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Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Preface. (search)
Preface. The occasion has been embraced to express the universal regret that General Lee never wrote anything concerning his career and campaigns. His statements would have settled conflicting opinions on all subjects contained therein. We know that it was his intention to record the deeds of his soldiers, but not to write his personal memoirs. He waited for a convenient season, and waited too long. In this volume the attempt has been made to imperfectly supply the great desire to have something from Robert E. Lee's pen, by introducing, at the periods referred to, such extracts from his private letters as would be of general interest. He is thus made, for the first time, to give his impressions and opinions on most of the great events with which he was so closely connected. Except in a few instances, the scope of the book has not permitted the tactical details of the battlefield, or the mention by name of many of the officers and organizations whose superb courage contribu
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 2: birth.-career as officer of Engineers, United States army. (search)
ashington and the grandson of Mrs. Washington. Lee was therefore to marry a great granddaughter ofave of absence granted officers who marry, Lieutenant Lee returned to his duties as assistant engine captain of his time. It is certain that Captain Lee came from this Mexican campaign crowned witfe, dated City of Mexico, February 8, 1848, Captain Lee says: You will doubtless hear many speculat army at this state of things is great. Captain Lee was a great observer of Nature: he loved thed him to all points outside of the city. To Mrs. Lee he writes: City of Mexico, April 12, 1848. the United States government to offer to Brevet-Colonel Lee the position of commander in chief of thrtily welcomed by the Americans in Mexico. Captain Lee was once more at home, bearing with him theee. After the Treaty of Peace with Mexico, Lee was assigned to the important duty of constructerything. From West Point, April 27, 1853, Captain Lee writes to his wife: May God give you streng[1 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 3: a cavalry officer of the army of the United States. (search)
, the cavalry service was the most agreeable to Lee. He was fond of horses, and liked to see them c established at Louisville, Ky., where Lieutenant-Colonel Lee assumed command on the 20th of April, temporary regimental headquarters. He writes Mrs. Lee from that post, July 1, 1855: The chaplain ofn in the midst of a fatal epidemic, and wrote Mrs. Lee, from Fort Riley, November 5, 1855: The courtlonel Lee arrived in Texas in March, 1856: To Mrs. Lee he writes from San Antonio on March 20, 1856:act of coffee-all of which have been provided. Lee was afterward stationed at Camp Cooper, on the o us. On the 25th of the same month he tells Mrs. Lee: I shall leave here on the 1st proximo for thlways result in loss to the officers. Lieutenant-Colonel Lee gives as a glimpse of this in a letterFort Brown, Texas, January 7, 1857-writing to Mrs. Lee, whom he hears has been sick, he says: Systemers. And on the 25th of June, 1857, Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, in advising his wife and one of his d[14 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 4: War. (search)
te. The allegiance of her citizens to her was undisputed and admitted. Before the life-blood could circulate in the veins of the new Government it must be stamped with the approbation of the States; it had no power to act unless ratified by nine of these States. If the other four did not ratify the Constitution, the government so formed was not binding on them. The State conventions called for this purpose were for the most part cautious and exceedingly slow of action. To the State of Lee's nativity the independence of the colonies and their union afterward as States was largely due. One of her sons held the sword and another the pen that accomplished this great work. The superb oratory of another kept the camp fires of the Revolution burning brightly, while in ringing tones still another of her citizens moved That these united colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, and that all political connection between these States and the State of Great Br
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 8: commands the army defending Richmond, and seven days battles. (search)
f his spurs. He was twenty-nine years old when Lee ordered him to locate McClellan's right flank ain the hands of God; my duty requires me here. Lee knew him well. He had been a classmate at the the officers and men under his command. General Lee had secured, by this brilliant exploit of Sensive again. The 11th of June was a busy day. Lee first prepared the instructions to start Stuartwith the greater part of his effective forces. Lee wished the first information of the arrival of ed Jackson was rapidly moving to the support of Lee. The main portion of his army left the Valley oby the fire of his infantry and artillery. General Lee in his report says: To reach this open groud in intrenchments. In view of these facts General Lee deemed it inexpedient to attack him. His trconcluding his report of these engagements, General Lee says that under ordinary circumstances the d he had to fight two hundred thousand troops. Lee's army numbered at the beginning of these comba[41 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 12: Gettysburg. (search)
n the hills of Appomattox. It is all my fault, Lee exclaimed, and proceeded in person to rally andside. With that wonderful magnanimity which Lee so fully possessed he took all the responsibili. M. on the 4th General Imboden was sent for by Lee to get orders about the movements of the trainsty-two thousand, and in his Four Years with General Lee gives his reasons. The difference in these being 3,072; wounded, 14,477; missing, 5,434. Lee's report claims nearly 7,000 prisoners, which msses did not vary much, and the greater part of Lee's army was ready to receive him; he might have Lee, began to deploy his legions in his front. Lee's position was not altogether agreeable, a rapie was still waiting further demonstrations from Lee, and when night appeared without a movement he ddletown and the old Sharpsburg battlefield to Lee's position. While he was moving around the hor, at $4,600 in Confederate currency. Though Lee was ready to cover his face with his mantle and[49 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 13: campaign in Virginia.-Bristol Station.-mine Run.-Wilderness. (search)
corps on the river. As soon as Gregg reported Lee's position, the Union troops were countermarche again north of the Rappahannock. That morning Lee only went to Warrenton-seven miles. He was stilwithout further molestation, though one half of Lee's army might have been hammering his head and t2th, succeeded in placing his whole army beyond Lee on the 13th, except Warren, who stopped oppositile armies of approximate strength commanded by Lee and Grant in a campaign demanding a high order c science, the chances of success would be with Lee. The Union chief had, however, many excellehe Wilderness in a southerly direction to force Lee to accept battle. Crossing the river withouom serious apprehensions; but it was no part of Lee's plan to resist him there. Indeed, he generald by Hill's side at the head of the column rode Lee, while his cavalry marched still farther to the Hancock, just in time to save Lee's right. Lee has stated since the war Told his son, Gene[24 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 16: return to Richmond.-President of Washington College.--death and Burial. (search)
st 5, 1865, carried by Judge Brockenbrough, General Lee was told that Washington College, though a he trustees gave to them the victory. That General Lee should put aside the many large and lucratim, an old Princeton classmate and friend of General Lee's father. Liberty Hall was now Washington past associations had something to do with General Lee's accepting the presidency of the college, udacity promptly sent their rector to offer General Lee the presidency at a salary at that time not in sight of the college's treasury! General Lee's favorite war horse, Traveler, the famous gray wlies. A portion of the Northern press charged Lee with being responsible for the alleged sufferin field of Gettysburg was being considered. General Lee replied to a letter calling his attention to Mrs. Lee, thanking her for photographs of General Lee, and added, They embody to us heroic virtueired in Europe by the illustrious career of General Lee. I have less difficulty in presuming to do[8 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 17: military character. (search)
acter. It is difficult to accurately compare Lee's military genius even with that of the more mod the whole line well protected by earthworks. Lee would not have attacked as Napoleon did if the ordered forward until halfpast one. Ewell, on Lee's left, was ordered to make a demonstration on treat open to the Britishthe road to Brussels. Lee's object was to get possession of the Baltimore. We say, therefore, it is not easy to compare Lee with the great soldiers of former ages, except said, when Havelock died, thirteen years before Lee, at about the same age, that did not feel it to public mourning ; and so the South felt toward Lee. It is stated that it was impossible to gauge tties as a strategist and organizer, but perhaps Lee with the same opportunities would have been equommanded the army of the United States in 1861, Lee will prove himself the greatest captain of histe war. The impartial historian, in reviewing Lee's campaigns and the difficult conditions with w[4 more...]
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Index. (search)
own, John, mentioned, 74, 75, 76, 83. Bryan, Lee's steward, 233, 234, 366. Buckingham, Govern, 54, 62, 95, 96, 108, 134, 149, 260; letter to Lee, 310; his cabinet, 324; mentioned, 369; at church, 379, 384; indicted, 400; comments on Lee, 418. Dearing, General, killed, 384. Deep Bottom, mentioned, 102, 113. General Orders No. 1, Lee's, 368. George . mentioned, 79. Germania ce Church, Lexington, Va., 411. Grace Darling, Lee's horse, 181. Graham, William, mentioned, 40letter, 389; his third note, 391; final note to Lee, 392; receives Lee's surrender, 393; conditionsLee's surrender, 393; conditions, 394; liberal terms, 395; generosity at Appomattox, 398; interferes in behalf of Lee, 401. GrapLee, 401. Grape Vine Bridge, 162. Gray, General, William, 10. Greene, General, Nathanael, 10, 14, 15, 16, 410. ; described, 378. Hill, Benjamin, tribute to Lee, 418. Hill, General D. H., notice of, 47; meaised, 369; to oppose Sherman, 372; letter to Mrs. Lee, 416. Johnston, Peter, mentioned, 9. Jo[1 more...]