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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
en exist. The truth thus seems to be that the mass of those composing the Convention of 1787, working under the guidance of a few very able and exceedingly practical men, of constructive mind, builded a great deal better than they knew. The delegates met to harmonize trade differences; they ended by perfecting a scheme of political union that had broad consequences of which they little dreamed. If they had dreamed of them, the chances are the fabric would never have been completed. That Madison, Hamilton and Jay were equally blind to consequences does not follow. They probably designed a nation. If they did, however, they were too wise to take the public fully into their confidence; and, today, no impartial student of our constitutional history can doubt for a moment that each State ratified the form of government submitted in the firm belief that at any time it could withdraw therefrom. (Donn Piatt, George H. Thomas, p. 88.) Probably, however, the more far-seeing,— and, in the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
and corrupted by negro suffrage forced upon us by them, a wrong the guilt of which and the evil consequences of which few are now found to deny. This is a cancerous sore eating into the heart of the body politic. The Union into which Virginia was forced in 1865 is utterly different from the one into which she entered voluntarily in 1788. This Government of the United States is now a government of one section, by that section and for that section. The Republic of Washington, Jefferson, Madison and other great men of those times has been changed into a nation ruling subject provinces; subject we say, just as really now as in 1866 in reconstruction days when Virginia was Military District No. I; for whatever political rights we now enjoy we have only as the gift of our conquerors. As puppets in their hands the conquered States voted such amendments to the Federal Constitution as the Republican party prescribed, and occupy a position in this present Federal Union which the great Vi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index (search)
e of, 184; losses at, 109, 371. Chambersburg, Pa., 266. Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161. Chickamauga, Battle of, 178. Christian, Hon. G. L., 77. Clark, Surgeon A. M.. 89. Cobb, General, Howell, 82. Cobden. Richard, 6. Confederacy Last forlorn hope of, in TransMississippi Department, 117. Confederate-dead in the North, 230; Defeat, causes of, 368; Surgeons, humanity of, 230; gold in 1865, 119. Colston, General R. E., 111. Constitution. The Federal, 8; Washington, Madison, Hamilton and Jay on the, 9, 10. Cold Harbor Salient, final struggle at, 276. Cole, Major C. H., Desperate exploit of, 259. Cooke, Captain J. W., 208. Cromwellhave a Statue, Shall, 1. Crutchfield, Colonel S., 114. Dana, C. A., 99. Davis, President, Jefferson, to Lincoln, 92; manacled, 100; tribute to, 121,832. Dinkins, Captain, James, 185, 205. Dix, General J. A., 88. Dixon, Captain G. E., 168. Dorsey, Frank, 288; Colonel Gus W., 286. Doughoregan Manor, 220. Drayt