the house hesitates, and, by a reference to the next session, gives opportunity for instructions from the people. The bishop of London anticipates
arter, II. 78. Territory enlarged, 81. Plans the conquest of Acadia, 217. Is refused a synod, 391 Withholds a fixed salary from the royal governor, 391. Recovers impressed seamen, 465. Massasoit, I. 317. Masts, II. 89; III. 106, 391. Mather, Cotton, III. 71. Champion of witchcraft, 76. Wonders of the invisible world, 95, 98. Mather, Increase, II. 434; III. 71, 83, 89, 375. Mayhew, II. 97. Melendez, I. 66. Mermet, Father, III. 198. Mesnard, Father Rene, III. 144. LoMather, Increase, II. 434; III. 71, 83, 89, 375. Mayhew, II. 97. Melendez, I. 66. Mermet, Father, III. 198. Mesnard, Father Rene, III. 144. Lost among the Chippewas, 147. Miamis, III. 240. Miantonomoh, I. 361, 423, 424. Michigan visited by Jesuits, III. 128, 152, 155. French in, 194. Micmacs, III. 237. Milborne, III. 52. Executed, 54. Miller, governor of Carolina, II. 156. Miruelo Diego, I. 34. Mississippi company, III. 350, 354. Mississippi River discovered, I. 51; III. 157. Mississippi State, Soto in, I. 51. French settlement, III. 201, 349. Events in, 366. Missouri visited by De Soto I. 52. The