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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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eir forts, and within plain sight and range of their works. Our force lay in that position for near two hours, until observations were completed, and then returned to their camp at Lumpkins's Mills without molestation by the enemy. Colonel Lee did good service with his cavalry, but did not command the expedition. The Ohio regiments would doubtless have done good service if they had been called upon, but they were not, and only marched out and back without so much as forming a line. The only injury done to any of our artillery was the breaking of an axletree of a limber-box belonging to one of the guns, by rushing against a tree. By inserting this you will be honoring those to whom honor is due, and much oblige, yours respectfully, N. W. Spicer, Captain, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. J. W. Staw, First Lieutenant, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. Milton Kennedy, Second Lieutenant, Co. D, First Kansas Volunteers. H. M. Howard, First Lieutenant, Co. H, First Kansas Infantry.