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e inhabitants of Medford, but for those of the northern towns who took loads on horseback to Boston. If the earliest records of the town had been preserved, we should doubtless have found in them some notices of the Ford, and some regulations concerning it. May 3, 1642: The General Court say: It is declared by this Court, that the selected town's men have power to lay out particular and private ways concerning their own town only. The road from the landing, called No man's friend (now Mr. Lapham's ship-yard), was made by Charlestown, 1641, to their land north of Medford. The road is now called Cross and Fulton Streets. To have free access to the river, the great highway, they opened private roads for the use of owners of lands, and what were called range-ways for the free use of the public. Many of these are found in Charlestown. One of these was Cross Street; the next, west of it, was at the Ford, and the Governor Lane was a part of it; the next was by the easterly side of
Withington, J. M. Sanford, Chas. S. Jacobs, Alex. Gregg, Surveyor of Highways. John T. White,Constables. Elisha Tolman, Amos Hemphill, John T. White, Collector of Taxes. Eleazer Davis,Field Drivers. Willard Butters, Thos. Gillard, Pyam Cushing,Fence Viewers. Peter C. Hall, Nathan W. Wait, John T. White,Fish Committee. Amos Hemphill, Elbridge Teel, Henry H. Jacquith, Pound Keeper. John Sparrell,Surveyors of Lumber. Jas. O. Curtis, J. T. Foster, E. Stetson, J. Loring, S. Lapham, O. Joyce, J. Stetson, J. Taylor, P. Curtis, P. Cushing, E. Hayden, G. T. Goodwin, A. Hutchens, R. E. Ells, H. Taylor, C. S. Jacobs, B. R. Teel, E. Waterman, J. Sanborn, T. T. Fowler, J. Clapp, B. H. Samson, Expenses. The first book kept by the Treasurer is lost. From the second, which begins in 1729, and others of later date, the following items of expenses are taken. The modern modes of book-keeping were not known to our fathers. There were sometimes two or th
committee of seven was appointed this day to consider the expediency of building a new meeting-house, and to procure plans and estimates. They finally recommended the erection of a wooden house; and on the 2d of April, 1839, the parish passed the following vote: That the present house be taken down, and a new one built on the same spot in its stead, not to exceed in cost the sum of $12,000. The building-committee were Messrs. Samuel P. Heywood, Andrew Blanchard, jun., George W. Porter, Samuel Lapham, and Milton James, Esqrs. Whether the parish had learned wisdom from former times or not, we cannot tell; but surely the unanimity and heartiness seen in these movements evince solid judgment and Christian character. Three judicious and disinterested gentlemen were chosen, from towns adjacent, to apprize the pews in the old meeting-house; and they performed their duty acceptably,--not awarding over twenty dollars to the best pews. The parish took leave of the old house on Sunday, Ma
e, jun.Boston283.26 171810ShipMary & FrancesS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel GoddardBoston438.90 18  Magoun'sT. Magoun  135 29 BrigEdward FosterS. Lapham'sC. TurnerEdward CruftBoston184.34 30 BrigVentrosaS. Lapham'sC. TurnerNathaniel GoddardBoston195.39 31 BrigRamblerS. Lapham'sC. TurnerBenjamid othersBoston371.61 51 BrigAmsterdam PacketS. Lapham'sC. TurnerPhillip Maret and othersBoston178.gounNathaniel GoddardBoston335 118 BrigElizaS. Lapham's------RogersJonathan BartlettBoston280 119e, & MagounBoston & Medford299 141 ShipTimorS. Lapham'sGeorge FullerDaniel C. BaconBoston300 142  T. MagounBoston & Medford302 148 Sch.EdwardS. Lapham'sGeorge FullerGeorge B. LaphamMedford55 149MagounMagoun & SonMedford452 192 ShipChathamS. Lapham'sS. LaphamHenry OxnardBoston452 193 ShipBazaarS. Lapham'sS. LaphamHenry OxnardBoston490 194 ShipArgoSprague & James'sSprague & JamesRobert Fa. PearsonBoston500 275 ShipBerlinS. Lapham'sS. LaphamWm. H. & J. E. BoardmanBoston600 276 ShipPr[
O. Curtis, F. Waterman & H. Ewell, and Hayden & Cudworth. 3. Yard on Riverside avenue, opposite end of Cross street. Occupied in 1805 by Calvin Turner & E. Briggs, and at successive periods by Calvin Turner, E. & H. Rogers, G. B. Lapham, and S. Lapham. 4. Yard off Swan street, site of present city stables. Here James O. Curtis commenced ship-building in 1839, and the yard was exclusively used by him except in one instance, when B. F. Delano used it to build a small schooner. 5. Yard oe results of the shipbuilding of the town as shown by Mr. Usher's tables: builders.No. vessels. Thatcher Magoun84 C. Turner & E. Briggs3 Calvin Turner25 James Ford2 Sprague & James66 George Fuller29 E. & H. Rogers9 John Sparrell1 Samuel Lapham20 Jotham Stetson32 Curtis & Co.2 P. & J. O. Curtis6 Waterman & Ewell51 Foster & Taylor22 Paul Curtis27 James O. Curtis78 George H. Briggs1 Peter Lewis1 Henry Ewell9 John Taylor12 Joshua T. Foster42 Haydn & Cudworth39 B. F. Delan
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Reminiscences of an earlier Medford. (search)
e already stated, many of those who made the reading-room their resort were men of advanced age, and might be considered as links connecting the centuries. Beside those I have already mentioned were Ebenezer Hall, Joseph Manning, 1st., Dr. Daniel Swan, Dudley Hall, and Joseph Swan. Their conversation, reverting to incidents which occurred in their youth, opened vistas into a past which now seems very remote to us. Other patrons of the reading-room, belonging to a later generation, were Samuel Lapham, Joseph Manning, 2d., Daniel Lawrence, George L. Stearns, John Sparrell, Jonas Coburn, George Hervey, Dudley C. Hall, Peter C. Hall, George W. Porter, John Clough, Albert H. Butters, and Col. Francis R. Bigelow, and there were doubtless others whose names escape me. Let it be remembered that I am speaking of the reading-room in the early period of its history. I was not so well acquainted with it afterwards. When the Tufts House was taken down the quarters of the club were removed to
and is to be credited with twenty-five vessels. Another contemporary was Samuel Lapham, son of George Bryant Lapham, of Marshfield, Mass., who came here in 1800, arly opposite what is now Maverick street. Here was born, on Nov. 4, 1808, Samuel Lapham (2d), who became apprenticed to Thatcher Magoun, and, after serving his timnd others, for Mr. John E. Lodge, the father of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. Mr. Lapham was the first chief engineer of the Medford Fire Department. He died at his ce from Marshfield; and bought land along the street between Mr. Magoun's and Mr. Lapham's. For his brother Samuel he built the house afterward occupied by Roland Jac large dwelling-house . . . known by the name of the Colleges. Passing by Lapham's ship-yard, which has been noticed, just beyond on the edge of the river was t in attraction for the children. In early days matches were unknown, and old Mr. Lapham, the blacksmith, would be seen daily coming up the street from his house with
were Isaac Sprague, Daniel Lawrence and Elisha Stetson. The town voted to build the Town House of wood at an estimated cost of $3,600. In 1834 the above committee was discharged and John P. Clisby, John Sparrell and Thomas R. Peck were appointed, with instructions to observe generally the outlines of the plan, which was drawn by Mr. Benjamin, as regards the general exterior appearance of the building. The structure was damaged by fire October 27, 1839. John P. Clisby, Lewis Richardson, Samuel Lapham, Galen James and Darius Waitt were the committee to repair. At this time the brick wall on the south side was built. In 1850 it was again burned. George T. Goodwin, Daniel Lawrence and Charles S. Jacobs were chosen a committee to repair the building. It was proposed to build a belfry at this time, but the town voted in the negative. Slate roof and copper gutters were the extent of outside improvements. Except in a few minor details, the exterior of the building has never been chang
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., The old ship-building days. (search)
o of interest to acute nostrils. The white oak that had been absorbing from nature for many decades, in being worked into shape for use, gave forth its own peculiar aroma, as did also the yellow pine from Georgia, the hackmatack and other woods. Then the bales of oakum, the great melting kettles of pitch, tar and tallow, and the atmosphere around the saw-pits, the steam box and sizzling forges, all made up a variety of strong and positive odors. In the yard at foot of Cross street Mr. Samuel Lapham (who lived in the large house by the Cross street railroad bridge) built several first-class merchantmen for Mr. John E. Lodge, father of Senator Cabot Lodge. The Argonaut was a '49er, and such was the demand for freight and passenger accommodation that she was paid for before ever casting off her lines for her maiden voyage around The Horn to San Francisco. Curiosity as to the name of this ship is satisfied by history, which says that the Argonauts were famous Greek heroes, who acco