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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Harvard University, (search)
Rev. Henry Dunster1640 to 1654Forced to resign. Rev. Charles Chauncy1654 to 1672Died in office. Rev. Leonard Hoar1672 to 1675Obliged to resign. Uriah Oakes1675 to 1681Not formally in stalled untill 1680. Rev. John Rogers1682 to 1684Died in office. Rev. Increase Mather1685 to 1701 Rev. Samuel Willard1701 to 1707Vice-president untill his death. Rev. John Leverett1707 to 1724Died in office. Rev. Benj. Wadsworth1725 to 1737Died in office. Rev. Edward Holyoke1737 to 1769Died in office. Rev. Samuel Locke1770 to 1773 Resigned. Rev. Samuel Langdon1774 to 1780Died in office. Rev. Joseph Willard1781 to 1804Died in office Salary $1,400 a year. Rev. Samuel Webber1806 to 1810Died in office. Rev. John T. Kirkland1810 to 1828Resigned. Rev. Josiah Quincy1829 to 1845Wrote a history of the college upto 1840. Edward Everett1846 to 1849 Jared Sparks1849 to 1853 James Walker1853 to 1860 Cornelius C. Felton1860 to 1862Died in office. Thomas Hill1862 to 1868 Charles W. Eliot1869
Memoirs, p. 175. By the official census, it appears that the population of Cambridge was 1,586 in 1776, and 2,115 in 1790; a very large proportion of which number served in the Revolutionary Army. My list is doubtless imperfect; yet it contains more than four hundred and fifty names. Among the officers were Colonels Ebenezer Bridge, Thomas Gardner, Samuel Thatcher; Captains, Benjamin Locke, John Walton; Lieutenants, Solomon Bowman, Samuel Butterfield, William Colson, Stephen Frost, Samuel Locke, Josiah Moore, Josiah Warren, Jotham Walton, John Wyman; Sergeants, Joseph Bates, Joseph Belknap, Nathaniel Bemis, Oliver Brown, John Burns, John Cutter, Josiah Dana, James Fillebrown, Thomas Fillebrown, Belcher Hancock, William Harrington, Moses Hovey, James Kettle, Isaac Learned, Joseph Trask, Isaac Tufts, Elkanah Welch, Jeduthun Wellington; Corporals, Michael Applebee, Ebenezer Brown, Stephen Cook, Moses Coolidge, John Cooper, Thomas Cutter, James Fowle, Joshua Gamage, John Hackleton,
George Douglass1 Ye President [Langdon]1 Person Smith1 ——Bates1 James Frost2 Joseph Read1 Joseph Eares1 Benjamin Bird1 John Baverick1 Philemon Hastings1 Ebenezer Fessenden1 Nathaniel Chadwick1 —— Blacks, 9.155 As far as Menotomy Bridge. Deac. Thomas Hall1 Capt. Ephraim Frost2 Joseph Wellington1 William Bowman1 James Perry1 Ebenezer Prentice1 Ebenezer Prentice, Jr.1 Stephen Robbins3 Thomas Williams2 Philip Bemis1 Aaron Williams1 Benjamin Locke1 Samuel Locke1 Francis Locke1 Gregory Hill1 Gershom Cutter1 Ger shorn Cutter, Jr.2 Aaron Swan1 Nathaniel Swan 1 Solomon Bowman1 Samuel Russell2 William Cutler1 Nehemiah Cutter 2 William Winship2 Israel Blackington1 Deac. Joseph Adams1 John Cutter2 Ammi Cutter2 Thomas Russell 1 Ebenezer Swan2 Capt. William Adams1 Lieut. Daniel Brown1 William Whittemore1 Samuel Cutter2 Capt. Thomas Adams1 Edward Wilson2 John Winship1 Samuel Russ1 Samuel Hill1 Jason Belknap1 Seth Russell2
Daniel Dana, 1783. Jonathan Winship, 1784-1789, 1793, 1794. William Winthrop, 1786, 1789-1791, 1793, 1794, 1799, 1800-1802. Walter Dickson, 1786-1788, 1791, 1792. Samuel Butterfield, 1787, 1788. Ephraim Cook, 1789, 1790. Samuel Locke, 1789, 1790. James Robbins, 1789. Moses Griggs, 1790-1792. Richard Richardson, 1791-1795. George Prentiss, 1791, 1792. John Walton, 1793, 1794, 1796-1798, 1809-1811. Tim. L. Jennison, 1795, 1806, 1817. Dr. Aaron Hill, 1795-1777, 1778, 1780– 1806. Benjamin Locke, 1778, 1788, 1789. Thomas Farrington, 1779. Ammi Cutter, 1779, 1781-1786. Abraham Watson [2d], 1780, 1781. William Whittemore, 1780. Samuel Thatcher, 1783-1786. Thomas Cutter, 1787. Samuel Locke, 1790-1805. Ebenezer Wyeth, 1793-1796. Aaron Hill [2d], 1797-1805, 1807. Josiah Moore, 1806, 1808-1813. Ichabod Fessenden, 1806. George Prentice, 1807. Newell Bent, 1807. Maj. Jonas Wyeth, 1808, 1809, 1812, 1813, 1817-18
b. 14 Dec. 1740, m. Timothy Tufts of Medf. 7 May, 1761, and d. 8 Oct. 1825; Joseph, b. 29 Nov. 1743, m. Lucy Kent 6 Sept. 1770; Martha, b. 25 Sept. 1746, m. Samuel Locke, Jr., 16 May 1771; Thomas, b. 19 July 1751, m. Martha Stone 28 May 1780, rem. to New Salem, where he d. 27 June 1848, a. nearly 97; his w. Martha d. 22 Jan. 1847,ept. 1816, and Peter Tufts of Camb. 17 May 1825; Ephraim, b. 2 Dec. 1794, d. 4 Ap. 1826; Esther Peirce, b. 28 Ap. 1796, d. 29 June 1798; Ammi, b. 5 Aug. 1797; Samuel Locke, bap. 19 Jan. 1800, d. 1 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 13 Sept. 1801, d. 8 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 12 June 1803, a physician in Wob., d. 9 Mar. 1864; Helen, bap. 2 Sept. 1804; Samuel Locke, bap. 23 Nov. 1806, d. in Cambridgeport 20 June 1871; Eliza Ann, bap. 9 Ap. 1809; Joseph, bap. 25 Nov. 1810; d. 23 Aug. 1811. Ephraim the f. was elected Deac. of the church in West Camb. about 1819, and d. 31 Mar. 1841, a. 75; his w. Deborah d. 29 Jan. 1823, a. 50. 34. William, s. of Jonathan (2
June 1784. Thomas the f. was a captain, resided a few years at Worc., but returned to Menot. about 1748, where he kept a tavern, and d. there in October 1802, a. 89. 5. Joseph, s. of Joseph (3), m. Martha, dau. of Ephraim Frost, 10 Jan. 1739-40; she d. 23 Dec. 1749, and he m. Hannah Hall 11 Sept. 1750. His chil. were Anna, b. 14 Dec. 1740, m. Timothy Tufts of Medf. 7 May, 1761, and d. 8 Oct. 1825; Joseph, b. 29 Nov. 1743, m. Lucy Kent 6 Sept. 1770; Martha, b. 25 Sept. 1746, m. Samuel Locke, Jr., 16 May 1771; Thomas, b. 19 July 1751, m. Martha Stone 28 May 1780, rem. to New Salem, where he d. 27 June 1848, a. nearly 97; his w. Martha d. 22 Jan. 1847, a. 96; Rebecca, b. 16 Aug. 1753, d. unm. 19 May 1834; Hannah, b. 12 April 1756, m. Peter Tufts, 3d, of Medf. 22 July 1773, and d. 24 Jan. 1843; Susanna, b. 26 June 1758, m. Gershom Teele of Medf. 3 Oct. 1776, and d. 28 June 1828; Mary, b. 13 Feb. 1761, m. Benjamin Winship, 4 April 1788, and d. 2 Oct. 1846; Nathan, b. 9 Aug. 176
nny, b 25 July 1792, d. 26 Sept. 1795; Anna, b. 7 Sept. 1793, m. Jona. Benjamin 8 Sept. 1816, and Peter Tufts of Camb. 17 May 1825; Ephraim, b. 2 Dec. 1794, d. 4 Ap. 1826; Esther Peirce, b. 28 Ap. 1796, d. 29 June 1798; Ammi, b. 5 Aug. 1797; Samuel Locke, bap. 19 Jan. 1800, d. 1 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 13 Sept. 1801, d. 8 Sept. 1802; Benjamin, bap. 12 June 1803, a physician in Wob., d. 9 Mar. 1864; Helen, bap. 2 Sept. 1804; Samuel Locke, bap. 23 Nov. 1806, d. in Cambridgeport 20 June 1871; Samuel Locke, bap. 23 Nov. 1806, d. in Cambridgeport 20 June 1871; Eliza Ann, bap. 9 Ap. 1809; Joseph, bap. 25 Nov. 1810; d. 23 Aug. 1811. Ephraim the f. was elected Deac. of the church in West Camb. about 1819, and d. 31 Mar. 1841, a. 75; his w. Deborah d. 29 Jan. 1823, a. 50. 34. William, s. of Jonathan (21), m. Mary Blackman 6 Nov. 1774, and d. 11 June 1824, a. 74; his w. Mary d. 9 Mar. 1836, a 80. A granite monument was erected by the town of West Camb. to commemorate their donation of the School Fund. 35. Jonathan, S. of Jonathan (21), m. Lydia
adway and Elm street, was set off to Charlestown. Mr. Tufts died in 1832. Of his eleven children, Peter and Joel were the only ones especially identified with Somerville. Sons Thomas and Aaron settled in New York state, and have numerous descendants; the daughters Hannah and Anne married respectively Samuel Tufts, Jr., and Isaac Tufts. Peter Tufts, Jr., son of the Peter last named, was born in 1774. He twice married,—first Martha, the daughter of Lieutenant Samuel and Margaret (Adams) Locke, of West Cambridge; and second, Anne Benjamin, daughter of Deacon Ephraim Cutter. He had twelve children. Peter Tufts, Jr., lived a life of great activity. He was keeper of the Powder House, and when in 1815 the powder was transferred to the new storehouse at the end of Magazine street, Cambridgeport, he continued as keeper, took up his residence near the magazine and died there in 1825. Mr. Tufts was a civil engineer by profession, and among the many Peters is designated as Peter, the su
Mrs. Martha, h. Cambridge. Leland, Caleb W., h. Elm. Leland, Warren S., yeoman, h. Elm. Leland, Thomas J., b. provision dealer, h. Elm. Leland, John, b. carriage maker, h. Cambridge. Leonard, F. E., b. hardware, h. Bow. Lillie, Thomas, b. carriage-smith, Spring hill. Littlefield, Rufus. mason, h. Prospect. Learned, Gearfield, b. publisher, h. Sycamore. Lane, Josiah, h. near Beacon. Little, Nicholas, h. Beech. Littlefield, Joshua, laborer, h. Garden court. Locke, Irene, teacher, boards with D. L. Marrett, Bow. Marshall, Chester, h. near Milk Mackintire, James, groceries, h. Mt. Pleasant. Magoun, John C., yeoman, Broadway. Magoun, John A., painter, Broadway. Mann, Eben. marble worker, h. Milk. Marrett, D. A., grocer, h. Bow. Marsh, William, carpenter, h. Joy. Marshall, Wizeman, tragedian, h. Hamlet. McDermot, Daniel, watchman, bleachery, h. Milk. Merrill, Lewis F., lard trier, h. Medford. Merrill, Asa, teamster, h.
Lawler, Major, I.—38. Lawrence, Daniel, II.—13. Lee, General F., I.—38. Lee, General, Charles, Headquarters of. II.—23, 24. Lee, Robert E., army of, III.—24; IV.—25. Leland, Caleb, House, II.—23, 26. Lexington, battle of, II.—28, 29. Lidgett, Charles, IV.—10. Lidgett, Lieutenant Colonel, IV.—10. Lidgett, Elizabeth, IV.—10. Lincoln, President, death of, II.—16. Littlefield, Samuel, II.—19. Locke, Margaret (Adams), II.—22. Locke, Martha, II.—22. Locke, Samuel, II.—22. London Heights, I.—34, 36. Long Bridge, I.—33. Long Island, II.—29. Longstreet, General, I.—36. Loring Family, The, II.—26. Lothrop, D., Co., I.—8, 11. Lowden, Sergeant, Ried, III.—10. Lowell R. R., III.—15. Lowell R. R., bridge over, III.—15. Lowell Street, Somerville, II.—21; III.—14. Luray Valley, I.—36. Lyndes, Joseph, III.—10. Lyndes, Thomas, Sr., III.—8. Lynn Academy, II.—29.
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