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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers who died of wounds. (search)
.,39th Mass. Inf.,– –Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 30, 1864. Kelton, Ira J., Capt.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 24, 1862. Kendall, J. Henry,53d Mass. Inf.,Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.New Orleans, La., June 24, 1863. Kendall, James T. E.,13th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 1, 1862. Kendrick, Stephen M.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –U. S. Hospital, May 30, 1864. Kennedy, Bernard,16th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864.Alexandria, Va., May 17, 1864. Kennedy, Daniel,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.July 14, 1862. Kennedy, Thomas H.,1st Mass. H. A.,May 19, 1864,Washington, D. C., July 31, 1864. Kennett, Charles H., Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,June 16, 1864,Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Kenney, Thomas S.,28th Mass. Inf.,Bull Run (2d), Va., Aug. 30, 1862.Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Kenney, Timothy,20th Mass. Inf.,– –Nov. 17, 1862. Kenney, William H.,25th Mass. Inf.,– –Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Kesland, Jacob,1st Mass
.,39th Mass. Inf.,– –Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 30, 1864. Kelton, Ira J., Capt.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 24, 1862. Kendall, J. Henry,53d Mass. Inf.,Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863.New Orleans, La., June 24, 1863. Kendall, James T. E.,13th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.Hagerstown, Md., Oct. 1, 1862. Kendrick, Stephen M.,1st Mass. H. A.,– –U. S. Hospital, May 30, 1864. Kennedy, Bernard,16th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864.Alexandria, Va., May 17, 1864. Kennedy, Daniel,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862.July 14, 1862. Kennedy, Thomas H.,1st Mass. H. A.,May 19, 1864,Washington, D. C., July 31, 1864. Kennett, Charles H., Corp.,1st Mass. H. A.,June 16, 1864,Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Kenney, Thomas S.,28th Mass. Inf.,Bull Run (2d), Va., Aug. 30, 1862.Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Kenney, Timothy,20th Mass. Inf.,– –Nov. 17, 1862. Kenney, William H.,25th Mass. Inf.,– –Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Kesland, Jacob,1st Mass
82 Kelly, W. B., 464 Kelren, William, 382 Kelsey, Ezra, 528 Kelton, I. J., 464 Kelty, Eugene, 57, 382 Kelverton, William, 382 Kemp, F. E., 528 Kemp, G. A., 382 Kemp, J. A., 528 Kempton, E. A., 528 Kempton, J. W., 528 Kempton, M. V., 382 Kendall, —, 528 Kendall, A. A., 74, 382 Kendall, A. H., 528 Kendall, E. H., 382 Kendall, J. H., 464 Kendall, J. T. E., 464 Kendrick, David, 528 Kendrick, S. M., 464 Kenneally, John, 382 Kennebry, Michael, 528 Kennedy, Bernard, 464 Kennedy, Daniel, 464 Kennedy, James, 382 Kennedy, John, 382 Kennedy, Kelab, 382 Kennedy, Paul, 382 Kennedy, T. H., 464 Kennedy, Timothy, 382 Kennedy, William, 528 Kenner, H., 528 Kennett, C. H., 464 Kenney, A. C., 528 Kenney, David, 528 Kenney, G. W., 178 Kenney, Patrick, 382 Kenney, S. C., 382 Kenney, T. S., 464 Kenney, Timothy, 464, 528 Kenney, W. H., 464 Kennison, W. W., 43 Kenny, A. J., 382 Kenny, Edward, 382 Kenny, John, 528 Kenny, T. F., 382 Kenny, William, 65 Kent, G. S.,
Condemned to be shot. --The court-martial now in session here, yesterday condemned Daniel Kennedy, a member of the 18th Virginia Battalion, to be shot to death with a ustetry, for desertion.--The execution is appointed to take place within the next ten days.
Sentences of Court-Martial. --The following sentences were passed on the 16th instant: Private C. H., Palmer, company C, 19th Virginia battalion, for conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline, to forfeit pay for twelve months and close confinement for twenty-eight days, in two periods — an interval of a fortnight between each — and five months hard labor; George Steele, company L, 59th Virginia regiment, for desertion, forfeiture of pay during the war, and fifty lashes on his bare back. Colonel Ebett was appointed to see Daniel Kennedy shot for desertio
Castle Thunder items. --Since our last report, the following commitments have been made to Castle Thunder: J. Crane, Fifth Louisiana, and Thomas Quinn, Fourteenth Louisiana, charged with robbing a paroled soldier. Andrew Redford, Fifteenth Virginia, and Thomas Jordan, a detailed conscript at the navy-yard, charged with attempting to escape to the enemy. A member of the First Michigan cavalry, named Walter Terrell, was committed upon suspicion of being a spy. Also, the following runaway negroes, who were recaptured from the Yankees: Peter, slave of George Timberlake, of Richmond; Charles, slave of C. W. Maupin, of Louisa county, Virginia; Lindsey, slave of Mrs. Bettie Roberts, of Nelson, county, Virginia; Taylor Martin, slave of Daniel Kennedy, of Charlottesville; Jack, slave of John H. Coleman, of Albemarle, and Tom, slave of Charles Boswell, of Fluvanna, Virginia.