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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Kershaw. (search)
occurred here, and next morning I rejoined the division near the St. James College. We remained in line of battle, with the enemy in front, until the night of the 13th, when we marched to Falling Waters, and recrossed the Potomac on the 14th. March was continued next day to Bunker Hill, where we rested until the 18th, when we resumed the march for Culpeper Courthouse via Millwood, Front Royal, Chester Gap and Gaines' Cross-roads, arriving at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 24th. I cannot close this report without expressing my thanks to Major W. D. Peck, A. Q. M., and Major Joseph Kennedy, A. C. S. of the brigade staff, and all the regimental officers of their departments for their assiduous and efficient exertions during this important campaign. The reports of regimental commanders accompany this. The casualties have already been reported. I am, Major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. B. Kershaw, Brigadier-General Commanding. Major J. M. Goggin, A. A. General.
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 55: operations of the Mississippi Squadron in the latter part of 1864 and in 1865. (search)
H. L. Juce; Acting Second-Assistants, Edwin Senior and Andrew Wilson; Acting-Third-Assistants, A. M. Wasson and Geo. W. Amsden. Forest Rose--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, A. N. Gould; Acting-Ensigns, H. B. Graves, C. W. Johnston and Geo. G. Cox; Acting-Master's Mates, Ira Athearn. C. W. Crooker and J. M. Stewart; Acting-Assistant Surgeon, R. Cadwallader; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, A. J. Myers; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Francis Marsh; Acting-Second-Assistant, Joseph Kennedy; Acting-Third-Assistant, Silas Huskey. St. Clair--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, James S. French; Acting-Ensigns, Joseph Sawyer, W. A. Burchard and H. O. Proctor; Acting-Master's Mates, W. S. Culbertson. James Reid and W. T. Ross; Acting-Assistant Paymaster, E. H. Johnson; Engineers: Acting-First-Assistant, Wm. McLean; Acting-Second-Assistant, Edward Lozier; Acting-Third-Assistant, Michael J. Soden. Lexington--Fourth-rate. Acting-Volunteer-Lieutenant, William Flye
ght of the 13th instant, consisting of the first launch, and first, second, and third cutters, under the commands of Lieutenant Russell, Sproston, Blake, and Midshipman Steece, respectively, assisted by Captain Reynolds, of the marines, Assistant-Surgeon Kennedy, Assistant-Engineer White, Gunner Horton, and Midshipmen Forrest and Higginson. The whole force detailed consisted of about one hundred men, officers, sailors, and marines. The object of the expedition was the destruction of a schooney the men, and the latter have learned to look with new pride and confidence on the former. The marines, especially, seem to have sustained the reputation borne by their branch of the service, as they receive encomiums from all sides. Assistant-surgeon Kennedy rendered valuable assistance in the care of the wounded. Assistant-engineer White brought down from the cross-trees of the schooner a man who had been seen to fire upon the boats, killing him instantly. I enclose, herewith, a complete
side, dangerously; B. F. Stabler, private, Co. C, Body Guard, shot in the wrist; F. Landerking, private, Co. A, Body Guard, in the hand, one finger off; Wm. B. Swan, private, Co. B, Body Guard, slightly; C. W. Moore, Co. C, Body Guard, slightly;---Nelman, Co. B, Body Guard, sabre cut and bruises on the head, dangerous; Charles Gilsticht, Irish Dragoons, shot in the arm; Jerold Connor, Irish Dragoons, shot in the hip; Wm. J. McDonald, Co. A, Body Guard, flesh wound in the thigh; John Frank, Co. B, Body Guard, in the shoulder, slight; A. L. Weiss; Co. A, Body Guard, shot in the thigh; Louis Weinel, Co. B, Body Guard, shot in the thigh, slight; George W. Holbrook, Co. B, Body Guard, shot in the elbow, slight fracture; R. M. Smith, Union citizen of Miller County, a prisoner, and wounded, sabre cuts on head; Daniel L. Jones, Co. C, Body Guard, shot in thigh, dangerously; R. M. McDonald, sergeant, Co. C, Body Guard, shot in the leg, slight; First Lieut. Joseph Kennedy, Co. C, in the arm.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
avis, L. P. Davis, David Dice, George W. Dice, John Dice, Archibald Davis, Andrew Ervin, James B. Firebaugh, James W. Firebaugh, Henry Firebaugh, Taylor Ford, Alexander Ford, Isaac Friend, Robert Fulwiler, Henry A. Green, C. P. Green, John H. Greiner, C. C. Greiner, Granville Greiner, James L. Glendy, J. W. Gibson, John A. Gibson, J. Samuel Gibson, Howard Houston, N. B. Hull, James M. Huffman, John Huffman, Lorenzo Hill, John Hanger, Charles W. Irvine, John Johnston, John M. Kirkpatrick, Joseph Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph Kinnear,W. B. F. Leech, James Lindsay, H. T. Lindsay, John Lowman, James A. Lyle, William A. Lyle, John H. Lyle, James Lockridge, Isaac Lotts, Jacob Ludwick, W. R. Lackey, H. A. Lackey, A. B. Mackey, John W. Mackey, Gideon Marks, H. Rudd Morrison, John R. McNutt, Josiah McNutt, J. J. McBride, Samuel C. McMaster, Samuel Mines, John McKinsey, B. F. McClung, D. B. McClung, James A. McClung, John T. McClung, A. A. McClung, Henry (Little) Mackey, John Henr
Discharged. --Peter Doyle, caged for trespassing on C. P. Cardozo, corner of Foushee and Cary streets, was brought before the Mayor yesterday and admonished and discharged; same judgment in regard to Stephen B. Hawley, caged for fighting with Wm. Jones in the street, (Jones gave security;) same judgment in regard to Columbia Anderson, Manchester free negro, arrested at 12 o'clock Tuesday night, on Broad street, without her register; same judgement as to Thomas Billington, arrested for drunkenness, disorderly conduct, and resistance to watchman Baptist; same judgment in the case of Henry Hose and Jno. Butler, arrested by the watch on suspicion of entering Martin Arnold's house, with intent to commit a larceny; same verdict as to Jos. Kennedy, found drunk and staggering about the streets.
The Daily Dispatch: June 17, 1864., [Electronic resource], The soldiers giving to the poor of the City. (search)
with pleasure the receipt of one day's rations, contributed by the gallant soldiers of Gen Lee's army, for the benefit of the poor of this city, as follows: From Gen C A Evans's Brigade. From 1st regiment, 2d, 5th and 6th Rifles, and Palmetto Sharpshooters, of S C Volunteers, Jenkins's Brigade, per Joseph Mayo, Esq, Mayor. From 15th Alabama regiment, Col W C Oates, per J P Hill, Commissary Sergeant. From 8th and 20th South Carolina regiments, Kershaw's Brigade, per Major Joseph Kennedy. From 18th Virginia regiment, Bunton's Brigade, per C E Daugherty, Commissary Sergeant. From 17th Virginia regiment, Corse's Brigade, per T L Chase, Commissary Sergeant. From 19th Virginia regiment, Hunton's Brigade. From 57th Virginia regiment, Barton's Brigade. From 1st Regiment Virginia Artillery. From 9th and 38th Virginia regiments, of Barton's Brigade, per M C Blackwell, Commissary Sergeant. From 11th Virginia regiment, per E P White, Commissar