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ng the road, in advance and skirmishing, turned the Confederate left. The infantry was arranged as follows: On the right, the Twenty-seventh Illinois, Colonel N. B. Buford; next, the Thirty-first Illinois, Colonel John A. Logan; next, the Thirtieth Illinois, Colonel Philip B. Fouke-making a brigade, under command of Brigadier-General John A. McClernand. The rear of the column, forming the left wing, was composed of the Twenty-second Illinois, Colonel H. Dougherty, and the Seventh Iowa, Colonel Lauman, and was commanded by Colonel Dougherty. The first attack was made by the right wing; but, as it advanced, the Twenty-seventh Illinois, in passing around the head of a pond, was separated from the command, and found itself on the left flank of the Confederates. McClernand's other two regiments struck them on the right flank and front; and Dougherty's brigade, passing behind the Thirtieth and Thirty-first Illinois to their right, occupied the interval, and thus became the centre. Wh
ivision, 8,425 men (see Appendix B to this chapter). Smith's brigades were commanded by Colonels J. G. Lauman, Morgan L. Smith, and J. Cook. Lauman had the Second, Seventh, and Fourteenth Iowa; tLauman had the Second, Seventh, and Fourteenth Iowa; the Twenty-fifth and Fifty-sixth Indiana; Birge's regiment of sharp-shooters, and Stone's Missouri Battery. M. L. Smith had the Eighth Missouri and Eleventh Indiana; and Cook had the Seventh and Fiftie brief but brilliant. Smith's assaulting column consisted of the six regiments that composed Lauman's brigade: the Second Iowa, Colonel Tuttle; Twenty-fifth Indiana, Colonel Veatch; Seventh Iowa, elped Hanson defend the second line. In this last engagement, while Smith was attacking with Lauman's brigade, the Twelfth Iowa, Colonel Wood, and the Fiftieth Illinois, Colonel Bane, of Cook's brBuckner, however, considered it the key to his position, which it probably was. The loss of Lauman's brigade, exclusive of the Fifty-second Indiana, temporarily attached and not reported, was 61
uge between them. McClernand's defense, arresting the Confederate advance on the centre for some time, by half-past 9 or ten o'clock a new and very strong line of battle was formed, and ready to receive the approaching Southerners. Stuart's brigade held the left, resting on the river. Supporting Stuart, came up from Wallace the Ninth and Twelfth Illinois, of McArthur's brigade, but they were routed by 10 A.. M., with a loss of 250 killed and wounded. Then came Hurlbut, with Williams's and Lauman's fresh and veteran brigades and three batteries. On his right, Prentiss's division had rallied, reinforced by the Twenty-third Missouri Regiment, just landed, and the Eighth Iowa. The remainder of McArthur's brigade was also in this part of the field-but probably farther to the right. Wallace had brought up Tuttle's brigade, of four veteran regiments, on his left, and Sweeney's brigade next, of three regiments. Then, to the right of Wallace, were McClernand's and Sherman's confused but