Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Andrew Johnson or search for Andrew Johnson in all documents.

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he 17th, the pursuit was resumed. The Fourth corps pushed on by the direct Franklin road, and the cavalry moved by the Granny White, to its intersection with the Franklin turnpike, and then took the advance. Wilson now sent one division, under Johnson, to the right, on the Hillsboroa road, with directions to cross the Harpeth river and move rapidly to Franklin, in advance of the enemy. In the meantime, the main column came up with Hood's rear-guard, four miles north of Franklin, and pressed with great boldness and activity, repeatedly charging the infantry with the sabre, and several times quite penetrating the lines. The rebels now fell back across the Harpeth, and Johnson's division coming up on the southern side, compelled them to retire altogether from the river banks; the cavalry then took possession of Franklin, capturing two thousand wounded. On the night of the 17th, the rebels encamped at Spring Hill, and on the 18th, Hood continued his retreat across the Duck river, to
nd South Anna rivers, and march rapidly round to White House before the rebels could arrive. Custer and Devin accordingly proceeded by different roads towards Ashland, and Longstreet was found only four miles from that place, with Pickett and Johnson's infantry and Fitz Lee's cavalry. The feint had completely succeeded, and Sheridan's course was now entirely clear. One brigade was left to amuse the enemy, while the remainder of the command made haste to cross the North Anna and take up thegeneral battle, and it could not have resulted otherwise than successfully to us, by reason of our vastly superior numbers; but at the moment, for the reasons given, I preferred to make junction with Generals Terry and Schofield, before engaging Johnson's army, the strength of which was utterly unknown.—Sherman's Memoirs, vol. II., page 304. During the night the enemy retreated on Smithfield, leaving his pickets to fall into the national hands, with many dead unburied, and the wounded in the h
on the morning of the 15th, at the moment of the triumph of that cause of which he had been the devoted servant as well as the indefatigable and beloved leader, and of which he now became the most exalted and lamented martyr. His successor, Andrew Johnson, was inaugurated on the same day. These astounding events imposed unforeseen and important duties on all connected with the government, and Grant, of course, remained at the capital. Meanwhile, the expected sequel to the surrender of Le sanction of the government to procure the indictment of Lee and others for the crime of treason. The former rebel chief at once appealed to Grant, who went in person to the President, and protested verbally and in writing against the measure. Johnson, however, was obstinate, and Grant finally declared that he would resign his commission in the army if the paroles which he had granted should be violated. This determination was conclusive. The proceedings were abandoned, and the communicatio
,1765,5622093,5402032,33811,8525,543 Wileox's Div4321253143095,88334544540615393976,8726,7691792,591921,78011,4116,822 Total11910445203123110986514,087121170343130632104118916,70017,88968211,0064536,10736,13717,872 Lt.-Gen. R. H. Anderson, Johnson's Division125118715364316,505172642149015595287,3187,8462103,343521,19112,642 Lt.-General J. A. Early commanding. Staff111422111111616222018 Wharton's Div13143112681,11217012264239991,4851,5841943,3061041,5476,7351,528 Long's Artillery114113 hundred and fifty men; very few men were lost as prisoners. We have of the enemy a number of prisoners. This force is too strong for us. I will hold on to Dinwiddie courthouse until I am compelled to leave. We have also some prisoners from Johnson's division. Our fighting to-day was all dismounted. P. H. Sheridan, Major-General. Official statement of the effective force of the cavalry under the command of Major-General Sheridan in the operations of Dinwiddie court-house, Virginia, Ma
en to you by the late President, Abraham Lincoln, on the 3rd of March, by my telegraph of that date, addressed to you, express substantially the views of President Andrew Johnson, and will be observed by General Sherman. A copy is herewith appended. The President desires that you proceed immediately to the headquarters of Majo the late President, in the following telegram which was penned by Mr. Lincoln himself at the Capitol, on the night of the 3rd of March, were approved by President Andrew Johnson, and were reiterated to govern the action of military commanders. On the night of the 3rd of March, while President Lincoln and his cabinet were at ththe United States and its constituted authorities must be sustained and perpetuated, not for our good alone, but for that of coming generations. I would like Mr. Johnson to read this letter, and to believe me that the newspaper gossip of my having presidential aspirations is absurd and offensive to me, and I would check it if I
346-357, 374; Sheridan crosses, 398; movement of July 26, 1864, north of, 468-475; movement of August 12, 1864, north of, 505-508; movement of September 29, 1864, north of, III., 68-76; movement of October 27, 1864, north of, 122-3. Johnson, President, Andrew, inauguration of, III., 627; disapproves Sherman's course in North Carolina, 631; desires to try Lee for treason, 654. Johnston, General Alert S., at Shiloh, i., 75; his death, 84. Johnston, General Joseph E., in chief command aga 410-425; at Winnsboro, 424; battle of Bentonsville, 429-432; visits City Point, 436; advance against Smithfield, 627; enters Raleigh, 627; conference with Johnston, 627, 628; suspends hostilities, 630; terms disapproved by government, 631; President Johnson's action towards, 631; denounced by Stanton, 63; protected by Grant, 635; error in judgment of, 635; Grant's indignation at Stanton's treatment of, 636; final conference with Johnston, 633. Shiloh, battle of, i., 72-95; determination of