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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
nthly Magazine, March, 1902, Vol. 89, p. 305.) To a like effect, but in terms even stronger, Mr. Henry Cabot Lodge, now a senator from Massachusetts, has declared, not in a political utterance, but in a work of historical character: When the constitution was adopted by the votes of States at Philadelphia, and accepted by the votes of States in popular conventions, it is safe to say that there was not a man in the country from Washington and Hamilton, on the one side, to George Clinton and George Mason, on the other, who regarded the new system as anything but an experiment entered upon by the States, and from which each and every State had the right peaceably to withdraw, a right which was very likely to be exercised. (Webster, American Statesman, series, p. 172.) Here are two explicit statements of the legal and technical side of the argument made by authority to which no exception can be taken, at least by those of the Union side. On them, and on them alone, the case for the ab
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.13 (search)
be appropriated by an infantryman, and a dark blanket, with P. R. in the centre, that served me in good stead for the rest of the war, and went home with me from Appomattox. As the Federals had destroyed the bridges over the Chickahominy, we were detained this day (Saturday, June 28th), and Sunday, too, in reconstructing them. It must be premised that at this stage of the war we had no regular pioneer corps, and bridges were built for General Jackson's command by detailed men under Captain Mason, an old railroad contractor. It was he of whom it is said that on one occasion, when General Jackson told him he would soon send him drawings for a certain bridge, which drawings his engineer officer was making, he replied: Never mind about the picters, General; the bridge is ready. Although he did not know much about picters, he had had considerable experience in bridge-building. The bridge was finished Sunday, but not in time for us to cross in the face of the enemy and assist Magru
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Appendix. (search)
. M. Dayton, E. T. Fields, Leon. Godsey, Frank. Gilliam, James D. Gilliam, Cornelius. Blackwell, Wm. H. Coleman, Clifton L. Cox, William F. Cullen, J. W. Coleman, R. H. Camden, William. Day, C. R. Dickell, Charles. Dowdy, James M. Fat, George F. Goff, Thomas. Gilliam, Wm. A. Graham, Thomas. Hughes, Hugh. Heckworth, L. C. Kendall, George E. Laine, J. H. McGuley, J. B. McCreary, Daniel. Moore, W. S. Moseley, G. W. Mason, J. N. Oliver, William H. Owen, J. B. Padgett, George. Phelps, Thomas. Phelps, Jos. M. Patteson, W. H. Reynolds, Benj. Radley, John. Robinson, A. P. Sumpter, A. McK. Spencer, Wm. A. Thompson, J. L. Torgee, George W. Wicker, William. Woolridge, M. W. Wright, G. R. Wright, C. L. Hickey, Daniel. Hughes, T. N. Kennady, John. Lindsey, W. McCanna, James. McCreary, John W. Moore, Jere. Marks, T. V. Mays, James W. O'Bri
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.36 (search)
s fair land, but also in Continental Europe. The names of the incomparable Pelham and the intrepid, reckless, dashing Breathed will be handed down to generations yet to come, hand in hand, as true types of Southern valor and manhood. Breathed, at the time of which I am writing, was only 22 years of age, being Major Pelham's senior by one year. After the war he returned to Hancock, Md., where his sister, Mrs. Robert Bridges, resided, and again began the practice of medicine. Being near Mason's and Dixon's line, his profession naturally took him over in Pennsylvania. Some of the stay at homes living in Pennsylvania at that time notified him that if he came over into Pennsylvania they would kill him. They did not know the temperament of the man, or they certainly would not have indulged in such idle talk. Those threats made against him virtually forced him into forbidden territory, and go he did, spurning with contempt the low bred hirelings that had tried to intimidate him, and