Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Kershaw or search for Kershaw in all documents.

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ripened into a personal one, as close and as unselfish on both sides, as that already existing between Grant and Sherman. The rebel government was not long in learning that a new commander had superseded the crowd of generals who previously moved up and down the Valleys of the Potomac and. the Shenandoah without concert and without success. They learned also that Sheridan was to be reinforced, and Lee at once determined to resist him. It has already been seen that Anderson was sent with Kershaw's division and FitzLee's cavalry to the neighborhood of Culpeper, to co-operate with Early. Anderson's orders were to cross the Potomac east of the Blue Ridge, while Early entered Maryland higher up the stream, and the two commanders, acting in concert, were to make a second movement against Washington. This statement of Lee's orders to Early and Anderson is taken from McCabe, who gives it still more minutely. Early, however, says not a word to indicate that he was expected a second ti
onfidently expect the return here of at least Kershaw's division and Rosser's cavalry. It will req his defeats at Winchester and Fisher's Hill, Kershaw and Fitz-Lee were ordered to return to him. KKershaw had already reached Culpeper on his way to Richmond, but on the receipt of these orders, he more than ten thousand men, The arrival of Kershaw will add greatly to your strength. . . All th:— July 10Fitz-Lee1,706 effective. Aug. 31Kershaw3,445 effective. Sept. 10Lomax3,568 effective the ablest of the rebel generals; while with Kershaw and Wharton he himself marched direct throughr Gordon to move around in the national rear, Kershaw to attack the left flank, and Wharton to advan Wright as soon as he turned upon Gordon and Kershaw. Rosser was sent to the national right, to oeak had struck the rear of Wright's command. Kershaw's attack on the national left was simultaneou division, on Early's left, first broke, then Kershaw, and finally Ramseur. An attempt was made t[3 more...]
e men floundered wildly back through the creek, and gave themselves up to the very brigades they had just driven across. A moment later the two sections of the Sixth corps closed like gates upon the entire rebel force, while from the hillsides in the rear Merritt and Crook suddenly swept through the pine-trees like a whirlwind. There was one bewildering moment in which the rebels fought on every hand, and then they threw down their arms and surrendered. Ewell, in command of the force, Kershaw, Custis Lee, Semmes, Corse, De Foe, Barton—all generals, hundreds of inferior officers, and seven thousand men, were prisoners. Fourteen guns fell into the hands of the cavalry, and the entire rear-guard of Lee's army was destroyed. A few officers escaped on the backs of artillery horses, and some of the men broke their muskets before submitting. A part of the wagon train had gone on during the battle, but Ewell's command surrendered on the open field. Getty's division was pushed on
austed, and many of them without shoes. When Kershaw arrives I shall do the best I can, and hope I messenger to you to get your views. Without Kershaw, I would have about six thousand muskets. of night towards Port Republic to unite with Kershaw. After doing this, I drove a division of ceneral Gordon, and late at night I moved with Kershaw's division through Strasburg, towards a ford as for Gordon to come around in the rear, for Kershaw to attack the left flank, and for Wharton to on the enemy when he should turn on Gordon or Kershaw, and the attack was to begin at 5 A. M. on thss towards the Valley pike. Punctually at 5, Kershaw reached the enemy's left work, attacked and cho had got on the left with his division, and Kershaw, who were then also to swing around and advant he could hold, and, the cavalry in front of Kershaw and Gordon having moved towards Rosser, they ision on the left subsequently gave way, and Kershaw's and Ramseur's did so also, when they found [1 more...]
ce Officers.Engineer Officers.Signal Officers.Aides-de-Camp.Officers.Enlisted MenOfficers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men.Aggregate.Officers.Enlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men. General Staff1331111112121212 Lt-General J. Longstreet commanding. Staff112313111141441814 Pickett's Divisi'n13419612133044,7611840012895151218806,1776,5571032,0311016509,4426,520 Field's Divisi'n251145423414,436272722455814274395,2935,7323024,079721,32311,5085,797 Kershaw's Divisi'n123212514312062,96714227255867552863,8354,1212163,1361001,6069,1794,178 Total127136881751119285112,1645989961208986208111915,80516,4246259,2462733,57930,14716,509 Maj-General J. B. Gordon commanding. Staff Gordon's Div121951311261432,30928440183006582273,1073,3342665,3903704,16013,5203,372 Rodes's Div24951221863,0222649235700101002824,3144,5961683,3891773,84612,1764,445 Early's Div2426411121292,2929287193555771853,0113,196872,2521652,3108,0102,991 Total169224143621664587,62
ent, III., 356; supersedes Beauregard in front of Sherman, 398; plan to unite forces with Lee, 420; at Bentonsville, 429; retreat through Raleigh, 27; first interview with Sherman, 628; final interview with Sherman, 633; surrender of 634. Kautz, General A. V. attack on Petersburg II., 344; at Ream's station, 404: in Wilson's raid, 404-409; at Darbytown, III., 70. Kenesaw mountain, Sherman's assault on, II., 536-538. Kentucky, neutrality of, i., 11; strategical situation in, 22. Kershaw, General, in Valley of Virginia, III., 84; at battle of Cedar creek, 93, 94, 96, 97; returns to Lee, 101; captured at battle of Sailor's creek, 577. Kilpatrick, General, Judson, sent south of Atlanta, II. 544; in command of cavalry in Sherman's army, III., 283; in march to sea, 288, 289, 293; in campaign through Carolinas, 373. Kingston taken by Sherman, II., 535. Knoxville, danger of, i., 531; siege of, 534-543. Lamb, Colonel, commandant of Fort Fisher, III., 341, 343. Lauman, Ge