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The Daily Dispatch: March 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 2 Browse Search
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scovered. The New York Herald furnished an account of the manner in which the plot against the fugacious Abe was discovered. It says: It appears that there were two sets of most effective detectives sent to work upon the matter. Mr. Fouche Kennedy, of New York, at the instance of Thurlow Weed, dispatched one band of detective police to Baltimore and the interlying points between that place and Harrisburg, to ferret out the plot, and the Vidocq of Baltimore had another band employed ierrible conspiracy against the life of Mr. Lincoln. which compelled him to resort to the Scotch cap of the Camerous and the long military cloak, in which undignified disguise he reached the Federal capital with a whole skin. No sooner did Mr. Fouche Kennedy succeed in discovering this awful conspiracy than he turned up at Washington, in search of an office, we suppose, to which he is undoubtedly entitled at the hands of Mr. Lincoln, whose life he so miraculously preserved. The Southern C