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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Shall Cromwell have a statue? (search)
commemorate. I am not disposed to speak of General Lee. It is enough to say he stands high in thend reburial at Tyburn,—period from the death of Lee equal to that which will have elapsed in 1950, days, was arrayed in the ranks which confronted Lee; one of those whom Lee baffled and beat, but whand according to his lights. Will you say that Lee did otherwise? But men love to differentiate whole world looking on. The two were Grant and Lee—types each. Both rose, and rose unconsciously,ferient ruin$ea. With a home no longer his, Lee then sheathed his sword. With the silent dignirant then grimly intimated did not take place. Lee was not molested; nor did the general of the ar done so, I take to be quite indubitable. Of Lee's subsequent life, as head of Washington Collegks. After the war he resumed his studies under Lee's presidency; and one occasion, delivered as a f Washington, of Jefferson, of Rutledge, and of Lee, who stood opposed to us in a succeeding genera[37 more...]<
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., [from the Richmond, Va., Dispatch, March 30, April 6, 27, and May 12, 1902.] (search)
y of Mississippi, 1863; commanding Department of Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida, 1864. Beauregard brought his army to Virginia in 1864, where he served under Lee at Petersburg. James H. Trapier. 943. Born South Carolina. Appointed South Carolina. 3. Brigadier-General, October 21, 1861. Commanding district, firstDivision under Joseph E. Johnston, Army of Virginia. When Johnston was severely wounded the command of the Army of Northern Virginia devolved upon Smith for a day. Lee was then ordered to assume chief command, as Smith was stricken down by severe illness; Smith was Acting Secretary of War in 1862 in the interregnum between Randolpnson's Division.) George W. Lay. 1151. Born Virginia. Appointed Virginia. 41. Colonel, 1861. Assistant Adjutant-General on staff of J. E. Johnston, 1861, Lee, 1862, and then made Chief of Bureau of Conscription. Eugene E. M'lean.* 1157. Born District Columbia. Appointed Maryland. 47. Major, 1861. Chief Quart
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19th, 1864. (search)
ere in no condition to attack, as we had but 10,015 men in all against Sheridan's 35,489. Yet, he would not attack us, so we fell back to Fisher's Hill, and later to New Market (on November 14th), and from there we went to Petersburg, to join General Lee. I agree with General Early, that Sheridan should have been cashiered, rather than promoted, for not capturing our army; and I go still further, and say that General Early should have had the thanks of the country for his fine generalship i, and not prowess, as they would have you believe. Even Horace Greeley, in his American Conflict, admits that we were always outnumbered from four to five to one! Early, with an army of 10,000 in the Valley, kept fully 40,000 of the enemy from Lee's front. Pond's Valley Campaign admits the Federal loss at Cedar Creek in killed, wounded and missing 5,764. Besides this, Wright's Corps was recalled from Ashby's Gap, on its way to Grant, and but for this (for us) unfortunate reinforcement to
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lee, Davis and Lincoln. (search)
a Free People, was followed by the toast to General Lee, Nature Made Him and then Broke the Mold. pposed to us—a Virginian and a Confederate. Lee's Method of warfare. I shall confine myself to that one attribute of Lee which, recognized in a soldier by an opponent, I cannot but regardced to a speedy end. On this issue I stand with Lee. Moreover, looking back over the awful past, reh us. Far from it. It echoes down the ages. Lee's order to spare property. No more credie war only on armed men. In scope and spirit Lee's order was observed, and I doubt if a hostile te or to exhort his followers to brutality. Lee's statue in Washington. I have paid my tn, and asked, Why should it not also be so with Lee? Why should not his effigy, erect on his chargovided for from the national treasury, and that Lee, educated at West Point, holding for years the f all would I suggest such a one in the case of Lee. Nor was it so with Cromwell. His effigy is a [2 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
ngs. They made a junction at Staunton, Va. Hunter defeated a small number of Confederates under Imboden and Jones at Piedmont, a small town not far from Port Republic. The Federals made their appearance near Lynchburg on June 17th, thus menacing Lee's rear and also his bases of supplies. On the 18th of June, Early with his corps, formed a junction with Imboden and Jones near Lynchburg, and defeated Hunter, driving him in the direction of Salem, Va. Hunter had made an effort to cross the Blu the 24th at Buffalo creek. On the 25th he reached Lexington, where he divided his command; marching one part of it by way of Brownsburg, and the other by Midway, and met at Staunton, where it rested on the 27th. According to instructions of General Lee, on the 28th of June Early marched down the Shenandoah Valley with the most of his command. The old soldiers, who were tired and worn out by long marches, badly shod, and on short rations, were now animated and inspired by old familiar scenes
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.31 (search)
es his cries for water awakened the better nature of the enemy who kindly threw canteens of water to him. Thus the last desperate attempt of Grant to get between Lee and Richmond had failed. Although baffled, subsequent events proved the Army of the Potomac was not vanquished. In all that long assaulting line only the Seventh New York Heavy Artillery had succeeded in penetrating Lee's lines. But the honor was won at a fearful cost. We left Cold Harbor with over 400 less in our ranks than when we came. Yet, the grand assault was by no means all of Cold Harbor. We who were there well remember those ten or twelve long days that we lay hugging our breasully. In reference to the burial of the dead, wherein your correspondent intimates a lack of humanity on the part of General Grant in refusing the request of General Lee, permit me to say those of the Army of Northern Virginia should be sufficiently impressed with the magnanimity of General Grant to feel convinced such a refusal
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign and battle of Lynchburg. (search)
army south of the James and make his attack on Lee at, and south of, Petersburg. (70 War of Rebellest of Lynchburg, for the purpose of destroying Lee's communications with the South and Southwest othis campaign which had been inaugurated in General Lee's rear, it must be remembered that General ving the road open for the reinforcements which Lee was hurrying to the defence of Lynchburg. Sos before Appomattox. On the 12th of June General Lee, who had anxiously been watching the movemes on the march an hour before that fixed by General Lee in his order! No one but Early knew where they were going, but all felt that if Lee ordered the march it was right and led to victory. When I had no positive information as to whether General Lee had detached any considerable force for theot the only service he rendered the city. When Lee surrendered he rode off with his men toward theed by lawless squads of disbanded soldiers from Lee's army, asked his aid. He at once sent in a squ
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
un, February 4, 1908.] To whom should the Southern people build monuments, to Lee or to Grant, to Lincoln or to Davis? Some years ago a clergyman of Washinhold up to our children as guides and counselors in public affairs? Compare General Lee and General Thomas, Virginians who took opposite sides in the contest; both If it was better for us to fall, surely it must follow that Thomas was right and Lee wrong. When men rise up in resistance to an established government, they must eversal suffrage make it a reasonable hope? In building monuments to Davis and Lee, Jackson and Stuart we are declaring to the world and to future generations that the cause for which Lee fought and Jackson and Stuart and many thousands of our bravest and best died was a good and glorious cause, the cause of constitutional libuggling for independence like their forefathers in 1776. When the monument to Lee was unveiled in Richmond some years ago a picture in Judge represented Davis and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.35 (search)
ts and grimmer guns. Every soldier knew there was to be a fearful fight before the sun sank behind the western wood. The Federal army had crossed the Rappahannock and was forming line of battle under cover of the river bank. Jackson, Stuart and Lee rode down the Confederate lines to the extreme right, followed by waves of cheers, where the Stuart horse artillery was parked. Stuart called to Pelham and said something. Then Pelham turned and galloped to his guns. Immediately he dashed down assigned to the command of all the artillery on the Confederate right. Amid shot and shell he had opened the great battle of Fredericksburg and had become immortal. The part played by Pelham at that fight is history that will survive with General Lee's report. He was a major of artillery then. His commission as lieutenant-colonel was issued soon after, and only awaited confirmation when he was killed. This was at Kelly's Ford, on the Rappahannock, March 17th, 1863. He had gone to visit